Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 28 ans |
"L'avantage d'être intelligent, c'est qu'on peut faire l'imbécile tout le temps, alors que l'inverse est totalement impossible"
Woody Allen
(t'as tout fait raison mon gros, moi je suis un homme, un vrai!)
(ps : et je le suis toujours hein... je ne suis pas mort!)
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Big Star - Keep An Eye On The Sky
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Townes Van Zandt - For The Sake Of The Song
- #2 Beach House - Bloom
- #3 Paul Weller - Sonik Kicks
- #4 Royal Headache - S/T
» Sirius vous recommande :
![Felt [Me And A Monkey On The Moon]](images/artistes/felt/oeuvres/meandamonkeyonthemoon_1189276847433033.jpeg)
![Robert Forster [The Evangelist]](images/artistes/robertforster/oeuvres/theevangelist_1216041818264455.jpeg)
![The Three O'Clock [Sixteen Tambourines]](images/artistes/thethreeoclock/oeuvres/sixteentambourines_1216974254611169.jpeg)
![Reigning Sound [Time Bomb High School]](images/artistes/reigningsound/oeuvres/timebombhighschool_1312370215110872.jpeg)
![Broadcast [The Noise Made By People]](images/artistes/broadcast/oeuvres/thenoisemadebypeople_1186555785914401.jpeg)

- Poor Sons [Dyunes]
- Hunters [Hands On Fire]
- Thee Oh Sees [Castlemania]
- Mikal Cronin [Mikal Cronin]
- Thee Cormans [Halloween Record W/ Sound Effects]
- Reigning Sound [Abdication... For Your Love]
- Crystal Stilts [Radiant Door]
- MC5 [Kick Out The Jams]
- The Chills [Kaleidoscope World]
- The Reatards [Teenage Hate]
- The Drums [The Drums]
- Boston Spaceships [Let It Beard]
- The Fresh & Onlys [Secret Walls]
- Big Troubles [Romantic Comedy]
- The Green Pajamas [Indian Winter]
- Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks [Mirror Traffic]
- Rainy Day [Rainy Day]
- Roky Erickson [I Have Always Been Here Before - The Roky Erickson Anthology]
- Ty Segall [Goodbye Bread]
- Reigning Sound [Time Bomb High School]
- Times New Viking [Dancer Equired!]
- Shoes [Black Vinyl Shoes]
- El Goodo [Coyote]
- Tim Cohen [Laugh Tracks]
- Carl Barât [Carl Barât]
- The Ruts [The Crack]
- Wild Nothing [Golden Haze]
- Girls [Broken Dreams Club]
- Crystal Stilts [In Love With Oblivion]
- Acid House Kings [Music Sounds Better With You]
- 1990s [Cookies]
- Ty Segall [Reverse Shark Attack]
- Bikeride [Morning Macumba]
- Pissed Jeans [King Of Jeans]
- XTC [Wasp Star (Apple Venus Vol.2)]
- The Fresh & Onlys [August In My Mind]
- The Clientele [Strange Geometry]
- Royal Trux [Cats & Dogs]
- Tame Impala [Tame Impala]
- Menomena [Mines]
- The Fresh & Onlys [Play It Strange]
- Whirlwind Heat [Self-Titled Or Scoop Du Jour]
- Titus Andronicus [The Monitor]
- The Mountain Goats [Tallahassee]
- The Fresh & Onlys [Grey-Eyed Girls]
- Paul Westerberg [Folker]
- Ty Segall [Melted]
- The Divine Comedy [Bang Goes The Knighthood]
- Broadcast [Work And Non Work]
- The New Pornographers [Electric Version]
- Teenage Fanclub [Shadows]
- Radar Bros. [The Illustrated Garden]
- Paul Weller [Wake Up The Nation]
- The Bicycles [The Good, The Bad And The Cuddly]
- The Fall [Your Future Our Clutter]
- The Nerves [One Way Ticket]
- Acid House Kings [Sing Along With Acid House Kings]
- Built To Spill [There's Nothing Wrong With Love]
- MGMT [Congratulations]
- Beach House [Teen Dream]
- The Thrills [Let's Bottle Bohemia]
- Absentee [Victory Shorts]
- Spoon [Transference]
- Iggy Pop [Instinct]
- The Magnetic Fields [Realism]
- Sambassadeur [Sambassadeur]
- The Loch Ness Mouse [Key West]
- The Fall [Slates]
- The Minders [Hooray For Tuesday]
- Atlas Sound [Logos]
- Big Star [Third/Sister Lovers]
- The Clean [Mister Pop]
- MGMT [Metanoia]
- Jay Reatard [Watch Me Fall]
- The Futureheads [The Futureheads]
- Big Star [Radio City]
- The Plimsouls [One Night In America]
- Daniel Johnston [Why Me? Live Volksbuhne Am Rosa Luxemburg-Platz 6/6/99]
- Brian Eno [Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)]
- Big Star [#1 Record]
- Jay Reatard [Blood Visions]
- The Plimsouls [Everywhere At Once]
- Art Brut [Art Brut Vs. Satan]
- Beulah [Handsome Western States]
- Camera Obscura [My Maudlin Career]
- The Plimsouls [The Plimsouls]
- Shack [Here's Tom With The Weather]
- Times New Viking [Rip It Off]
- The Raveonettes [Chain Gang Of Love]
- The Stranglers [Black And White]
- The Magnetic Fields [I]
- The Mae Shi [HLLLYH]
- Spacemen 3 [Recurring]
- Johnny Thunders [Copy Cats]
- Absentee [Schmotime]
- Shack [...The Corner Of Miles & Gil]
- The Stranglers [The Raven]
- The New Pornographers [Mass Romantic]
- The Stranglers [No More Heroes]
- The Stranglers [Rattus Norvegicus]
- Of Montreal [The Gay Parade]
- Matt Ward [Hold Time]
- The Olivia Tremor Control [Music From The Unrealized Film Script, Dusk At Cubist Castle]
- Eric Matthews [It's Heavy In Here]
- Mika Miko [666]
- The Lounge Lizards [The Lounge Lizards]
- Shack [H.M.S. Fable]
- Au Pairs [Playing With A Different Sex]
- Cotton Mather [Kon Tiki]
- Titus Andronicus [The Airing Of Grievances]
- Jay Reatard [Matador Singles' 08]
- The Soft Boys [Underwater Moonlight]
- Life Without Buildings [Any Other City]
- Stiff Little Fingers [Inflammable Material]
- Lambchop [OH (Ohio)]
- Straitjacket Fits [Hail]
- Radar Bros. [Auditorium]
- Steve Wynn [Crossing Dragon Bridge]
- Deerhunter [Microcastle]
- Wolf Parade [At Mount Zoomer]
- Plasticland [Make Yourself A Happening Machine : A Collection Of]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Jukebox Explosion Rockin' Mid 90's Punkers]
- Jeff Buckley [Grace]
- Teenage Fanclub [Songs From Northern Britain]
- The Replacements [Don't Tell A Soul]
- Grandpaboy [Grandpaboy]
- Camper Van Beethoven [II & III]
- Liquid Liquid [Slip In And Out Phenomenon]
- Sun City Girls [Torch Of The Mystics]
- Half Japanese [Charmed Life]
- The Dream Syndicate [Medicine Show]
- These New Puritans [Beat Pyramid]
- No Age [Weirdo Rippers]
- The Television Personalities [My Dark Places]
- Rain Parade [Emergency Third Rail Power Trip]
- The Saints [Prehistoric Sounds]
- The Real Kids [The Real Kids]
- The Saints [Eternally Yours]
- Galaxie 500 [Copenhagen]
- The B-52's [Wild Planet]
- The Saints [(I'm) Stranded]
- Billy Childish [My First Billy Childish Album]
- Public Image Limited [Paris Au Printemps]
- The Three O'Clock [Sixteen Tambourines]
- The Apples In Stereo [Fun Trick Noisemaker]
- James Chance [No New York]
- Teenage Jesus And The Jerks [No New York]
- The B-52's [The B-52's]
- Camper Van Beethoven [Telephone Free Landslide Victory]
- Michael Head & The Strands [The Magical World Of The Strands]
- Robert Forster [The Evangelist]
- No Age [Nouns]
- Harmonia [Deluxe]
- Atlas Sound [Let The Blind Lead Those Who See But Cannot Feel]
- Paul Weller [22 Dreams]
- Johnny Thunders [Hurt Me]
- Fuzztones [Screamin' Jay Hawkins And The Fuzztones Live]
- The Divine Comedy [Casanova]
- Glenn Mercer [Wheels In Motion]
- Felt [The Pictorial Jackson Review]
- Hüsker Dü [Land Speed Record]
- Beach House [Devotion]
- KaS Product [Try Out]
- Shack [Waterpistol]
- Deerhunter [Fluorescent Grey EP]
- New York Dolls [New York Dolls]
- The Fall [Imperial Wax Solvent]
- The Last Shadow Puppets [The Age Of The Understatement]
- Goldfrapp [Seventh Tree]
- Jean Paul Sartre Experience [The Size Of Food]
- Deerhunter [Cryptograms]
- Jonathan Richman [Because Her Beauty Is Raw And Wild]
- Chris Knox [Beat]
- The Minutemen [3-Way Tie (For Last)]
- MGMT [Oracular Spectacular]
- Dead Moon [Echoes Of The Past]
- Sebadoh [The Freed Man [Deluxe]]
- Spacemen 3 [Sound Of Confusion]
- Elvis Costello [Trust]
- Rogue Wave [Descended Like Vultures]
- Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks [Real Emotional Trash]
- Tall Dwarfs [Hello Cruel World]
- The Willowz [Talk In Circles]
- Galaxie 500 [On Fire]
- David Bowie [Heroes]
- The Chameleons [Script Of The Bridge]
- The Fall [Are You Are Missing Winner]
- Spoon [Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga]
- Daniel Johnston [The Early Recordings Volume 1]
- The Dirtbombs [We Have You Surrounded]
- Joy Division [Still]
- The Jam [Extras: A Collection Of Rarities]
- Josef K [The Only Fun In Town]
- The Pastels [A Truckload Of Trouble: 1986-1993]
- The Bats [Daddy's Highway]
- Elvis Costello [Armed Forces]
- The 6ths [Wasps' Nests]
- Elvis Costello [Live At The El Mocambo]
- Elvis Costello [This Year's Model]
- Bob Dylan [Highway 61 Revisited]
- Elvis Costello [My Aim Is True]
- The Jam [Dig The New Breed]
- Radar Bros. [And The Surrounding Mountains]
- The Normal [T.V.O.D / Warm Leatherette]
- The Clean [Anthology]
- The Vibrators [Pure Mania]
- Radio Birdman [Radios Appear]
- The Jam [The Gift]
- The Jam [This Is The Modern World]
- The Jam [Sound Affects]
- The Jam [Setting Sons]
- The Jam [All Mod Cons]
- The Jam [In The City]
- Julian Cope [Peggy Suicide]
- Soft Machine [The Soft Machine]
- Matt Ward [End Of Amnesia]
- Camera Obscura [Under Achievers Please Try Harder]
- The Minutemen [Buzz Or Howl Under The Influence Of Heat]
- Spoon [Girls Can Tell]
- Meat Puppets [Up On The Sun]
- The Auteurs [Now I'm A Cowboy]
- Rogue Wave [Out Of The Shadow]
- Brian Eno [Here Come The Warm Jets]
- The Minutemen [What Makes A Man Start Fires ?]
- Menomena [Friend And Foe]
- The Willowz [The Willowz]
- The Minutemen [Paranoid Time]
- The Minutemen [The Punch Line]
- Jeffrey Lewis [12 Crass Songs]
- Fang [Landshark / Where The Wild Things Are]
- Paul Westerberg [Stereo]
- Steve Wynn [Sweetness & Light]
- The Field Mice [For Keeps]
- Sun Dial [Zen For Sale]
- Hüsker Dü [Everything Falls Apart]
- Brian Eno [Another Green World]
- The Pastels [Mobile Safari]
- Fuzztones [Lysergic Emanations]
- Tuxedomoon [Half Mute]
- The Skids [Scared To Dance]
- Yo La Tengo [New Wave Hot Dogs]
- The Fall [The Unutterable]
- Steve Wynn [Here Come The Miracles]
- The Only Ones [Baby's Got A Gun]
- The Magnetic Fields [69 Love Songs]
- The Feelies [Time For A Witness]
- Sun Dial [Acid Yantra]
- The Undertones [The Sin Of Pride]
- The Only Ones [Even Serpents Shine]
- Wipers [Over The Edge]
- The Heartbreakers [L.A.M.F.]
- The Durutti Column [The Return Of The Durutti Column]
- Yo La Tengo [Ride The Tiger]
- The Detroit Cobras [Mink Rat Or Rabbit]
- The Only Ones [The Only Ones]
- The Television Personalities [I Was A Mod Before You Was A Mod]
- Patti Smith [Wave]
- The Bees [Octopus]
- Alan Vega [Collision Drive]
- Adam And The Ants [Kings Of The Wild Frontier]
- The Modern Lovers [Precise Modern Lovers Order]
- Bad Brains [Bad Brains]
- David Bowie [Early On (1964-1966)]
- The Modern Lovers [Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers]
- Johnny Cash [Johnny Cash With His Hot And Blue Guitar]
- The Rogers Sisters [Purely Evil]
- Cardinal [Cardinal]
- The Modern Lovers [Modern Lovers 88]
- Dog Faced Hermans [Those Deep Buds]
- Hüsker Dü [Warehouse : Songs And Stories]
- Erase Errata [Nightlife]
- Hüsker Dü [Flip Your Wig]
- Felt [Poem Of The River]
- Talking Heads [The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads]
- Erase Errata [At Crystal Palace]
- Talking Heads [Little Creatures]
- Teenage Fanclub [Grand Prix]
- The Replacements [Hootenanny]
- The Replacements [Stink]
- Felt [Goldmine Trash]
- The Go-Betweens [78 'Til 79: The Lost Album]
- Felt [Me And A Monkey On The Moon]
- The Replacements [Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash]
- Colin Newman [A-Z]
- The Clone Defects [Shapes Of Venus]
- Colin Newman [Commercial Suicide]
- Felt [Forever Breathes The Lonely World]
- Beat Happening [Jamboree]
- The Go-Betweens [Send Me A Lullaby]
- The Fall [The Marshall Suite]
- Felt [Crumbling The Antiseptic Beauty]
- Whirlwind Heat [Types Of Wood]
- Ocean Colour Scene [Moseley Shoals]
- Young Marble Giants [Colossal Youth]
- Broadcast [The Noise Made By People]
- The Slits [Return Of The Giant Slits]
- Erase Errata [Other Animals]
- Amon Düül II [Yeti]
- Art Brut [It's A Bit Complicated]
- Tom Verlaine [Dreamtime]
- Cowboy Junkies [Whites Off Earth Now !!]
- Sun Dial [Other Way Out]
- Redd Kross [Neurotica]
- The Slits [The Peel Sessions]
- Magazine [Secondhand Daylight]
- The Fall [Levitate]
- Wire [A Bell Is A Cup... Until It Is A Struck]
- The Undertones [Positive Touch]
- Television [Television]
- Alan Vega [Saturn Strip]
- The Slits [Cut]
- Kraftwerk [Trans-Europe Express]
- Wire [The Ideal Copy]
- The Monochrome Set [Love Zombies]
- James Chance [James White And The Blacks : Off White]
- The Television Personalities [Closer To God]
- Gun Club [Lucky Jim]
- The Fall [Dragnet]
- Royal Trux [Accelerator]
- The Monochrome Set [Strange Boutique]
- Alamo Race Track [Birds At Home]
- Eyeless In Gaza [Rust Red September]
- Gun Club [Death Party EP + Live]
- The Fall [The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall]
- Pere Ubu [Cloudland]
- Little Barrie [Stand Your Ground]
- Gun Club [Danse Kalinda Boom]
- James Chance [Buy]
- Cowboy Junkies [The Trinity Sessions]
- The Fall [The Light User Syndrome]
- Jeffrey Lee Pierce [Ramblin' Jeffrey Lee & Cypress Grove With Willie Love]
- Cowboy Junkies [At The End Of The Paths Taken]
- Pere Ubu [The Tenement Year]
- Gun Club [Pastoral Hide & Seek]
- Tom Verlaine [Tom Verlaine]
- Richard Hell & The Voidoids [Destiny Street]
- Orange Juice [Rip It Up]
- The Television Personalities [Mummy Your Not Watching Me]
- The Mekons [The Mekons Rock'n'Roll]
- The Fall [Cerebral Caustic]
- Buzzcocks [Flat-Pack Philosophy]
- The Sound [Jeopardy]
- The Pale Fountains [Longshot For Your Love]
- The Fall [The Infotainment Scan]
- Jonathan Richman [I, Jonathan]
- The Fall [Code : Selfish]
- You Am I [Hi-Fi Way]
- The Fall [Shift-Work]
- Tim Buckley [Happy Sad]
- The Birthday Party [Junkyard]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request]
- The Fall [Extricate]
- Green On Red [Too Much Fun]
- Gun Club [Mother Juno]
- Pere Ubu [Terminal Tower : An Archival Collection, NonLP Singles & B-Sides 1975-1980]
- Green On Red [This Time Around]
- Pere Ubu [Song Of The Bailing Man]
- The Television Personalities [Privilege]
- The Cramps [How To Make A Monster]
- The Fall [The Frenz Experiment]
- Johnny Cash [Bitter Tears]
- Lou Reed [Street Hassle]
- ESG [A South Bronx Story]
- X [Wild Gift]
- The Fall [Hex Enduction Hour]
- Guided By Voices [Bee Thousand]
- Gun Club [The Las Vegas Story]
- Gang Of Four [Peel Sessions]
- Johnny Cash [American Recordings III : Solitary Man]
- Gang Of Four [Solid Gold]
- Neu! [Neu! 75]
- The Fall [Perverted By Language]
- Pere Ubu [The Art Of Walking]
- Pere Ubu [New Picnic Time]
- Devo [Freedom Of Choice]
- Devo [Duty Now For The Future]
- The Cramps [Smell Of Female]
- The Fall [Bend Sinister]
- The Television Personalities [Part Time Punks: The Very Best Of Television Personalities]
- The Fall [Grotesque (After The Gramme)]
- The Fall [Live At The Witch Trials]
- The Go-Betweens [Oceans Apart]
- Television [The Blow-Up]
- The Go-Betweens [The Friends Of Rachel Worth]
- The Go-Betweens [Liberty Belle And The Black Diamond Express]
- Yo La Tengo [I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass]
- The Specials [More Specials]
- The Go-Betweens [Tallulah]
- The Go-Betweens [Spring Hill Fair]
- The Go-Betweens [Before Hollywood]
- The La's [The La's]
- Green On Red [Here Comes The Snakes]
- Green On Red [The Killer Inside Me]
- The Undertones [Hypnotised]
- Lush [Split]
- Green On Red [No Free Lunch]
- Green On Red [Gas Food Lodging]
- Cansei De Ser Sexy [Cansei De Ser Sexy]
- Green On Red [Gravity Talks]
- Green On Red [Green On Red]
- Magazine [The Correct Use Of Soap]
- The Psychedelic Furs [Talk Talk Talk]
- The Specials [Ghost Town]
- The Undertones [The Undertones]
- Johnny Thunders [So Alone]
- The Specials [The Specials]
- Elefant [Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid]
- The Minutemen [Double Nickels On The Dime]
- Vashti Bunyan [Just Another Diamond Day]
- Buzzcocks [Spiral Scratch EP]
- Spacemen 3 [Playing With Fire]
- Black Mountain [Black Mountain]
- Buzzcocks [A Different Kind Of Tension]
- Buzzcocks [Singles Going Steady]
- Suicide [Suicide - Second Album]
- Sebadoh [Harmacy]
- The Psychedelic Furs [The Psychedelic Furs]
- Kraftwerk [Autobahn]
- The Replacements [Tim]
- XTC [Skylarking]
- The Stone Roses [Second Coming]
- Johnny Cash [At San Quentin]
- The Stooges [The Stooges Deluxe Edition]
- The Stooges [Fun House Deluxe Edition]
- Can [Ege Bamyasi]
- R.E.M. [Document]
- Gang Of Four [A Brief History Of The Twentieth Century]
- The Residents [Commercial Album]
- King Crimson [In The Court Of The Crimson King]
- 10.000 Maniacs [Hope Chest : The Fredonia Recordings 1982-1983]
- The Divine Comedy [Absent Friends]
- XTC [English Settlement]
- Tim Buckley [Goodbye And Hello]
- The Go-Betweens [Bright Yellow Bright Orange]
- Tim Buckley [Tim Buckley]
- Sebadoh [III [Deluxe]]
- Siouxsie & The Banshees [A Kiss In The Dreamhouse]
- The Ramones [Leave Home]
- Johnny Cash [Walking The Line : The Legendary Sun Recordings]
- Pavement [Wowee Zowee : Sordid Sentinels Edition]
- Public Image Limited [Metal Box]
- Pavement [Wowee Zowee]

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