Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Site web : http://shoegazeworld.blogspot.com |
Décembre 2004 (Spiritualized) - Février 2008(Logh)
Merci à tous !
» Vic vous recommande :
![The Smashing Pumpkins [Vieuphoria]](images/artistes/thesmashingpumpkins/oeuvres/vieuphoria_1145966419130983.jpeg)
![Slowdive [Morningrise]](images/artistes/slowdive/oeuvres/morningrise_1127769156042968.jpeg)
![Kehlvin [The Moutain Daylight Time]](images/artistes/kehlvin/oeuvres/themoutaindaylighttime_1160068262588062.jpeg)
![Idaho [This Way Out]](images/artistes/idaho/oeuvres/thiswayout1102451129453473.gif)
![Bang Bang Machine [Eternal Happiness]](images/artistes/bangbangmachine/oeuvres/eternalhappiness_1200761699349759.jpeg)

- Logh [Ghosts]
- Idaho [Palms EP]
- Radiohead [Knives Out]
- Radiohead [Paranoid Android]
- Radiohead [Fake Plastic Trees]
- Garbage [Queer]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Siva]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Tristessa]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [I Am One]
- Ride [Today Forever]
- Idaho [The Forbidden EP]
- Tiger Trap [Tiger Trap]
- Ultra Vivid Scene [Joy : 1967 - 1990]
- Ultra Vivid Scene [Ultra Vivid Scene]
- This Will Destroy You [Young Mountain]
- Trembling Blue Stars [Her Handwriting]
- Elf Power [A Dream In Sound]
- Lightning Seeds [Sense]
- Lightning Seeds [Cloudcuckooland]
- Bang Bang Machine [Eternal Happiness]
- Bradford [Shouting Quietly]
- Talulah Gosh [Backwash]
- The Primitives [Lovely]
- The Werefrogs [Swing]
- Boyracer [More Songs About Frustration And Self Hate]
- Christian Death [Only Theatre Of Pain]
- Grandaddy [Summer Here Kids]
- Medicine [The Sounds Of Medicine - Stripped And Reformed Sound]
- Placebo [Every You Every Me]
- Sneaker Pimps [Low Five]
- Depeche Mode [Never Let Me Down Again]
- Blur [Country House]
- R.E.M. [Fables Of The Reconstruction]
- Anathema [The Silent Enigma]
- Anathema [Serenades]
- McCarthy [I Am A Wallet]
- Jeff Buckley [Last Goodbye]
- Mercury Rev [Opus 40]
- The Soup Dragons [Lovegod]
- The Warlocks [Heavy Deavy Skull Lover]
- Sigur Rós [Harvf / Heim]
- The Cure [A Forest]
- The Flaming Lips [Transmissions For The Satellite Heart]
- The Flaming Lips [Hit To Death To The Future Head]
- Gorky's Zygotic Mynci [Barafundle]
- Autour De Lucie [Immobile]
- Lucie Vacarme [Metalvox EP]
- Planete Zen [Planète Zen]
- Welcome To Julian [Welcome To Julian]
- Today Is The Day [Supernova]
- The Levellers [A Weapon Called The World]
- Half String [Tripping Up Breathing]
- Orange Goblin [Time Travelling Blues]
- Orange Goblin [Frequencies From Planet Ten]
- Sun Dial [Return Journey]
- Iliketrains [Elegies To Lessons Learnt]
- Spoon [A Serie Of Sneaks]
- The Nation Of Ulysses [13 Point Program To Destroy America]
- Radar Bros. [The Singing Hatchet]
- Cocteau Twins [The Spangle Maker]
- Ned's Atomic Dustbin [God Fodder]
- The Darling Buds [Pop Said...]
- The Wonder Stuff [Never Loved Elvis]
- Hood [Silent '88]
- Hood [Cabled Linear Traction]
- Pulp [Mis-Shapes]
- Texas Is The Reason [Do You Know Who You Are ?]
- Silverfish [Organ Fan]
- The Darkside [Melomania]
- The Black Heart Procession [Two]
- The Stone Roses [Elephant Stone]
- Loop [Heaven's End]
- Loop [Fade Out]
- Sun Dial [Reflecter]
- The Blue Aeroplanes [Tolerance]
- Grief [Torso]
- Lilys [In The Presence Of Nothing]
- The Mighty Lemon Drops [Out Of Hand]
- The Mighty Lemon Drops [Happy Head]
- The New Year [Newness Ends]
- Come [Gently, Down The Stream]
- Sun Dial [Libertine]
- Discharge [Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing]
- Chapterhouse [Freefall]
- Chapterhouse [Sunburst]
- Chapterhouse [Pearl]
- Gorilla Biscuits [Start Today]
- The Earlies [These Were The Earlies]
- Of Montreal [Hissing Fauna, Are You Destroyer ?]
- Ultravox [Vienna]
- Gregor Samsa [55:12]
- Moose [Sonny & Sam]
- Celestial Season [Solar Lovers]
- The Rakes [Ten New Messages]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Upside Down]
- Ash [1977]
- Velocity Girl [Copacetic]
- Giant Drag [Hearts And Unicorns]
- Grails [Redlight]
- Brighter [Out To Sea]
- Brighter [Singles 1989-1992]
- Thousand Yard Stare [Mappamundi]
- Vic Godard [What's The Matter Boy ?]
- Battle Of Mice [A Day Of Nights]
- Manic Street Preachers [Everything Must Go]
- XMal Deutschland [Fetisch]
- For Against [Coalesced]
- Jesu [Conqueror]
- Clan Of Xymox [Medusa]
- I'm From Barcelona [Let Me Introduce My Friends]
- The Television Personalities [The Painted Word]
- Felt [Ignite The Seven Cannons]
- Felt [The Strange Idols Pattern And Other Short Stories]
- Felt [The Splendour Of Fear]
- Jane's Addiction [Three Days / Stop !]
- The Mountain Goats [Zopilote Machine]
- The Promise Ring [30° Everywhere]
- Stellastarr* [Harmonies For The Haunted]
- The Servants [Reserved]
- Spiritual Beggars [Mantra III]
- The Pristines [UK] [Teen-Fraud, Pop-Whore]
- The Magic Numbers [Those The Brokes]
- Envy [A Dead Sinking Story]
- Candlemass [Tales Of Creation]
- Bluetip [Dischord No. 101]
- Extreme Noise Terror [A Holocaust In Your Head]
- The Veldt [Marigolds]
- Joy Division [Love Will Tear Us Apart]
- New Order [Blue Monday]
- Jawbreaker [24 Hour Revenge Therapy]
- The Orchids [Lyceum]
- Sparklehorse [Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain]
- Kehlvin [The Moutain Daylight Time]
- Semifinalists [Semifinalists]
- Redjetson [New General Catalogue]
- Orange Juice [You Can't Hide Your Love Forever]
- Movietone [The Sand And The Stars]
- The Parachute Men [Earth, Dogs And Eggshells]
- The Weather Prophets [Judge, Juries And Horsemen]
- The Weather Prophets [Diesel River]
- Dazzling Killmen [Face Of Collapse]
- Midlake [The Trials Of Van Occupanther]
- The Appleseed Cast [Peregrine]
- Anathema [Alternative 4]
- Flipper [Generic]
- Mojave 3 [Puzzles Like You]
- XTC [Drums And Wires]
- The Monochrome Set [Eligible Bachelors]
- Swervedriver [Raise]
- Monster Magnet [Dopes To Infinity]
- The Wolfhounds [Lost But Happy]
- The Psychedelic Furs [Forever Now]
- Eyehategod [In The Name Of Suffering]
- Majesty Crush [Sans Muscles EP]
- A Witness [I Am John's Pancreas]
- The Ecstasy Of Saint Theresa [Sussurate]
- Adorable [Fake]
- Heavenly [Heavenly Vs Satan]
- Lovesliescrushing [Bloweyelashwish]
- Electric Wizard [Dopethrone]
- Fu Manchu [The Action Is Go]
- Lilys [Eccsame The Photon Band]
- Skin Yard [Hallowed Ground]
- The Mission [God's Own Medicine]
- Film School [Film School]
- 10.000 Maniacs [Our Time In Eden]
- Fu Manchu [In Search Of...]
- Mono [You Are There]
- Sianspheric [Somnium]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Vieuphoria]
- Lambchop [How I Quit Smoking]
- Temple Of The Dog [Temple Of The Dog]
- Drop Nineteens [National Coma]
- Willard [Steel Mill]
- The Spinto Band [Nice And Nicely Done]
- Devics [Push The Heart]
- Spirea X [Fireblades Skies]
- St Christopher [Man, I Could Scream]
- Darling [Ends In Fantasy]
- Athlete [Vehicles & Animals]
- Shout Out Louds [Howl Howl Gaff Gaff]
- Siddal [The Pedestal]
- Tool [Parabola]
- Tool [Schism]
- For Against [December]
- Bad Brains [I Against I]
- Mansun [Attack Of The Grey Lantern]
- Junetile [Work]
- The Magic Numbers [The Magic Numbers]
- The Orchids [Unholy Soul]
- Close Lobsters [Foxheads Stalk This Land]
- Marion [This World And Body]
- Malfunkshun [Return To Olympus]
- The Becketts [Myth]
- Guided By Voices [Propeller]
- Hot Hot Heat [Elevator]
- The Soup Dragons [This Is Our Art]
- Circle Jerks [Group Sex]
- Scenic [Incident At Cima]
- Idaho [Vieux Carré]
- Happy Mondays [24 Hour Party People]
- Telstar Ponies [In The Space Of A Few Minutes]
- Marjorie Fair [Self Help Serenade]
- Green Apple Quick Step [Wonderful Virus]
- The Charlottes [Things Come Apart]
- Eric's Trip [Forever Again]
- Half Man Half Biscuit [Back Again In The DHSS]
- Virgin Prunes [If I Die, I Die]
- Menswear [Nuisance]
- Idaho [The Lone Gunman]
- Half String [A Fascination With Heights]
- Half String [Eclipse Oval Hue]
- Southern Death Cult [The Southern Death Cult]
- Primal Scream [Sonic Flower Groove]
- Low [I Could Live In Hope]
- Black Flag [Slip It In]
- Siouxsie & The Banshees [Kaleidoscope]
- Idaho [People Like Us Should Be Stopped [Live]]
- Certain General [November's Heat]
- The Wedding Present [Tommy (1985-1987)]
- The Veldt [Afrodisiac]
- Teenage Fanclub [A Catholic Education]
- Cast [All Change]
- Radial Spangle [Syrup Macramé]
- Ministry [The Land Of Rape And Honey]
- The Durutti Column [LC]
- The Chameleons [Script Of The Bridge]
- Supreme Dicks [The Unexamined Life]
- Slowdive [Morningrise]
- The Gathering [Mandylion]
- Revolver [Cold Water Flat]
- Catherine Wheel [Chrome]
- The Warlocks [Surgery]
- Dodgy [Homegrown]
- The Nightblooms [The Nightblooms]
- The Pastels [Up For A Bit With The Pastels]
- The Telescopes [The Telescopes]
- Springhouse [Land Falls]
- Bleach [Killing Time]
- Masters Of Reality [Deep In A Hole]
- Hüsker Dü [New Day Rising]
- Curve [Pubic Fruit]
- Blind Mr. Jones [Stereo Musicale]
- Screaming Trees [Invisible Lantern]
- Tarnation [Gentle Creatures]
- Flying Saucer Attack [Flying Sauver Attack]
- Revolver [Baby's Angry]
- Modest Mouse [This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About]
- Idaho [Alas]
- Soundgarden [Badmotorfinger]
- Soundgarden [Ultramega OK]
- Soundgarden [Down On The Upside]
- Soundgarden [Louder Than Love]
- Soundgarden [Screaming Life/Fopp]
- The Belltower [Popdropper]
- The Family Cat [Furthest From The Sun]
- Sebadoh [Bubble & Scrape]
- For Against [Echelons]
- Cranes [Wings Of Joy]
- Smashing Orange [1991]
- Alfie [Do You Imagine Things?]
- Shipping News [Flies The Fields]
- Daniel Johnston [Fun]
- The Arcade Fire [EP]
- Acetone [I Guess I Would]
- The Go-Betweens [16 Lovers Lane]
- Red Stars Theory [Life In A Bubble Can Be Beautiful]
- The Verve [A Storm In Heaven]
- Blind Mr. Jones [Tatooine]
- The Telescopes [Taste]
- The Field Mice [Snowball]
- Secret Shine [Untouched]
- Black Box Recorder [England Made Me]
- Acetone [Cindy]
- Codeine [The White Birch]
- Springhouse [Postcards From The Arctic]
- The Chills [Submarine Bells]
- Kyuss [Wretch]
- Papas Fritas [Papas Fritas]
- Ultra Vivid Scene [Rev]
- Echobelly [On]
- Kitchens Of Distinction [The Death Of Cool]
- The Boo Radleys [Learning To Walk]
- The Amps [Pacer]
- Logh [A Sunset Panorama]
- The Swirlies [Blonder Tongue Audio Baton]
- Devics [The Stars At Saint Andrea]
- Stereolab [Switched On]
- Stereolab [Peng !]
- James [Seven]
- Tad [Inhaler]
- Garbage [Bleed Like Me]
- The Sisters Of Mercy [First And Last And Always]
- Medicine [Shot Forth Self Living]
- Idaho [We Were Young And Needed The Money]
- Teenage Fanclub [Bandwagonesque]
- Codeine [Frigid Stars]
- Molasses [A Slow Messe]
- The Lemonheads [Lovey]
- Pale Saints [The Comfort Of Madness]
- Catherine Wheel [Ferment]
- Jucifer [I Name You Destroyer]
- Moose [Honey Bee]
- Swervedriver [99th Dream]
- Dinosaur Jr [Bug]
- Dinosaur Jr [You're Living All Over Me]
- Cowboy Junkies [The Trinity Sessions]
- Screaming Trees [Even If And Especially When]
- The Beta Band [The Three EP'S]
- Nirvana [Incesticide]
- Crowsdell [Within The Curve Of An Arm]
- Thousand Yard Stare [Hands On]
- Pale Saints [Slow Buildings]
- Guided By Voices [Vampire On Titus]
- The White Stripes [Elephant]
- Luna [Bewitched]
- Moose [XYZ]
- Starflyer 59 [Gold]
- Kitchens Of Distinction [Strange Free World]
- American Music Club [Mercury]
- Logh [The Raging Sun]
- Suede [Coming Up]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion ["This Is Our Punk-Rock", Thee Rusted Satellites Than Gather + Sing]
- Idaho [Levitate]
- Screaming Trees [Sweet Oblivion]
- Majesty Crush [Love 15]
- Pale Saints [In Ribbons]
- Idaho [Hearts Of Palm]
- Radiohead [My Iron Lung EP]
- The Divine Comedy [Regeneration]
- Shed Seven [Change Giver]
- Lenola [The Last 10 Feet Of The Suicide Mile]
- Alice In Chains [Facelift]
- Doves [The Last Broadcast]
- Super Furry Animals [Fuzzy Logic]
- Medicine [Her Highness]
- Tool [Undertow]
- Throwing Muses [The Real Ramona]
- The Verve [The Verve EP]
- Swervedriver [Mezcal Head]
- Spain [The Blue Moods Of Spain]
- Spacemen 3 [The Perfect Prescription]
- Lush [Spooky]
- Inspiral Carpets [Life]
- The House Of Love [The House Of Love]
- My Bloody Valentine [Ecstasy And Wine]
- Curve [Doppelgänger]
- Clinic [Clinic]
- Galaxie 500 [This Is Our Music]
- Silverchair [Freak Show]
- Swervedriver [Ejector Seat Reservation]
- Oasis [(What's The Story) Morning Glory?]
- Lush [Gala]
- Giant Sand [Ramp]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Pisces Iscariot]
- The Afghan Whigs [Gentlemen]
- Starflyer 59 [Starflyer 59]
- The Magnetic Fields [Charm Of Highway Strip]
- Codeine [Barely Real EP]
- Chapterhouse [Whirlpool]
- Adorable [Against Perfection]
- Come [Near Life Experience]
- Mother Love Bone [Apple]
- Loop [A Gilded Eternity]
- Idaho [Year After Year]
- Idaho [This Way Out]
- Idaho [Three Sheets To The Wind]
- Cranes [Forever]
- Spiritualized [Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space]

- Idaho [Paris 22/02/2008]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Paris 06/02/2008]
- Radiohead [Fréjus 17/06/2000]
- Mono [Paris 05/12/2007]
- Pelican [Paris 05/12/2007]
- Cansei De Ser Sexy [St Malo 16/08/2007]
- Jesu [Paris 03/12/2007]
- Okkervil River [Paris 13/11/2007]
- Vic Chesnutt [Paris 13/11/2007]
- Envy [Paris 11/11/2007]
- Björk [Nîmes 21/08/2007]
- Electrelane [St Malo 17/08/2007]
- The Besnard Lakes [St Malo 16/08/2007]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [St Malo 16/08/2007]
- Sonic Youth [St Malo 17/08/2007]
- The National [St Malo 15/08/2007]
- The Arcade Fire [Nîmes 22/07/2007]
- Arctic Monkeys [Nîmes 22/07/2007]
- Maxïmo Park [Paris 08/06/2007]
- Slint [Paris 24/05/2007]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Paris 22/05/2007]
- Logh [Paris 07/05/2007]
- Logh [Paris 01/02/2007]
- Dinosaur Jr [Paris 13/12/2006]
- Sonic Youth [Paris 13/12/2006]
- Tool [Paris 10/12/2006]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Montpellier 02/11/2006]
- Mark Gardener [Paris 11/10/2006]
- The Magic Numbers [Paris 16/10/2006]
- Pearl Jam [Paris 11/09/2006]
- Beck [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Editors [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- The Rakes [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Radiohead [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ! [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Nada Surf [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Calexico [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Low [Nîmes 14/07/2003]
- Deus [Nîmes 19/07/2006]
- Placebo [Nîmes 19/07/2006]
- Tool [Paris 28/06/2006]
- Mogwai [Clermont-ferrand 12/04/2006]
- PJ Harvey [Nîmes 19/07/2001]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Nancy 11/03/2004]
- Muse [Nîmes 22/07/2004]
- Death In Vegas [Montpellier 09/11/2002]
- The Wedding Present [Clermont-ferrand 28/10/2005]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Paris 25/08/2005]
- The Arcade Fire [Paris 25/08/2005]
- Pixies [Paris 25/08/2005]
- Blonde Redhead [Clermont-ferrand 29/06/2005]
- Radiohead [Vaison-la-Romaine 28/05/2001]
- The National [Montpellier 28/04/2005]
- Flotation Toy Warning [Montpellier 28/04/2005]
- Logh [Lyon 12/04/2005]
- Logh [Paris 18/11/2003]
- Slint [Reims 03/03/2005]
- Idaho [Paris 07/12/2004]
En ligne
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