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Age : 51 ans |
"...Nous n'agissons que peu, sans doute parce que nous sommes trop heureux : les gens qui ne manquent de rien n'ont aucune raison de partir en guerre pour changer le monde. Ceux qui s'emploient à diriger nos existences le savent très bien, tous ces invisibles, ces patrons de grandes entreprises, de chaînes de supermarchés, quels qu'ils soient. Leur objectif est simplement de faire perdurer cette situation. Ou bien, si tu préfères, d'entretenir le principe d'absurdité..."
Extrait de "D'Ailleurs, Les Poissons N'Ont Pas De Pieds", Jón Kalman Stefánsson
» Pascha vous recommande :
![Sloy [Planet Of Tubes]](images/artistes/sloy/oeuvres/planetoftubes1070318599852857.gif)
![Hint (Fr) [100% White Puzzle]](images/artistes/hintfr/oeuvres/100whitepuzzle_1252140926544989.jpeg)
![Noir Désir [Tostaky]](images/artistes/noirdsir/oeuvres/tostaky_1253627085745133.jpeg)
![The Young Gods [Knock On Wood]](images/artistes/theyounggods/oeuvres/knockonwood_1246013097871826.jpeg)
![Rodolphe Burger [Environs]](images/artistes/rodolpheburger/oeuvres/environs_1606031318824396.jpeg)

- Dominique A [Le Monde Réel]
- Ho99o9 [Skin]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Kind Hearts Have A Run Run]
- Fly Pan Am [Frontera]
- Fly Pan Am [C'Est Ça]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Snakecharmer]
- Garbage [Version 2.0]
- Fontaines D.C. [A Hero's Death]
- Dälek [Precipice]
- Fontaines D.C. [Skínty Fía]
- Les Wampas [Les Wampas Vous Aiment]
- Double Nelson [Un Sentiment Étrange]
- Johnny Mafia [Sentimental]
- Pigalle [Rire Et Pleurer]
- Kælan Mikla [Undir Köldum Norðurljósum]
- Jim Yamouridis [The Other Side]
- Tue-Loup [La Peau Des Arbres]
- Unun [Ótta]
- Rodolphe Burger [Environs]
- Prohibition [#5 (Follow The Towncrier)]
- Les Wampas [Simple Et Tendre]
- Les Garçons Bouchers [Vacarmélite Ou La Nonne Bruyante]
- Les Garçons Bouchers [On A Mal Vieilli ...]
- The Young Gods [Data Mirage Tangram]
- Tue-Loup [Total Musette]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Villains]
- Grant Lee Buffalo [Mighty Joe Moon]
- Grísalappalísa [ALI]
- Pigalle [Ballade En Mélancolie]
- Kolrassa Krókríðandi [Köld Eru Kvennaráð]
- Unun [Æ]
- Botnledja [Fólk Er Fífl]
- Silvain Vanot [Il Fait Soleil]
- Baxter Dury [Prince Of Tears]
- Botnledja [Iceland National Park]
- Botnledja [Magnyl]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Piano, Rumpu Ja Kukka]
- Alain Bashung [Play Blessures]
- Thee Oh Sees [Floating Coffin]
- Silvain Vanot [Silvain Vanot]
- Sparklehorse [Vivadixiesubmarine Transmissionplot]
- Christine Owman [Little Beast]
- Wovenhand [Refractory Obdurate]
- Shellac [Dude Incredible]
- Silvain Vanot [Sur Des Arbres]
- Silvain Vanot [Bethesda]
- Captain Beefheart [Safe As Milk]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Asunder, Sweet And Other Distress]
- Shonen Knife [Brand New Knife]
- Fugazi [The Argument]
- Zen Guerrilla [Trance States In Tongues]
- Ruby [Salt Peter]
- Zen Guerrilla [Positronic Raygun]
- R.E.M. [Automatic For The People]
- R.E.M. [Out Of Time]
- Beth Orton [Kidsticks]
- Silvain Vanot [Ithaque]
- Tue-Loup [Le Goût Du Bonbon]
- Johnny Mafia [Michel-Michel Michel]
- Grand Blanc [Mémoires Vives]
- Dinosaur Jr [Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not]
- Prohibition [Cobweb-Day]
- Heliogabale [Blood]
- Heliogabale [Diving Rooms]
- Tue-Loup [Ramo]
- R.E.M. [New Adventures In Hi-Fi]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [I'm In Your Mind Fuzz]
- Miossec [Ici-Bas, Ici Même]
- Tue-Loup [Le Lac De Fish]
- R.E.M. [Collapse Into Now]
- Smog [Julius Caesar]
- R.E.M. [Reveal]
- R.E.M. [Monster]
- Fred Vidalenc [La Latitude Des Chevaux]
- Sons Of Frida [Tortuga]
- Beth Orton [Sugaring Season]
- Rodolphe Burger [Burger & Cadiot - Hôtel Robinson]
- Beth Orton [Pass In Time]
- 22 Pistepirkko [22-Pistepirkko / The Others - Ou Wee !]
- Noir Désir [Où Veux-Tu Qu'Je R'Garde]
- The Craftmen Club [I Gave You Orders Never To Play That Record Again]
- Talk Talk [Laughing Stock]
- Les Thugs [Nineteen Something]
- Tanger [Il Est Toujours 20 Heures Dans Le Monde Moderne]
- Tue-Loup [9]
- Pavement [Major Leagues]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascent!]
- Soundgarden [King Animal]
- Sonic Youth [Experimental Jet Set, Trash And No Star]
- Dionysos [The Sun Is Blue Like The Eggs In Winter]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Oceania]
- Miossec [Chansons Ordinaires]
- Big Black [The Hammer Party]
- Kat Onoma [Live A La Chapelle]
- Deus [Keep You Close]
- Pearl Jam [Vs]
- Exhaust [Exhaust]
- Pearl Jam [Ten]
- Madrugada [Industrial Silence]
- Liars [They Were Wrong, So We Drowned]
- Liars [They Threw Us In A Trench And Stuck A Monument On Top]
- Double Nelson [Pousser La Voiture]
- Mickey 3D [Mistigri Torture]
- Madrugada [Grit]
- Hint (Fr) [Wu-Wei]
- No One Is Innocent [Revolution.com]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Darklands]
- Fugazi [Margin Walker]
- The Bewitched Hands [Birds & Drums]
- Fugazi [Fugazi]
- Portishead [Portishead]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Psychocandy]
- Rodolphe Burger [Valley Session]
- The Zutons [Who Killed The Zutons]
- The Craftmen Club [Thirty Six Minutes]
- Hint (Fr) [Dys-]
- Programme [Mon Cerveau Dans Ma Bouche]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Lime Green DeLorean]
- Rodolphe Burger [Welche - On N'Est Pas Indiens C'est Dommage]
- Noir Désir [Veuillez Rendre L'Ame (A Qui Elle Appartient)]
- Shonen Knife [Rock Animals]
- The Wedding Present [Yé Yé : The Best Of The RCA Years]
- Deftones [White Pony]
- Wovenhand [The Threshingfloor]
- Massive Attack [Protection]
- The Arcade Fire [The Suburbs]
- L7 [Hungry For Stink]
- Depeche Mode [Violator]
- Radio 4 [Gotham !]
- Frank Black [Frank Black]
- Sonic Youth [Washing Machine]
- Babes In Toyland [Nemesisters]
- The Besnard Lakes [The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night]
- Les Thugs [Tout Doit Disparaitre]
- Hint (Fr) [100% White Puzzle]
- Noir Désir [Dies Irae]
- Noir Désir [Tostaky]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion ["This Is Our Punk-Rock", Thee Rusted Satellites Than Gather + Sing]
- Miossec [Finistériens]
- Them Crooked Vultures [Them Crooked Vultures]
- Sixteen Horsepower [Live March 2001]
- The Libertines [Up The Bracket]
- King Crimson [In The Court Of The Crimson King]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Eleven]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Sleep Good - Rock Well]
- Massive Attack [Blue Lines]
- MGMT [Oracular Spectacular]
- Echo & The Bunnymen [Me, I'm All Smiles]
- Giant Sand [Selections Circa 1990-2000]
- Merz [Loveheart]
- The Young Gods [Second Nature]
- Bloc Party [A Weekend In The City]
- The Young Gods [Knock On Wood]
- Pavement [Wowee Zowee]
- The Cure [Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me]
- The Prodigy [The Fat Of The Land]
- Deus [Vantage Point]
- Blur [Girls & Boys]
- Doo Rag [What We Do]
- The Cure [The Head On The Door]
- Soft Machine [Third]
- The Cure [The Cure]
- Oasis [Definitely Maybe]
- Sloy [Plug]
- Pixies [Bossanova]
- Miossec [L'Etreinte]
- Morphine [Yes]
- Cornu [Cornu]
- Pixies [Trompe Le Monde]
- Fugazi [Instrument Soundtrack]
- Les Thugs [I.A.B.F.]
- Liars [Drum's Not Dead]
- Johnny Cash [American Recordings V : A Hundred Highways]
- 22 Pistepirkko [(Well You Know) Stuff Is Like We Yeah !]
- Nirvana [From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah]
- Les Thugs [As Happy As Possible]
- Oasis [(What's The Story) Morning Glory?]
- Liars [Liars]
- Portishead [Dummy]
- Emilie Simon [Emilie Simon]
- David Bowie [Black Tie White Noise]
- Nirvana [Nevermind]
- Placebo [Without You I'm Nothing]
- Soundgarden [Down On The Upside]
- Soundgarden [Superunknown]
- Echo & The Bunnymen [What Are You Going To Do With Your Life ?]
- Rroselicoeur [Demios Oneiron]
- Miossec [Brest Of (tout Ça Pour Ça)]
- Sonic Youth [Dirty]
- Ride [Nowhere]
- Sonic Youth [Sonic Death : Early Sonic 1981-1983]
- Fly Pan Am [Fly Pan Am]
- Nine Inch Nails [Year Zero]
- Shellac [Terraform]
- Do Make Say Think [You, You're A History In The Rust]
- Zone Libre [Faites Vibrer La Chair]
- The Black Heart Procession [The Spell]
- PJ Harvey [Rid Of Me]
- Heliogabale [To Pee]
- Nirvana [MTV Unplugged In New-York]
- Johnny Cash [Ring Of Fire : The Legend Of Johnny Cash]
- Double Nelson [The So Sorry Spaceman, The So Sick Spaceman And The Noisy Shadow Vs. Double Nelson]
- No One Is Innocent [Utopia]
- No One Is Innocent [No One Is Innocent]
- Kat Onoma [Far From The Pictures]
- Jeff Buckley [Grace]
- Dead Kennedys [Live At The Deaf Club]
- Nirvana [In Utero]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral]
- Heliogabale [Mobile Home]
- Heliogabale [The Full Mind Is Alone The Clear]
- Les Thugs [Strike]
- Beirut [Gulag Orkestar]
- Jeff Buckley [Mystery White Boy]
- The Arcade Fire [Funeral]
- Rollins Band [Come In And Burn]
- Deus [Worst Case Scenario]
- Rollins Band [The End Of Silence]
- The White Stripes [Elephant]
- Dinosaur Jr [Where You Been]
- My Bloody Valentine [Loveless]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Lift Your Skinny Fist Like Antennas To Heaven !]
- The Cure [Three Imaginary Boys]
- Talk Talk [Spirit Of Eden]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness]
- Shellac [1000 Hurts]
- Talk Talk [The Colour Of Spring]
- Condense [Air]
- Serge Teyssot-Gay [On Croit Qu'on En Est Sorti]
- Serge Teyssot-Gay [Interzone]
- Heliogabale [Yolk]
- Neil Young [Tonight's The Night]
- Morphine [Bootleg Detroit]
- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster [Hörse Of The Dög]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Drops And Kicks]
- 22 Pistepirkko [The Kings Of Hong Kong]
- The Breeders [Last Splash]
- The Vines [Highly Evolved]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Bare Bone Nest]
- Deus [The Ideal Crash]
- Condense [Placebo]
- Condense [Genuflex]
- Morphine [Like Swimming]
- Placebo [Placebo]
- Miossec [Boire]
- Depeche Mode [Songs Of Faith And Devotion]
- Depeche Mode [Music For The Masses]
- Sloy [Electrelite]
- Sloy [Planet Of Tubes]
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ! [Clap Your Hands Say Yeah]
- Miossec [A Prendre]
- Tanger [Le Détroit]
- Architecture In Helsinki [In Case We Die]
- Cat Power [What Would The Community Think]
- Dahlia [Le Grand Jeu]
- Dionysos [Monsters In Love]
- Nine Inch Nails [Broken EP]
- Zen Guerrilla [Invisible "Liftee" Pad / Gap-Tooth Clown]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Yanqui U.X.O]
- David Bowie [Let's Dance]
- Miossec [Brûle]
- Miossec [1964]
- Radiohead [Amnesiac]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Rumble City, Lala Land]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]
- Jack Meatbeat And The Underground Society [Back From World War III]
- Deus [Pocket Revolution]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Big Lupu]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Rally Of Love]
- The Young Gods [Only Heaven]
- Giant Sand [Is All Over The Map]
- Shellac [At Action Park]
- Fugazi [In On The Kill Taker]
- Wraygunn [Ecclesiastes 1.11]
- Mickey 3D [Matador]

- And Also The Trees [Strasbourg 03/04/2024]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Strasbourg 03/11/2023]
- The Young Gods [Strasbourg 12/10/2023]
- Grand Blanc [Strasbourg 27/09/2023]
- Melvins [Strasbourg 22/06/2023]
- Dominique A [Bischwiller 03/05/2023]
- Ho99o9 [Strasbourg 13/11/2022]
- Kælan Mikla [Strasbourg 15/04/2022]
- Eiffel [Meisenthal 26/09/2020]
- Les Wampas [Strasbourg 05/03/2020]
- The Young Gods [Strasbourg 20/11/2019]
- Johnny Mafia [Strasbourg 02/11/2019]
- Johnny Mafia [Sens 21/06/2019]
- Fat White Family [Strasbourg 31/05/2019]
- Shellac [Besançon 28/05/2019]
- Grand Blanc [Strasbourg 11/10/2018]
- Pigalle [Saint-Martin-Sainte-Catherine 27/07/2018]
- Lysistrata [Epinal 08/06/2018]
- Pigalle [Strasbourg 14/04/2018]
- Baxter Dury [Strasbourg 26/02/2018]
- Jessica93 [Strasbourg 17/02/2018]
- JC Satàn [Strasbourg 17/02/2018]
- The Bellrays [Strasbourg 16/02/2018]
- Tinariwen [Schiltigheim 09/12/2017]
- Rodolphe Burger [Strasbourg 18/05/2017]
- Peter Von Poehl [Besançon 17/02/2017]
- JC Satàn [Mulhouse 28/10/2016]
- Rodolphe Burger [Strasbourg 05/10/2016]
- JC Satàn [Strasbourg 09/06/2016]
- Grand Blanc [Strasbourg 09/06/2016]
- Mbongwana Star [Auxerre 30/04/2016]
- Calexico [Strasbourg 23/04/2016]
- Prohibition [Epinal 18/03/2016]
- Heliogabale [Epinal 18/03/2016]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Strasbourg 28/04/2015]
- The Besnard Lakes [Strasbourg 05/06/2013]
- The Bewitched Hands [Strasbourg 26/10/2012]
- Liars [Strasbourg 25/10/2012]
- Rodolphe Burger [Colmar 27/06/2012]
- Double Nelson [Metz 03/02/2012]
- Miossec [Metz 06/10/2011]
- The Craftmen Club [Dommarien 25/04/2009]
- The Young Gods [SELESTAT 16/07/2011]
- Deus [Neuve-Eglise 25/06/2011]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Besançon 16/02/2011]
- Miossec [Strasbourg 21/11/2009]
- The Dodos [Strasbourg 17/05/2011]
- Noir Désir [Belfort 05/07/1997]
- Noir Désir [Orleans 04/05/2002]
- Wovenhand [Reims 14/05/2009]
- The Young Gods [Dommarien 14/03/2009]
- Laetitia Shériff [Vitry-le-François 30/01/2009]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Laval 04/05/2008]
- Sixteen Horsepower [Belfort 06/07/1997]
- The Bellrays [Vitry-le-François 24/04/2008]
- The Do [Rennes 06/12/2007]
- Shellac [Strasbourg 27/05/2007]
- Serge Teyssot-Gay [Vitry-le-François 10/11/2007]
- Rroselicoeur [Nancy 11/03/2004]
- Miossec [Reims 12/03/2007]
- Gomm [Vitry-le-François 06/04/2007]
- Double Nelson [Bar-le-duc 25/10/2006]
- Silverchair [Belfort 07/07/1995]
- Mickey 3D [Saint-Dizier 29/06/2006]
- Les Thugs [Angers 02/02/1996]
- Dionysos [Troyes 07/04/2006]
- Miossec [Troyes 29/11/1997]
- Wraygunn [Paris 08/11/2005]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Reims 09/05/2003]
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