Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 40 ans |
Il stoppe, il donne le ton
Il est pop, kitsch
Classique ou non
Jeune ou vieux
Mais son nom c'est
Jésus Révolution
Lulum :
"Putin même les arbres ils avancent dans ces films de fous"
Arno Vice :
Wé, heureusement on a arrêté les arbres à Poitiers !
Animal x
le 13 octobre 2010 à 20 h 49m 59s
L'avocat de la terreur sur arte en ce moment!!
Arno Vice
le 14 octobre 2010 à 21 h 10m 14s
C'est comme la moussaka géante mais avec un avocat ?
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene III
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Aphrodite's Child - 666
- #2 Bush Tetras - Boom In The Night
- #3 Abra - BLQ Velvet
- #4 Clan of Xymox - Medusa
- #5 Koude Golven - A Collection Of Belgian Cold Wave & Punk 1979-1984
» X_Lok vous recommande :
![The Lost Sounds [Lost Lost]](images/artistes/loudermilk/oeuvres/lostlost_1345564365051552.jpeg)
![Michel Cloup (Duo) [Notre Silence]](images/artistes/michelcloupduo/oeuvres/notresilence_1327455680215029.jpeg)
![Thurston Moore [Demolished Thoughts]](images/artistes/thurstonmoore/oeuvres/demolishedthoughts_1309198480904304.jpeg)
![Mina May [Everything Was Beautiful & Nothing Hurt]](images/artistes/minamay/oeuvres/everythingwasbeautifulnothinghurt_1326217144461973.jpeg)
![Goat Girl [On All Four]](images/artistes/goatgirl/oeuvres/onallfour_1611686598022926.jpeg)

- Modern Men [Partout En France]
- Little Simz [Sometimes I Might Be Introvert]
- FACS [Present Tense]
- Dinosaur Jr [Sweep It Into Space]
- Lumer [Disappearing Act]
- Ben Shemie [303 Diary]
- Nightshift [Zöe]
- Goat Girl [On All Four]
- Foudre! [Future Sabbath]
- Yelle [L'Ère Du Verseau]
- Ex Fulgur [Post-Humanité]
- Bonnie Banane [Sexy Planet]
- Wonderflu [Bubblegum]
- Schonwald [Abstraction]
- Suuns [Fiction]
- Lucidvox [We Are]
- Délage [Twist & Doubt]
- Too Much [Club Emotion]
- JARV IS... [Beyond The Pale]
- David Bowie [The Mercury Tapes]
- Christine Ott [Chimères (pour Ondes Martenot)]
- A 3 Dans Les WC [La Machine Infernale]
- Jérome Noetinger [Laguerre/Noetinger - DnT]
- Anthony Laguerre [Laguerre/Noetinger - DnT]
- New Order [NOMC15]
- Rina Sawayama [SAWAYAMA]
- The Warlocks [The Chain]
- Jean Louis Murat [Innamorato]
- FACS [Void Moments]
- Jean Louis Murat [Baby Love]
- Lonely Walk [Lonely Walk]
- Katerine [Confessions]
- Hannah Diamond [Reflections]
- FACS [Lifelike]
- Foxygen [Seeing Other People]
- Billie Eilish [When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?]
- Kanye West [Jesus Is King]
- Father [I'm A Piece Of Shit]
- Big Thief [Two Hands]
- Širom [Low Probality Of A Hug]
- Daft Punk [Random Acess Memories]
- Poil [Sus]
- Anthony Laguerre [Myotis]
- Helium Horse Fly [Hollowed]
- Bufi [México 70]
- The Chemical Brothers [No Geography]
- Mondkopf [How Deep Is Our Love]
- The C.I.A. [The C.I.A.]
- Club Cactus [5]
- Material Girls [Leather]
- A Gethsémani [Ame Triste]
- Cherry Glazerr [Stuffed & Ready]
- HEALTH [Vol 4 : Slaves Of Fear]
- Gum Takes Tooth [Arrow]
- Mistress Bomb H [I'm Girl And I'm Proud]
- FACS [Negative Houses]
- Mayerling [Roche]
- Janelle Monáe [Dirty Computer]
- Tommy Genesis [World Vision]
- Tommy Genesis [Tommy Genesis]
- Bad News From Cosmos [Heima Matti]
- The KVB [Only Now Forever]
- Felicita [Hej!]
- Clarence Clarity [THINK: PEACE]
- Flavien Berger [Contre-Temps]
- Jean Louis Murat [Il Francese]
- Spiritualized [And Nothing Hurt]
- Interpol [Marauder]
- Gary Numan [Savage: Songs From A Broken World]
- Talk To Her [Home]
- Brian Case [Plays Paradise Artificial]
- AMMAR 808 [Maghreb United]
- David Eugene Edwards & Alexander Hacke [Risha]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Something Else]
- SOPHIE [Product]
- Marie Mathématique [Le Grand Bal De Londres]
- Wooden Shjips [V]
- Lebanon Hanover [Let Them Be Alien]
- Die Nerven [Fake]
- Selofan [Vitrioli]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Pinned]
- Justin Timberlake [Futuresex/Lovesounds]
- Goat Girl [Goat Girl]
- Dead Meadow [The Nothing They Need]
- Fléau [II]
- Suuns [Felt]
- Délage [Loverboy Beatface]
- Egyptology [Sur Les Autres Mondes]
- Birth Of Joy [Hyper Focus]
- Preoccupations [New Material]
- William Eggleston [Musik]
- The Breeders [All Nerve]
- Kelela [Take Me Appart]
- The Soft Moon [Criminal]
- The Warlocks [Vevey]
- Bülow [Damaged, Vol. I]
- Vonneumann [NorN]
- Princess Nokia [1992 Deluxe]
- Yung Lean [Stranger]
- Sevdaliza [ISON]
- Etienne Daho [Blitz]
- SZA [Ctrl]
- La Chasse [Noir Plus Noir Que Le Noir]
- Claudine Chirac [Nautilus]
- Betamaxx [Archaic Science]
- Shabazz Palaces [Quazarz Vs The Jealous Machines]
- Shabazz Palaces [Quazarz : Born On A Gangster Star]
- Destiny [Honeysuckle]
- Jean Louis Murat [Travaux Sur La N89]
- Fever Ray [Plunge]
- Le Cercle Des Mallissimalistes [Faustina M. Tedesco - I Tre Angoli Del Continente]
- Snapped Ankles [Come Play The Trees]
- Jessica93 [Guilty Species]
- Zombie Zombie [Livity]
- Chain & The Gang [Experimental Music]
- Facteur Cheval [Adieu L'Organique]
- Kadavar [Rough Times]
- Katie Von Schleicher [Shitty Hits]
- Ufomammut [8]
- Clarence Clarity [Save †hyself]
- Goat Girl [Crow Cries]
- Brian Case [Spirit Design]
- Lisa Mitchell [Warriors]
- Avenir [Nous Ne Sommes Plus Vierges Et Nous Avons Raté Nos Examens]
- The Arcade Fire [Everything Now]
- Public Service Broadcasting [Every Valley]
- The Horrors [V]
- Liars [TFCF]
- Melvins [A Walk With Love & Death]
- Katerine [Mes Mauvaises Fréquentations]
- Kai Reznik [Awkward Motions]
- Traditional Monsters [Push The Panic Button]
- Chain & The Gang [Best Of Crime Rock]
- Jason Loewenstein [Spooky Action]
- Wirephobia [No Lives But Nightmares]
- Chastity Belt [I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone]
- Mars Red Sky [Myramyd]
- Waxahatchee [Out In The Storm]
- Moon Duo [Occult Architecture Vol. II]
- Moteur ! [Moteur !]
- Erasure [World Be Gone]
- Chocolat [Rencontrer Looloo]
- Sixth Minor [Amygdalae]
- Jons [At Work On Several Things]
- Edh [SOS Spring]
- Bison Bisou [Bodysick]
- RRAOUHHH! [C'est Louche !]
- Polarbird [Burst]
- Jean Michel Jarre [Oxygène]
- Nini Raviolette [Suis-Je Normale ?]
- Little Simz [A Curious Tale Of Trials + Persons]
- Ed Wood Jr. [The Home Electrical]
- The Black Angels [Death Song]
- Wora Wora Washington [Mirror]
- Diplomatics [I Lost My Soul In This Town]
- Le Prince Harry [Synthetic Love]
- The Beautiful Schizophonic [L'Atelier Des Filles]
- Sparkling [This Is Not The Paradise They Told Us We Would Live]
- Singapore Sling [Kill Kill Kill (Songs About Nothing)]
- Goldfrapp [Silver Eye]
- The Poison Arrows [No Known Note]
- Adult. [Detroit House Guests]
- Ex Fulgur [Noires Sont Les Galaxies]
- Alice Jemima [Alice Jemima]
- Nadine Khouri [The Salted Air]
- Mind Monogram [AM In The PM]
- Pissed Jeans [Why Love Now]
- Social Square [Feeling Superhuman]
- Margaret Catcher [Singularity]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Don't Get Lost]
- Abstrackt Keal Agram [Bad Thriller]
- Abstrackt Keal Agram [Cluster Ville]
- Poni Hoax [Tropical Suite]
- Ropoporose [Kernel, Foreign Moons]
- Foxygen [Hang]
- Moon Duo [Occult Architecture Vol. I]
- Tristesse Contemporaine [Stop And Start]
- Matt Jencik [Weird Times]
- Night Beats [Fuzz Club Session]
- Ty Segall [Ty Segall]
- Bruit Noir [I-III]
- Make Up [Destination : Love ; Live ! At Cold Rice]
- Tkay Maidza [Switch Tape (A Mix By Elk)]
- Sleater-Kinney [Live In Paris]
- David Bowie [Legacy]
- Bad News From Cosmos [Minn Sjó]
- Letha Rodman Melchior [Shimmering Ghost]
- Patience [The Church]
- Marie Mathématique [Tous Vos Lendemains Dès Aujourd'hui]
- Clara Clara [Bugarach]
- Sunflower Bean [Human Ceremony]
- 69 [Heroic]
- Zombie Zombie [Slow Futur]
- Larsen [Of Grog Vim]
- Kill Your Boyfriend [Ghosts]
- The Staches [Placid Faces]
- Tasseomancy [Do Easy]
- Hooton Tennis Club [Big Box Of Chocolates]
- Ash Code [Posthuman]
- Thos Henley [Blonde On Basically Ginger]
- Kim Jong 4 [Welcome To Pyongyang (Birthplace Of The Great Leader Of Rock'n'Roll)]
- A 3 Dans Les WC [Contagion]
- Abra [Princess]
- The Bronzed Chorus [Summering]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Third World Pyramid]
- Sauropod [Roaring At The Storm]
- Eluvium [False Reading On]
- TwoMonkeys [WHATT ??]
- Johnny Mafia [Michel-Michel Michel]
- Papaye [Para Bailar]
- David Bowie [Who Can I Be Now (1974-1976)]
- Warpaint [Heads Up]
- Yachtclub [Yachtclub]
- Cheena [Spend The Night With...]
- Les Comptes De Korsakoff [Ghost Train]
- Khompa [The Shape Of Drums To Come]
- Live Footage [Moods Of The Desert]
- Allah-Las [Calico Review]
- Yann Tiersen [Eusa]
- Usé [Chien D'la Casse]
- The Warlocks [Songs From A Pale Eclipse]
- The Scientists [A Place Called Bad]
- V.H.S. [Gift Of Life]
- NAME [Die Name Schallplatte]
- Exploded View [Exploded View]
- Thee Oh Sees [A Weird Exits]
- Melvins [Basses Loaded]
- Breanna Barbara [Mirage Dreams]
- Deerhoof [The Magic]
- Seal Of Quality [Affective Design]
- Less Win [Trust]
- Brian Case [Tense Nature]
- Beak> [Couple In A Hole]
- Minor Victories [Minor Victories]
- Fews [Means]
- Christine Ott [Only Silence Remains]
- John Carpenter [Lost Themes II]
- Tacocat [Lost Time]
- Fumaça Preta [Impuros Fanáticos]
- M83 [Junk]
- Jean Louis Murat [Morituri]
- Rexy [Running Out Of Time]
- Nisennenmondai [#N/A]
- Wonderflu [Call It Monster]
- The KVB [Of Desire]
- Primal Scream [Chaosmosis]
- Monomyth [Exo]
- School Of Seven Bells [SVIIB]
- Yeti Lane [L'Aurore]
- Heron Oblivion [Heron Oblivion]
- Birth Of Joy [Get Well]
- Mars Red Sky [APEX III (Praise For The Burning Soul)]
- Vonneumann [Sitcom Koan]
- Matmos [Ultimate Care II]
- Grauzone [Eisbaer]
- Delta 5 [Mind Your Own Business]
- Savages [Adore Life]
- Motherfucker [Confetti]
- Kill Your Boyfriend [The King Is Dead]
- Radioland [Radio-Activity Revisited]
- Jennylee [Right On !]
- Fuzz [II]
- Schonwald [Between Parallel Lines]
- Boogarins [Manual]
- Room 204 [Room 204 / Pneu - Split 7"]
- Pneu [Pneu / Room 204 - Split 7"]
- Le Cercle Des Mallissimalistes [Belibaste De Cocagne - Le Moire]
- Hørd [EP #2]
- Trevor Jackson [Science Fiction Dancehall Classics]
- The Shape [Lonely Crowd]
- Flavien Berger [Mars Balnéaire]
- The K. [Burning Pattern Etiquette]
- Shopping [Why Choose]
- Jean Louis Murat [Live Aux [PIAS] Nites]
- New Order [Music Complete]
- Lou Barlow [Brace The Wave]
- Patton [C]
- Deaf Wish [Pain]
- HEALTH [Death Magic]
- Kadavar [Berlin]
- Chelsea Wolfe [Abyss]
- Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe [I Declare Nothing]
- Besoin Dead [Pair, Tu N'es Pas Impair]
- Niton [Tiresias]
- Rose Windows [Rose Windows]
- Taulard [Les Abords Du Lycée]
- Fléau [Fléau]
- Sacri Cuori [Delone]
- Blanck Mass [Dumb Flesh]
- Le Singe Blanc [Le Singe Blanc]
- Various Artists - De Jeunes Gens Mödernes [Volume II]
- Marietta [Basement Dreams Are The Bedroom Cream]
- Elder [Lore]
- Ed Wood Jr. [Lost.Drive.Water.Exit]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Musique De Film Imaginé]
- Gonzales [Chambers]
- Various Artists - Influenza Records [Chills, Fever, Sore Throat, Muscle Pains, Headaches And General Discomfort]
- Warpaint [No Way Out / I'll Start Believing]
- Dopethrone [Hochelaga]
- Showstar [Self Titled]
- Prettiest Eyes [Looks]
- Turzi [C]
- Black Rainbows [Hawkdope]
- Ufomammut [Ecate]
- Fuzz [Fuzz & CCR Headcleaner - LAMC #10]
- Will Butler [Policy]
- Various Artists - B.I.P.P.P. [B.I.P.P.P.]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Transfixation]
- The Soft Moon [Deeper]
- Sleater-Kinney [No Cities To Love]
- Disappears [Irreal]
- The Oscillation [From Tomorrow]
- Ez3kiel [Lux]
- Flake Music [When You Land Here, It's Time To Return]
- Quadrupède [Togoban]
- Centenaire [Somewhere Safe]
- Etienne Jaumet [La Visite]
- Koudlam [Benidorm Dream]
- Elisa Ambrogio [The Immoralist]
- Le Butcherettes [Cry Is For The Flies]
- Jessica93 [Rise]
- Primus [Primus & The Chocolate Factory With The Fungi Ensemble]
- Jean Louis Murat [Jean Louis Murat & The Delano Orchestra - Babel]
- The Wytches [Annabel Dream Reader]
- Christian Bland & The Revelators [The Unseen Green Obscene]
- YOB [Clearing The Path To Ascend]
- Slint [Spiderland (Remastered Box)]
- Salem's Pot [Lurar Ut Dig På Prärien]
- Joel Gion [Apple Bonkers]
- Watter [This World]
- Viet Cong [Cassette]
- King Buzzo [This Machine Kills Artists]
- The KVB [Out Of Body]
- Wonderflu [The Heart Of Seashells ?]
- Night Beats [Sonic Bloom]
- Rhume [Rhume]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Revelation]
- Mars Red Sky [Stranded In Arcadia]
- Sultan Bathery [Sultan Bathery]
- Wovenhand [Refractory Obdurate]
- Wonderflu [What's Inside]
- Gallon Drunk [The Soul Of The Hour]
- Sudden Death Of Stars [All Unrevealed Parts Of The Unknown]
- Birth Of Joy [Prisoner]
- Social Square [Kaiju Quick Fix]
- Carla Bozulich [Boy]
- Nebelung [Palingenesis]
- Abject Object [Romance]
- Melvins [Tres Cabrones]
- Swervedriver [Deep Wound]
- Kikagaku Moyo [Kikagaku Moyo]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Revolution Number Zero]
- Aqua Nebula Oscillator [Spiritus Mundi]
- Oiseaux-Tempête [Oiseaux-Tempête]
- Wooden Shjips [Back To Land]
- Camilla Sparksss [Europe]
- Crystal Stilts [Nature Noire]
- Jef Barbara [Soft To The Touch]
- Disappears [Era]
- Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld [Still Smiling]
- Zola Jesus [Versions]
- Fuzz [Fuzz]
- Esmerine [Dalmak]
- Birth Of Joy [The Sound Of Birth Of Joy]
- No Shangsa [Blind-Driving]
- Land Lines [Land Lines]
- Reveille [Broken Machines]
- Wonderflu [No End In Sight]
- French Cowboy & The One [French Cowboy & The One]
- Orval Carlos Sibelius [Super Forma]
- Marvin [Barry]
- Mikal Cronin [MC II]
- Efterklang [Piramida]
- The Young Gods [The Young Gods [Deluxe Edition]]
- No Joy [Wait To Pleasure]
- Talk Normal [Sunshine]
- 69 [Adult]
- Bleeding Rainbow [Yeah Right]
- Endless Boogie [Long Island]
- The Men [New Moon]
- Apparat [Krieg Und Frieden (Music For Theatre)]
- La Terre Tremble !!! [Salvage Blues]
- PVT [formerly Pivot] [Homosapien]
- Le Singe Blanc [Aoûtat]
- Meursault [Something For The Weakened]
- The Luyas [Animator]
- JC Satàn [Faraway Land]
- Ufomammut [Oro - Opus Alter]
- Allah-Las [Allah-Las]
- Françoiz Breut [La Chirurgie Des Sentiments]
- Gallon Drunk [The Road Gets Darker From Here]
- Electric Electric [Discipline]
- Wovenhand [The Laughing Stalk]
- Graham Coxon [A+E]
- Wymond Miles [Under The Pale Moon]
- Coco Rosie [We Are On Fire]
- Crash Normal [Your Body Got A Land]
- Tristesse Contemporaine [Tristesse Contemporaine]
- The Lost Sounds [Lost Lost]
- Cult Of Youth [Love Will Prevail]
- Shrag [Canines]
- Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires [There Is A Bomb In Gilead]
- Chain & The Gang [In Cool Blood]
- Year Of No Light [Nord [Deluxe Edition]]
- Beak> [>>]
- The Temper Trap [The Temper Trap]
- Thomas Bel [Innerly]
- Metric [Synthetica]
- Best Coast [The Only Place]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Worship]
- Public Image Limited [This Is P.I.L.]
- Alt-J [An Awesome Wave]
- Baskery [New Friends]
- Liars [WIXIW]
- The Deepsea Goes [Oraoneiroi]
- Led Er Est [The Diver]
- Spain [The Soul Of Spain]
- 60 Second Swingers [Lonely & Blue]
- Ufomammut [Oro - Opus Primum]
- Belleruche [Rollerchain]
- Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury [Drokk - Music Inspired By Mega-City One]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Aufheben]
- Giant Claw [Haunted Planet]
- Wovenhand [Live At Roepaen]
- Christian Bland & The Revelators [Pig Boat Blues]
- Egyptology [The Skies]
- Bertrand Burgalat [Toutes Directions]
- Spiritualized [Sweet Heart Sweet Light]
- White Rabbits [Milk Famous]
- Vermillon Sands [Summer Melody]
- And Also The Trees [Hunter Not The Hunted]
- Willis Earl Beal [Acousmatic Sorcery]
- AU [Both Lights]
- Veronica Falls [My Heart Beats]
- Ceremony (2) [Zoo]
- The Soft Hills [The Bird Is Coming Down To Earth]
- Lee Ranaldo [Between The Times And The Tides]
- The Wedding Present [Valentina]
- Ty Segall [The Feeling Of Love / Ty Segall - Split Tour]
- The Feeling Of Love [The Feeling Of Love / Ty Segall - Split Tour]
- VCMG [Ssss]
- Yeti Lane [The Echo Show]
- Judah Warsky [Painkillers & Alcohol]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [The Singles Collection 1992 - 2011]
- Disappears [Pre Language]
- Jef Barbara [Contamination]
- Meringue, Alcohol & Us [Loud]
- Emilie Simon [Franky Knight]
- The Experimental Tropic Blues Band [Liquid Love]
- Depeche Mode [101]
- New Order [Live At The London Troxy -10th December 2011]
- Suuns [Zeroes QC]
- Tokyo/Overtones [The Underground Karaoke]
- New Order [The Peter Saville Show Soundtrack]
- Warpaint [Rough Trade Sessions]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Onwards To The Wall]
- Wooden Shjips [West]
- DesiCobra [Live A Bombay]
- Michel Cloup (Duo) [Notre Silence]
- Limousine [II]
- Sexy Kids [Sisters Are Forever]
- VCMG [Spock - Ep 1]
- Mina May [Everything Was Beautiful & Nothing Hurt]
- Storms [We Are Storms]
- Christian Bland & The Revelators [The Lost Album]
- Mars Red Sky [Mars Red Sky]
- The Fall [Ersatz G.B.]
- Ty Segall [Singles 2007-2010]
- Laetitia Sadier [La Piscine]
- The Keys [Long Time No Sea]
- Turzi [Made Under Authority]
- Jason Loewenstein [At Sixes & Sevens]
- Las Robertas [Cry Out Loud]
- The Feeling Of Love [Petite, Tu Es Un Hit]
- The Lanskies [Romeo]
- Veronica Falls [Veronica Falls]
- Crane Angels [Le Sylphide De Brighton]
- Mr Oizo [Stade 2]
- Nisennenmondai [Destination Tokyo]
- Câlin [Black Chinese II]
- The Feeling Of Love [Dissolve Me]
- Sic Alps [Napa Asylum]
- I Monster [Neveroddereven]
- The Sunmakers [Viens Twister Ce Soir]
- Dallas Kincaid & EvilMrSod [Subterranean Power Strain]
- JC Satàn [Hell Death Samba]
- The Patriotic Sunday [Actual Fiction]
- Death In Vegas [Trans-Love Energies]
- The Rapture [In The Grace Of Your Love]
- Nirvana [Nevermind [Coffret Super Deluxe]]
- T.E.E. [Education]
- The Feeling Of Love [OK Judge Revival]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Howl Sessions]
- Beirut [The Rip Tide]
- J Mascis [Several Shades Of Why]
- Spectrum [Spectrum & Jessamine - A Pox On You]
- Ringo Deathstarr [Colour Trip]
- Grinderman [Grinderman 2]
- Wu Lyf [Go Tell Fire To The Mountain]
- Warpaint [Elephants]
- Marvin [Hangover The Top]
- Warpaint [Exquisite Corpse]
- Thurston Moore [Demolished Thoughts]
- Town & Country [5]
- Yuck [Yuck]
- Spectrum [Forever Alien]
- Crystal Stilts [Love Is A Wave]
- Crocodiles [Sleep Forever]
- Zombie Zombie [Zombie Zombie Plays Carpenter]
- The Black Angels [Phosgene Nightmare]
- Roky Erickson [A Tribute To Roky Erickson - The Psychedelic Sounds Of The Sonic Cathedral]
- Silver Apples [Spectrum & Silver Apples - A Lake Of Teardrops]
- Spectrum [Spectrum & Silver Apples - A Lake Of Teardrops]
- Spectrum [Soul Kiss (Glide Divine)]
- Warpaint [The Fool]
- Jason Simon [Jason Simon]
- Spectrum [War Sucks]
- 69 [Novo Rock]
- Ty Segall [Lemons]
- Silver Apples [The Contact]
- Deerhunter [Halcyon Digest]
- Darker My Love [Darker My Love]
- Women [Public Strain]
- Women [Women]
- Sonic Youth [Battery Park, NYC, July 4th 2008]
- Silver Apples [Silver Apples]
- Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip [Thou Shalt Always Kill EP]
- Alesia Cosmos [Exclusivo!]
- The Black Angels [Phosphene Dream]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Who Killed Sgt Pepper?]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Breathe]
- Dead Meadow [Dead Meadow]
- Turzi [B]
- Liars [Sisterworld]
- HEALTH [Get Color]
- Tricky [Knowle West Boy]

- Sunn O))) [Nantes 12/03/2019]
- Levitation [Angers 22/09/2018]
- Levitation [Angers 21/09/2018]
- Depeche Mode [Paris 03/12/2017]
- Levitation [Angers 16/09/2017]
- Levitation [Angers 15/09/2017]
- Levitation [Angers 17/09/2016]
- Levitation [Angers 16/09/2016]
- La Ferme Electrique [Tournan En Brie 09/07/2016]
- La Ferme Electrique [Tournan En Brie 08/07/2016]
- Carpenter Brut [Nantes 28/01/2016]
- La Ferme Electrique [TOURNAN-EN-BRIE 04/07/2015]
- Jessica93 [Nantes 09/12/2014]
- Sebadoh [Nantes 30/10/2014]
- Emilie Simon [Nantes 08/10/2014]
- Night Beats [Nantes 23/07/2014]
- Birth Of Joy [Nantes 09/04/2014]
- Depeche Mode [Paris 29/01/2014]
- Scout Niblett [Paris 27/11/2013]
- Sebadoh [Paris 24/10/2013]
- Allah-Las [Paris 21/05/2013]
- Oiseaux-Tempête [Paris 26/04/2013]
- Crash Normal [Paris 08/02/2013]
- Pan European Recording [Paris 19/01/2013]
- Beak> [Boulogne-Billancourt 25/11/2012]
- Ty Segall [Boulogne-Billancourt 24/11/2012]
- Chain & The Gang [Boulogne-Billancourt 24/11/2012]
- JC Satàn [Paris 21/11/2012]
- Pulp [Paris 13/11/2012]
- Faust [Paris 03/11/2012]
- Silver Apples [Paris 22/09/2012]
- Yeti Lane [Nantes 27/04/2012]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Paris 15/04/2012]
- Câlin [Paris 06/03/2012]
- MellaNoisEscape [Paris 16/02/2012]
- Michel Cloup (Duo) [Nantes 29/01/2012]
- Mina May [Paris 14/01/2012]
- The Feeling Of Love [Paris 21/12/2011]
- The Lanskies [Paris 18/11/2011]
- Sic Alps [Paris 23/09/2011]
- Electrelane [Paris 22/07/2011]
- Peter Hook [Nantes 13/05/2011]
- The Black Angels [Paris 11/02/2011]
- The Black Angels [Saint Cloud 29/08/2010]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Paris 12/05/2010]
- Windsor For The Derby [Paris 24/08/2009]
En ligne
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Au hasard Balthazar