Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 30 ans |
Soft silly music is meaningful magical
I will float until I learn how to swim
I will spit until I learn how to speak.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Jenny Hval - Spells
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Anna & Elizabeth - The Invisible Comes to Us
- #2 Niño de Elche - Antologia del cante flamenco heterodoxo
- #3 Clarence Clarity - No Now
- #4 Paul McCartney - Chaos & Creation in the Backyard
- #5 Andrew WK - You're Not Alone
» X_Wazoo vous recommande :
![Einstürzende Neubauten [Halber Mensch]](images/artistes/einstrzendeneubauten/oeuvres/halbermensch_1317805458514460.jpeg)
![Klaus Schulze [X]](images/artistes/klausschulze/oeuvres/x_1326038397467998.jpeg)
![Frank Zappa [Frank Zappa Hammersmith Odeon]](images/artistes/frankzappa/oeuvres/frankzappahammersmithodeon_1306516829676613.jpeg)
![Fiery Furnaces [Gallowbird's Bark]](images/artistes/fieryfurnaces/oeuvres/gallowbirdsbark_1304785202351910.jpeg)
![Rosalía [El Mal Querer]](images/artistes/rosala/oeuvres/elmalquerer_1544658360016291.jpeg)

- Luc Ferrari [Danses Organiques: Cinéma Pour L'oreille]
- Van Morrison [Astral Weeks]
- Yo La Tengo [Painful]
- Autechre [Amber]
- Jali Musa Jawara [Yasimika]
- My Bloody Valentine [Loveless]
- Julien Ledru [White Oak Blues]
- Mark Kozelek [Mark Kozelek With Ben Boye & Jim White 2]
- Matana Roberts [Coin Coin Chapter Four: Memphis]
- Raül Refree [All Hands Around The Moment]
- Richard Youngs [All Hands Around The Moment]
- 3776 [Saijiki]
- Richard Dawson [2020]
- Prefab Sprout [Lions In My Own Garden (Exit Someone) / Radio Love]
- Jenny Hval [The Practice Of Love]
- Big Thief [U.F.O.F.]
- Big Bend [Radish]
- Vampire Weekend [Father Of The Bride]
- Suso Saiz [Nothing Is Objective]
- Weyes Blood [Titanic Rising]
- Jungstötter [Love Is]
- Weyes Blood [Front Row Seat To The Earth]
- Weezer [The Black Album]
- Jo David Meyer Lysne [Henger I Luften]
- Low [Double Negative]
- Kanye West [Ye]
- Julia Holter [Aviary]
- Rosalía [El Mal Querer]
- Noorg [Plexus]
- Jessie J [R.O.S.E.]
- Kero Kero Bonito [Time 'n' Place]
- Low [The Invisible Way]
- Hontatedori [Konata Kanata]
- Nathan Salsburg [Third]
- Gwenifer Raymond [You Never Were Much Of A Dancer]
- Dylan Golden Aycock [Guitar Meanderings II]
- Stella Chiweshe [Kasawha: Early Singles]
- The Necks [Body]
- Let's Eat Grandma [I'm All Ears]
- Cv313 [Analogue Oceans]
- Low [C'mon]
- Jenny Hval [The Long Sleep]
- Mount Eerie [Now Only]
- Low [The Great Destroyer]
- Low [Trust]
- Low [The Curtain Hits The Cast]
- Low [Long Division]
- Low [Things We Lost In The Fire]
- Low [Secret Name]
- SOPHIE [Oil Of Every Pearl's Un-Insides]
- Carla Bozulich [Quieter]
- Mark Kozelek [Mark Kozelek]
- Elysia Crampton [Elysia Crampton]
- Lost Girls [Feeling]
- Autechre [NTS Session 1]
- Traumprinz [Live At Planet Uterus]
- Niño De Elche [Antología Del Cante Flamenco Heterodoxo]
- XTC [Go 2]
- XTC [White Music]
- Anna & Elizabeth [The Invisible Comes To Us]
- Saåad [Présence Absente]
- Eels [The Deconstruction]
- Cucina Povera [Hilja]
- Yo La Tengo [There's A Riot Going On]
- Eric Chenaux [Slowly Paradise]
- Justin Timberlake [Man Of The Woods]
- Hot Snakes [Jericho Sirens]
- Peter Kernel [The Size Of The Night]
- Park Jiha [Communion]
- Kero Kero Bonito [TOTEP]
- Sumac [American Dollar Bill - Keep Looking Sideways, You're Too Hideous To Look Face On]
- Keiji Haino [American Dollar Bill - Keep Looking Sideways, You're Too Hideous To Look At Face On]
- Stick In The Wheel [Follow Them True]
- MGMT [Little Dark Age]
- Helen Love [Love And Glitter, Hot Days And Music]
- L'Rain [L'Rain]
- Dots [[ ]]
- Damien Dubrovnik [Great Many Arrows]
- Chloe X Halle [The Two Of Us]
- Korekyojinn [Kaleidoscope]
- Ellen Arkbro [For Organs And Brass]
- Converge [The Dusk In Us]
- John Fahey [The Dean Dub]
- Jeff Rosenstock [POST-]
- Rosalía [Los Ángeles]
- Bill Orcutt [Bill Orcutt]
- Circuit Des Yeux [Reaching For Indigo]
- Ichiko Aoba [Pneuma]
- GFOTY [Friday Night]
- Rina Sawayama [RINA]
- John Fahey [The Yellow Princess]
- Eliane Radigue [Trilogie De La Mort]
- Maniucha & Ksawery [Oj Borom, Borom]
- The Caretaker [Everywhere At The End Of Time [Part 1-3]]
- Alvvays [Antisocialites]
- Richard Dawson [Peasant]
- XTC [Nonsuch]
- Perfume Genius [No Shape]
- Sorority Noise [You're Not As _____ As You Think]
- Timber Timbre [Sincerely, Future Pollution]
- La Baracande [La Baracande 2]
- Colin Stetson [All This I Do For Glory]
- Gas [Narkopop]
- Mount Eerie [A Crow Looked At Me]
- Laetitia Sadier [Find Me Finding You]
- Kayoko Yoshizawa [Yaneura Ju]
- The Magnetic Fields [50 Song Memoir]
- Sun Kil Moon [Common As Light And Love Are Red Valleys Of Blood]
- Various Artists - Discrepant [Antologia De Música Atípica Portuguesa Vol.1 : O Trabalho]
- The Necks [Silent Night]
- Foudre! [Earth]
- Lawrence English [Cruel Optimism]
- The Necks [Aquatic]
- Cvantez [Lozère]
- The Necks [Next]
- The Necks [Sex]
- Jesca Hoop [Memories Are Now]
- William Basinski [A Shadow In Time]
- Tinariwen [Elwan]
- The Necks [Unfold]
- Pinegrove [Elsewhere]
- Cloud Nothings [Life Without Sound]
- Booji Boys [Booji Boys]
- Jeroen Diepenmaat [Knip/plak EP03]
- Xiu Xiu [FORGET]
- Gorillaz [I, Noodle !]
- Nails [You Will Never Be One Of Us]
- The Gerogerigegege [Moenai Hai]
- Swans [The Glowing Man]
- Frank Ocean [Blonde]
- Jakub Simansky [Face To Face With American Primitivism In Eastern Europe Vol.1]
- La Tène [Vouerca/Fahy]
- Klô Pelgag [L'Etoile Thoracique]
- Childish Gambino ["Awaken, My Love!"]
- La Souterraine [FOLK - Musiques Traditionnelles Du Futur]
- Serpentwithfeet [Blisters EP]
- Kero Kero Bonito [Bonito Generation]
- Jessica Sligter [A Sense Of Growth]
- Roy Montgomery [R M H Q: Headquarters]
- Ichiko Aoba [Mahoroboshiya]
- Rockettothesky [To Sing You Apple Trees]
- Jenny Hval [Blood Bitch]
- Maison Book Girl [Summer Continue EP]
- The Avalanches [Wildflower]
- Sam Kidel [Disruptive Muzak]
- Told Slant [Going By]
- Impossible Nothing [Phonemenomicon]
- Deakin [Sleep Cycle]
- Dälek [Asphalt For Eden]
- Colin Stetson [Sorrow : A Reimagining Of Gorecki's 3rd Symphony]
- Cobalt [Slow Forever]
- Weezer [The White Album]
- Hildegard Westerkamp [Transformations]
- Soft Fangs [The Light]
- The Oscillation [Monographic]
- The Drones [Feelin Kinda Free]
- Pinegrove [Cardinal]
- Oranssi Pazuzu [Värähtelijä]
- Aluk Todolo [Voix]
- Alva Noto [Iggy Pop / Alva Noto / Tarwater - Leaving The Grass EP]
- Tarwater [Iggy Pop / Alva Noto / Tarwater - Leaving The Grass EP]
- Iggy Pop [Iggy Pop / Alva Noto / Tarwater - Leaving The Grass EP]
- Henry Flynt [You Are My Everlovin'/Celestial Power]
- Sarah Neufeld [The Ridge]
- Handwrist [Sullen Days]
- David Vassalotti [Broken Rope]
- John Fahey [Requia And Other Compositions For Guitar Solo]
- Tindersticks [The Waiting Room]
- Jesu [Jesu / Sun Kil Moon]
- Sun Kil Moon [Jesu / Sun Kil Moon]
- Hinds [Leave Me Alone]
- John Fahey [Volume VI : Days Have Gone By]
- Robbie Basho [Zarthus]
- John Fahey [Volume IV : The Great San Bernardino Birthday Party & Other Excursions]
- John Fahey [The Transfiguration Of Blind Joe Death]
- John Fahey [Volume III : The Dance Of Death & Other Plantation Favorites]
- John Fahey [Volume II : Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military Waltzes]
- Third Ear Band [Third Ear Band (Elements)]
- The Necks [Vertigo]
- John Fahey [Blind Joe Death]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Opium]
- Julia Holter [Have You In My Wilderness]
- Last Ex [Last Ex]
- Andy Bole [Ramshackle Pier]
- Robbie Basho [The Falconer's Arm I]
- Robbie Basho [The Voice Of The Eagle]
- Julian Cope [Jehovahkill]
- Jandek [Ready For The House]
- Coil [Horse Rotorvator]
- Heron [Heron]
- Robbie Basho [Visions Of The Country]
- Mumbles [Geese My Eyes]
- Extra Life [Dream Seeds]
- Lone Wolf [Lodge]
- Loop [Array 1]
- Wilco [I Am Trying To Break Your Heart: A Film About Wilco]
- Wilco [Star Wars]
- Walter Wegmüller [Tarot]
- Sun Kil Moon [Universal Themes]
- Algiers [Algiers]
- Jenny Hval [Apocalypse, Girl]
- Chassol [Big Sun]
- Les Rallizes Dénudés ['77 Live]
- Mbongwana Star [From Kinshasa]
- Peter Kernel [White Death Black Heart]
- Bärlin [Emerald Sky]
- Neutral Milk Hotel [Ferris Wheel On Fire]
- Paul De Jong [IF]
- The Tallest Man On Earth [Dark Bird Is Home]
- Ichiko Aoba [0%]
- The Mountain Goats [Beat The Champ]
- XSilence [Vol. IV]
- Sarah Neufeld [Colin Stetson & Sarah Neufeld - Never Were The Way She Was]
- Colin Stetson [Colin Stetson & Sarah Neufeld - Never Were The Way She Was]
- Polarbird [Buzz]
- Föllakzoid [III]
- Modest Mouse [Strangers To Ourselves]
- Sufjan Stevens [Carrie & Lowell]
- Pulp [Pulp: A Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets]
- Pulp [Different Class]
- The Pop Group [Citizen Zombie]
- Neutral Milk Hotel [In The Aeroplane Over The Sea]
- Mount Eerie [Sauna]
- Che¥enne 40 [Cinquante]
- Föllakzoid [II]
- Etant Donnés [Mort Aux Vaches : Le Sang Est Le Mur De L'étoile]
- Besoin Dead [Demo - Split Besoin Dead With Jessica93]
- Jessica93 [Demo - Split Besoin Dead With Jessica93]
- Dr Snuggle & Mc Jaqueline [Dr Snuggle & MC Jaqueline]
- Eric Chenaux [Skullsplitter]
- Trotski Nautique [Les Morceaux Les Plus Courts Sont Les Moins Longs]
- Trotski Nautique [Chomsky Ned]
- Carpenter Brut [III (EP)]
- Holger Czukay [Movies]
- Siskiyou [Nervous]
- Peter Kernel [Thrill Addict]
- Viet Cong [Viet Cong]
- Panda Bear [Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper]
- Kairon; IRSE! [Ujubasajuba]
- Ariel Pink [Pom Pom]
- Hayseed Dixie [Hair Down To My Grass]
- Rien [1]
- Rien [2]
- Rien [3]
- Iceage [Plowing Into The Field Of Love]
- Deerhoof [La Isla Bonita]
- Trotski Nautique [Oncle Vania Pocket]
- Leaf House [Lleeaaffhhoouussee]
- Trotski Nautique [Tolstoi Story]
- A Winged Victory For The Sullen [Atomos]
- Karl Hyde [Eno & Hyde - High Life]
- Flower Travellin' Band [Anywhere]
- Flower Travellin' Band [Yuya Uchida & The Flowers : Challenge !]
- Weezer [Everything Will Be Alright In The End]
- White Lung [Deep Fantasy]
- Clipping. [CLPPNG]
- Flying Lotus [You're Dead!]
- Brian Eno [Eno & Hyde - High Life]
- Laetitia Sadier [Something Shines]
- King Creosote [From Scotland With Love]
- Swans [To Be Kind]
- Scott Walker [Bish Bosch]
- Murmuüre [Murmuüre]
- Damon Albarn [Everyday Robots]
- Eels [The Cautionary Tales Of Mark Oliver Everett]
- Future Islands [Singles]
- Cascadeur [Ghost Surfer]
- Timber Timbre [Hot Dreams]
- Murmur [Murmur]
- Sun Kil Moon [Benji]
- Soap And Skin [Sugarbread]
- Willis Earl Beal [Nobody Knows]
- Steven Wilson [The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)]
- Mount Eerie [Pre-Human Ideas]
- Future Of The Left [How To Stop Your Brain In An Accident]
- Pixies [EP1]
- Roky Erickson [Roky Erickson & Okkervil River - True Love Cast Out All Evil With Okkervil River]
- Okkervil River [Roky Erickson & Okkervil River - True Love Cast Out All Evil With Okkervil River]
- Xasthur [Subliminal Genocide]
- Eels [Wonderful, Glorious]
- Mount Eerie [Lost Wisdom]
- Jenny Hval [Innocence Is Kinky]
- John Murry [The Graceless Age]
- Laura Marling [Once I Was An Eagle]
- Deerhunter [Monomania]
- Eleanor Friedberger [Personal Record]
- Espers [The Weed Tree]
- The Knife [Shaking The Habitual]
- Colin Stetson [New History Warfare Vol.3 : To See More Light]
- OOIOO [Feather Float]
- Michael Rother [Katzenmusik]
- James Blackshaw [Love Is The Plan, The Plan Is Death]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Cut The World]
- Six Organs Of Admittance [Sun Awakens]
- James Blackshaw [O True Believers]
- The Tallest Man On Earth [Shallow Graves]
- Gong [You]
- Colin Stetson [New History Warfare Vol.2 : Judges]
- Dick Gaughan [Handful Of Earth]
- Grizzly Bear [Shields]
- The Books [Thought For Food]
- The (Hypothetical) Prophets [Around The World With The Prophets]
- Dirty Projectors [Swing Lo Magellan]
- Mount Eerie [Ocean Roar]
- Laetitia Sadier [Silencio!]
- Dirty Projectors [Bitte Orca]
- Swans [The Seer]
- Mount Eerie [Clear Moon]
- Mount Eerie [Wind's Poem]
- Delicate Steve [Positive Force]
- The Microphones [It Was Hot We Stayed In The Water]
- The Microphones [The Glow, Pt. 2]
- Jackson C. Frank [Jackson C. Frank]
- Ptôse [Ignobles Limaces]
- Ruth [Polaroid Roman Photo]
- 23 Skidoo [Seven Songs]
- Linda Perhacs [Parallelograms]
- Fiona Apple [The Idler Wheel]
- The Raincoats [The Raincoats]
- Mayo Thompson [Corky's Debt To His Father]
- Jonathan Richman [O Moon, Queen Of Night On Earth]
- Mouse On Mars [Idiology]
- Shearwater [Animal Joy]
- Laurie Anderson [Homeland]
- Harmonia [Musik Von Harmonia]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Swanlights EP]
- Beach House [Bloom]
- John Fahey [Fare Forward Voyagers (Soldier's Choice)]
- Carl Hancock Rux [Apothecary Rx]
- Me'shell Ndegeocello [The World Has Made Me The Man Of My Dreams]
- Jonathan Richman [You Must Ask The Heart]
- Klaus Schulze [Irrlicht]
- Ben Frost [By The Throat]
- Willis Earl Beal [Acousmatic Sorcery]
- The Men [Open Your Heart]
- Léo Ferré [Seul En Scène - Léo Ferré 73]
- Sunn O))) [Sunn O))) Meets Nurse With Wound : The Iron Soul Of Nothing]
- Nurse With Wound [Sunn O))) Meets Nurse With Wound : The Iron Soul Of Nothing]
- Basement 5 [1965-1980]
- Chris Bell [I Am The Cosmos]
- ESG [ESG [EP]]
- ESG [Come Away With ESG]
- Robert Fripp [Exposure]
- Gonjasufi [MU.ZZ.LE]
- Cloud Nothings [Attack On Memory]
- Popol Vuh [Hosianna Mantra]
- Ruins (jap) [Pallaschtom]
- Klaus Schulze [X]
- The Red Krayola [The Parable Of Arable Land]
- Nicolas Jaar [Space Is Only Noise]
- Klaus Schulze [Timewind]
- Son Lux [We Are Rising]
- Son Lux [At War With Walls & Mazes]
- Flying Lotus [Cosmogramma]
- Kat Onoma [Kat Onoma]
- Tinariwen [Tassili]
- Keiji Haino [C'est Parfait, Endoctriné Tu Tombes La Tête La Première]
- Gonjasufi [The 9th Inning EP]
- The Men [Leave Home]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Spellbound]
- Gonjasufi [A Sufi And A Killer]
- Julian Cope [Droolian]
- Jim O'Rourke [Bad Timing]
- Material [Memory Serves]
- Zombi [Escape Velocity]
- Tom Waits [Bad As Me]
- Real Estate [Days]
- Syd Barrett [Barrett]
- The War On Drugs [Slave Ambient]
- Kurt Vile [Smoke Ring For My Halo]
- Keiji Haino [Affection]
- Real Estate [Real Estate]
- Einstürzende Neubauten [Halber Mensch]
- The Pop Group [For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?]
- Crass [Penis Envy]
- The Ex [Tumult]
- White Noise [An Electric Storm]
- Todd Rundgren [Something/Anything]
- Talk Talk [Live At Montreux 1986]
- Amon Düül II [Phallus Dei]
- Todd Rundgren [A Wizard, A True Star]
- The The [Dusk]
- Talk Talk [It's My Life]
- Talking Heads [True Stories]
- Jacques Higelin [Higelin À Mogador (Hold Tight)]
- Jacques Higelin [Amor Doloroso]
- Klaus Schulze [Moondawn]
- The Pop Group [Y]
- Shoes [Present Tense]
- Laurie Anderson [Strange Angels]
- Ringo Deathstarr [Sparkler]
- White Noise [White Noise III - Re-Entry]
- The Damned [Machine Gun Etiquette]
- White Noise [White Noise II - Concerto For Synthesizers]
- Tim Buckley [Greetings From L.A.]
- Eleanor Friedberger [Last Summer]
- The Damned [New Rose]
- The Damned [Damned Damned Damned]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Thank You For Your Love - EP]
- Patti Smith [Twelve]
- The Divine Comedy [Bang Goes The Knighthood]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Swanlights]
- Blondie [Parallel Lines]
- Marianne Faithfull [Strange Weather]
- Frank Zappa [Frank Zappa Hammersmith Odeon]
- Tim Buckley [Honeyman]
- Talking Heads [Naked]
- Tom Waits [Heartattack & Vine]
- Fiery Furnaces [Gallowbird's Bark]
- Tom Waits [The Early Years - Vol.2]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Exploding Head]
- Pavement [Brighten The Corners : Nicene Creedence Edition]

- The Necks [Paris 15/10/2018]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 12/11/2017]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 11/11/2017]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 10/11/2017]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 09/11/2017]
- Foudre! [Paris 05/04/2017]
- Eric Lapierre Experience [Paris 28/01/2017]
- Swans [Tourcoing 08/11/2016]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 13/11/2016]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 12/11/2016]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 11/11/2016]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 10/11/2016]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 20/11/2015]
- Le Guess Who? [Utrecht 19/11/2015]
- Sarah Neufeld [Paris 03/11/2015]
- Colin Stetson [Paris 03/11/2015]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Paris 01/10/2015]
- Jeffrey Lewis [Paris 13/06/2015]
- La Ferme Electrique [TOURNAN-EN-BRIE 03/07/2015]
- Black Yaya [Paris 13/06/2015]
- Julie Doiron [Paris 13/06/2015]
- John & Betty [Paris 13/06/2015]
- Spectrum Orchestrum [Lille 21/06/2015]
- Camilla Sparksss [Lille 01/06/2015]
- Mudhoney [Lille 23/05/2015]
- Peter Kernel [Paris 25/02/2015]
- Disappears [Paris 30/01/2015]
- Rien [Lille 27/11/2014]
- Peter Kernel [Roubaix 22/11/2014]
- Chapelier Fou [Roubaix 22/11/2014]
- Clipping. [Paris 07/11/2014]
- Bärlin [Lille 22/10/2014]
- Neutral Milk Hotel [Paris 25/05/2014]
- Laetitia Sadier [Paris 25/05/2014]
- Tinariwen [Clamart 21/11/2009]
- Eleanor Friedberger [Paris 01/10/2011]
En ligne
172 invités et 0 membre
Au hasard Balthazar