Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 30 ans |
Let's just imitate the real.
Until we find a better one.
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Todd Terje - It's Album Time
- #2 Real Estate - Atlas
- #3 Mac DeMarco - Salad Days
- #4 Tycho - Awake
- #5 Joy As A Toy - Dead As A Dodo
» TiComo La Fuera vous recommande :
![José Gonzalez [Crosses]](images/artistes/josgonzalez/oeuvres/crosses_1232987823825016.jpeg)
![Andrew Bird [Armchair Apocrypha]](images/artistes/andrewbird/oeuvres/armchairapocrypha_1175510510275580.jpeg)
![Thee, Stranded Horse [Churning Strides]](images/artistes/theestrandedhorse/oeuvres/churningstrides_1196777138186896.jpeg)
![Explosions In The Sky [How Strange Innocence]](images/artistes/explosionsinthesky/oeuvres/howstrangeinnocence1083450523806334.gif)
![Arca [On Ne Distinguait Plus Les Têtes]](images/artistes/arca/oeuvres/onnedistinguaitpluslesttes_1183267054169503.jpeg)

- Silicon [Personal Computer]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Murder Of The Universe]
- Flavien Berger [Contrebande 01. Le Disque De Noël]
- Toy [Toy]
- Wampire [Bazaar]
- Wampire [Curiosity]
- Jon Hopkins [Immunity]
- Connan Mockasin [Caramel]
- Cours Lapin [Cours Lapin]
- Megafaun [Gather, Form & Fly]
- Junip [Fields]
- Chairlift [Something]
- Jim Noir [Zooper Dooper]
- Fiona Apple [The Idler Wheel]
- Candy Claws [Hidden Lands]
- Chapelier Fou [Invisible]
- Glen Hansard [Rhythm And Repose]
- Sóley [We Sink]
- The Boy Least Likely To [The Law Of The Playground]
- Candy Claws [In The Dream Of The Sea Life]
- Andrew Bird [Break It Yourself]
- Andrew Bird [Fingerlings 4 (Gezelligheid Chicago)]
- Pascal Pinon [Pascal Pinon]
- Saroos [See Me Not]
- Hot Chip [Come On Strong]
- Clogs [The Creatures In The Garden Of Lady Walton]
- S / S / S [Beak & Claw]
- Petit Fantôme [Yallah]
- Tanlines [Mixed Emotions]
- Chapelier Fou [Darling, Darling, Darling...]
- Broken Social Scene [Live At Radio Aligre FM In Paris]
- Flight Of The Conchords [I Told You I Was Freaky]
- Balam Acab [See Birds]
- Austra [Feel It Break]
- Fink [Perfect Darkness]
- Yellow Ostrich [Strange Land]
- Xploding Plastix [Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents]
- Department Of Eagles [The Cold Nose]
- Broken Social Scene [Forgiveness Rock Record]
- Botibol [Born From A Shore]
- Dear Euphoria [Heal My Violence]
- Ane Brun [A Temporary Dive]
- Bruce Peninsula [A Mountain Is A Mouth]
- The Notwist [Boneless]
- Architecture In Helsinki [Moment Bends]
- Ane Brun [Spending Time With Morgan]
- Reverie Sound Revue [Reverie Sound Revue]
- CANT [Dreams Come True]
- Connan Mockasin [Forever Dolphin Love]
- Amiina [Kurr]
- My Brightest Diamond [All Things Will Unwind]
- Mount Kimbie [Maybes]
- Mount Kimbie [Crooks & Lovers]
- Caribou [Swim]
- Ms. John Soda [No P. Or D.]
- Port O'brien [Threadbare]
- Baths [Cerulean]
- Widowspeak [Widowspeak]
- 13 & God [Own Your Ghost]
- Yellow Ostrich [The Mistress]
- The Go Find [Everybody Knows It's Gonna Happen Only Not Tonight]
- Gold Panda [Lucky Shiner]
- Do Make Say Think [Do Make Say Think]
- Bon Iver [For Emma, Forever Ago]
- Bell Orchestre [Recording A Tape The Colour Of The Light]
- Iron & Wine [Around The Well]
- The Dodos [Time To Die]
- The Boy Least Likely To [The Best Party Ever]
- Rufus Wainwright [Rufus Does Judy At Carnegie Hall]
- Nurses [Apple's Acre]
- Jónsi & Alex [Riceboy Sleeps]
- Stanley Brinks [Dank U]
- Noir Désir [Des Visages, Des Figures]
- Fink [Sort Of Revolution]
- Murcof [Erik Truffaz & Murcof - Mexico]
- Erik Truffaz [Erik Truffaz & Murcof - Mexico]
- Exsonvaldes [Near The Edge Of Something Beautiful]
- Lisa Papineau [Red Trees]
- Andrew Bird [Noble Beast]
- Patrick Watson [Wooden Arms]
- Loney, Dear [Dear John]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Lost Channels]
- Wax Tailor [Lost The Way]
- Devics [Buxom]
- Bonobo [One Offs... Remixes And B-Sides]
- Goldfrapp [Felt Mountain]
- Psapp [The Camel's Back]
- Beirut [March Of The Zapotec And Realpeople Holland]
- Antony And The Johnsons [The Crying Light]
- Sea Wolf [Leaves In The River]
- Sigur Rós [Með Suð I Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Etiquette]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Twinkle Echo]
- José Gonzalez [Crosses]
- Simone White [I Am The Man]
- Apostle Of Hustle [National Anthem Of Nowhere]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Pocket Symphonies For Lonesome Subway Cars]
- Papercuts [Can't Go Back]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Answering Machine Music]
- Fleet Foxes [Fleet Foxes]
- The Black Swans [Who Will Walk In The Darkness With You ?]
- Peggy Honeywell [Faint Humms]
- Islands [Arm's Way]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Another World]
- Sea Wolf [Get To The River Before It Runs Too Low]
- Apostle Of Hustle [Folkloric Feel]
- Animal Collective [Here Comes The Indian]
- Bonobo [Days To Come]
- Encre [Flux]
- Landscape [With A Little Help From My Friends]
- Landscape [One]
- The Dodos [Beware Of The Maniacs]
- Cold War Kids [Loyalty To Loyalty]
- Perry Blake [California]
- Songs Of Green Pheasant [Aerial Days]
- I'm From Barcelona [Sing!!]
- Télépopmusik [Angel Milk]
- Télépopmusik [Genetic World]
- Mud Flow [Ryunosuke]
- Fink [Fresh Produce]
- I'm From Barcelona [Who Killed Harry Houdini]
- The Dodos [Visiter]
- Cake [B-Sides And Rarities]
- Bowerbirds [Danger At Sea]
- The Innocence Mission [We Walked In Song]
- Beirut [Pompeii]
- Emiliana Torrini [Me And Armini]
- Broken Social Scene [To Be You And Me EP]
- Brendan Canning [Something For All Of Us]
- Final Fantasy [Many Lives - 49 MP]
- Devics [If You Forget Me]
- Plants And Animals [Parc Avenue]
- Patrick Watson [Just Another Ordinary Day]
- Calexico [In The Reins]
- Iron & Wine [In The Reins]
- Iron & Wine [The Creek Drank The Cradle]
- Panda Bear [Person Pitch]
- Tristeza [A Colores]
- Tristeza [Dream Signals In Full Circles]
- Tristeza [Insound Tour Support]
- Tristeza [Spine & Sensory]
- Panic! At The Disco [A Fever You Can't Sweat]
- Vampire Weekend [Vampire Weekend]
- The Strange Death Of Liberal England [Forward March !]
- Handsome Furs [Plague Park]
- Fink [Distance And Time]
- Fink [Biscuits For Breakfast]
- Phosphorescent [Pride]
- Bowerbirds [Hymns For A Dark Horse]
- The Workhouse [Flyover]
- The Workhouse [The End Of The Pier]
- Dawn Landes [Fireproof]
- Ramona Cordova [The Boy Who Floated Freely]
- The Delano Orchestra [A Little Girl, A Little Boy And All The Snails They Have Drawn]
- Syd Matters [La Question Humaine]
- Syd Matters [Everything Else]
- Chris Garneau [C Sides]
- Deus [Vantage Point]
- Efterklang [Parades]
- Efterklang [Under Giant Trees]
- Efterklang [One-Sided]
- Efterklang [Tripper]
- Girls In Hawaii [Found In The Ground : The Winter EP]
- Girls In Hawaii [Plan Your Escape]
- Apparat [Berlin, Montreal, Tel Aviv]
- Markéta Irglová [The Swell Season]
- Glen Hansard [The Swell Season]
- Alela Diane [The Pirate's Gospel]
- The Wombats [The Wombats Proudly Present A Guide To Love, Loss And Desperation]
- Static Observer [StaticLab]
- Cocoon [My Friends All Died In A Plane Crash]
- Moriarty [Gee Whiz But This Is A Lonesome Town]
- Sébastien Schuller [Happiness]
- Apparat [Shapemodes]
- Grisbi [Playtime]
- White Rabbits [Fort Nightly]
- Lali Puna [Clear Cut]
- Lali Puna [Micronomic]
- Lali Puna [Left Handed]
- Markéta Irglová [Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova : Once]
- Glen Hansard [Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova : Once]
- Beirut [Lon Gisland]
- Apparat [Can't Computerize It]
- Apparat [Silizium EP]
- Apparat [Duplex]
- Apparat [Trial And Error]
- Apparat [Multifunktionsebene]
- Thee, Stranded Horse [Churning Strides]
- Psapp [Buttons & War]
- Psapp [Do Something Wrong]
- Andrew Bird [Fingerlings 3]
- Andrew Bird [The Ballad Of The Red Shoes]
- Andrew Bird [Fingerlings]
- Andrew Bird [Andrew Bird's Bowl Of Fire - Thrills]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Ongiara]
- Loney, Dear [Sologne]
- Loney, Dear [Loney, Noir]
- Kevin Drew [Spirit If...]
- Broken Social Scene [Bee Hives]
- Broken Social Scene [Feel Good Lost]
- Songs : Ohia [Protection Spells]
- Songs : Ohia [Our Golden Ratio]
- Songs : Ohia [Hecla & Griper]
- Songs : Ohia [Songs : Ohia]
- Deus [Pocket Revolution Burnt]
- Thom Yorke [Spitting Feathers]
- Gravenhurst [The Western Lands]
- Final Fantasy [He Poos Clouds]
- Montgomery [Montgomery]
- Crepusculum [Sky Diaries EP]
- Rufus Wainwright [Release The Stars]
- Fionn Regan [The End Of History]
- Peter Von Poehl [Going To Where The Tea Trees Are]
- Arca [On Ne Distinguait Plus Les Têtes]
- The Driven [The Driven]
- Yann Tiersen [On Tour]
- Thomas Dybdahl [Science]
- Thomas Dybdahl [One Day You'll Dance For Me, New York City]
- Thomas Dybdahl [Stray Dogs]
- Thomas Dybdahl [...That Great October Sound]
- Chris Garneau [Music For Tourists]
- Andrew Bird [Armchair Apocrypha]
- Jude [Redemption]
- Cake [Fashion Nugget]
- Sufjan Stevens [The Avalanche: Outtakes & Extras From The Illinois Album !]
- Zero7 [The Garden]
- Zero7 [When It Falls]
- Portishead [Wild Wood]
- The Sea And Cake [Oui]
- Interpol [The Black EP]
- Explosions In The Sky [How Strange Innocence]
- Devics [Push The Heart]
- Lali Puna [Tridecoder]
- Rufus Wainwright [Poses]
- Rufus Wainwright [Rufus Wainwright]
- Phoenix [It's Never Been Like That]
- Clogs [Thom's Night Out]
- Tex La Homa [If Just Today Were To Be My Entiere Life]
- Tex La Homa [Dazzle Me With Transience]
- Mi And L'Au [Mi And L'Au]
- At The Drive-In [This Station Is Non-Operational]
- Mogwai [Mr. Beast]
- Mogwai [Happy Songs For Happy People]
- Mogwai [Rock Action]
- Mogwai [Come On Die Young]
- Mogwai [Young Team]
- Sufjan Stevens [Seven Swans]
- Sufjan Stevens [Enjoy Your Rabbit]
- Sufjan Stevens [A Sun Came]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Omar Rodriguez]
- Antony And The Johnsons [I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy EP]
- Tindersticks [Waiting For The Moon]
- Tindersticks [Can Our Love]
- Tindersticks [Simple Pleasure]
- Glissandro 70 [Glissandro 70]
- Tindersticks [Curtains]
- Tindersticks [Tindersticks]
- Frankie Sparo [Welcome Crummy Mystics]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [A Manual Dexterity : Soundtrack Volume One]
- Fridge [Happiness]
- Fridge [EPH]
- Jude [King Of Yesterday]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Bodies And Minds]
- Fridge [Semaphore]
- Fridge [Ceefax]
- Overhead [No Time Between]
- Blonde Redhead [Equus EP]
- Yann Tiersen [Black Session]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes Grace The Corners Of Our Rooms...]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada EP]
- Final Fantasy [Has A Good Home]
- Songs : Ohia [Axxess & Ace]
- Songs : Ohia [Ghost Tropic]
- Perry Blake [Perry Blake]
- Portishead [Dummy]
- Songs : Ohia [Didn't It Rain]
- Damien Rice [B-Sides]
- Antony And The Johnsons [Antony And The Johnsons]
- Jack The Ripper [Ladies First]
- Damien Rice [O]
- Tom McRae [Just Like Blood]
- Andrew Bird [Andrew Bird And The Mysterious Production Of Eggs]
- Clogs [Lantern]

- Eels [Caen 12/04/2013]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Bordeaux 01/11/2012]
- Cloud Nothings [Saint-Malo 12/08/2012]
- The Xx [Saint-Malo 11/08/2012]
- Lower Dens [Saint-Malo 11/08/2012]
- Veronica Falls [Saint Malo 11/08/2012]
- Spiritualized [Saint-Malo 10/08/2012]
- Dominique A [Saint-Malo 10/08/2012]
- Alt-J [Saint-Malo 10/08/2012]
- Here We Go Magic [Bilbao 13/07/2012]
- Warpaint [Bilbao 13/07/2012]
- Radiohead [Bilbao 13/07/2012]
- Patrick Watson [Bourges 26/04/2012]
- Daniel Darc [Bourges 26/04/2012]
- TUnE-yArDs [Rennes 17/02/2012]
- Megafaun [Rennes 17/02/2012]
- The Notwist [Paris 20/01/2012]
- I'm From Barcelona [Rennes 08/10/2011]
- The Chemical Brothers [Carhaix 17/07/2011]
- PJ Harvey [Carhaix 17/07/2011]
- Lou Reed [Carhaix 17/07/2011]
- Yann Tiersen [Saint Brieuc 11/06/2011]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Rennes 28/05/2011]
- Troy Von Balthazar [Rennes 27/05/2011]
- Iron & Wine [Paris 17/02/2011]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Toulouse 01/02/2011]
- Thee, Stranded Horse [Bordeaux 31/01/2011]
- Lali Puna [Paris 05/06/2010]
- Gotan Project [Cahors 29/05/2010]
- Coco Rosie [Bordeaux 25/05/2010]
- Fink [New York 10/12/2009]
- Apostle Of Hustle [Montréal 27/11/2009]
- Do Make Say Think [Montréal 26/11/2009]
- Charles Spearin [Montréal 26/11/2009]
- Years [Montréal 26/11/2009]
- The Swell Season [Montréal 04/11/2009]
- White Rabbits [Montréal 23/10/2009]
- Sea Wolf [Montréal 10/10/2009]
- Port O'brien [Montréal 10/10/2009]
- Sara Lov [Montréal 10/10/2009]
- We Were Promised Jetpacks [Montréal 09/10/2009]
- Emiliana Torrini [Montréal 13/08/2009]
- Fleet Foxes [Montréal 03/08/2009]
- Dirty Projectors [Montréal 21/07/2009]
- Megafaun [Montréal 13/07/2009]
- Bowerbirds [Montréal 13/07/2009]
- Beirut [Montréal 11/07/2009]
- The Dodos [Montréal 11/07/2009]
- Bonobo [Montréal 10/07/2009]
- Bell Orchestre [Montréal 09/07/2009]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Montréal 07/07/2009]
- Patrick Watson [Montréal 05/07/2009]
- Handsome Furs [Montréal 03/07/2009]
- Malajube [Montréal 23/06/2009]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Bordeaux 28/05/2009]
- Vandaveer [Bordeaux 21/04/2009]
- Thee, Stranded Horse [Saintes 18/04/2009]
- Talvin Singh [Poitiers 15/04/2009]
- Murcof [Poitiers 15/04/2009]
- Erik Truffaz [Poitiers 15/04/2009]
- Chapelier Fou [Poitiers 15/04/2009]
- Stanley Brinks [Poitiers 27/01/2009]
- François Virot [Poitiers 27/01/2009]
- Le Loup [Bordeaux 31/10/2008]
- The Herbaliser [Bordeaux 25/10/2008]
- Alela Diane [Bordeaux 03/04/2008]
- Syd Matters [Niort 22/03/2008]
- Girls In Hawaii [Angoulême 19/03/2008]
- Flexa Lyndo [Angoulême 19/03/2008]
- Moriarty [Bordeaux 23/02/2008]
- Cocoon [Bordeaux 21/02/2008]
- The Delano Orchestra [Bordeaux 21/02/2008]
- The Do [Poitiers 14/02/2008]
- Perio [Poitiers 14/02/2008]
- Sébastien Schuller [Paris 17/07/2007]
- Animal Collective [Paris 17/07/2007]
- Gravenhurst [Paris 17/07/2007]
- Damien Rice [Bordeaux 07/03/2007]
- The Magic Numbers [Bordeaux 07/03/2007]
- Calexico [Bordeaux 23/10/2006]
- Mogwai [Bordeaux 03/10/2006]
- Rhesus [Saint Cloud 26/08/2006]
- Beck [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Phoenix [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Radiohead [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Broken Social Scene [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- DJ Shadow [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- TV On The Radio [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Kasabian [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Nada Surf [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Calexico [Saint-cloud 25/08/2006]
- Jack The Ripper [Luxey 12/08/2006]
- Jesu [Bordeaux 30/05/2006]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Bordeaux 25/05/2006]
- Emilie Simon [Bordeaux 13/05/2006]
- NED [Bordeaux 12/05/2006]
- Sincabeza [Bordeaux 12/05/2006]
- Jude [Bordeaux 12/10/2005]
- Andrew Bird [Bordeaux 06/10/2005]
En ligne
218 invités et 0 membre
Au hasard Balthazar