Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 93 ans |
- BUB / le sous-sol critique www.bubzine.fr
- AUTÓMATA : https://weareautomata.bandcamp.com/releases
» Jekyll vous recommande :
![Grandaddy [Just Like The Fambly Cat]](images/artistes/grandaddy/oeuvres/justlikethefamblycat_1148974867481373.jpeg)
![Whipping Boy [Heartworm]](images/artistes/whippingboy/oeuvres/heartworm1056555367991334.gif)
![The Sugar Plum Fairy Pr. [Shades Of Grey]](images/artistes/thesugarplumfairypr/oeuvres/shadesofgrey_1268594937435599.jpeg)
![Part Chimp [Chartpimp]](images/artistes/partchimp/oeuvres/chartpimp1094467957994671.gif)
![Akatombo [Trace Elements]](images/artistes/akatombo/oeuvres/traceelements1069109875164745.gif)

- XSilence [Vol. III]
- Mogwai [Earth Division EP]
- Lamb [5]
- Karma To Burn [V]
- Kid Loco [Confessions Of A Belladonna Eater]
- I Am X [Volatile Times]
- Low [C'mon]
- Radiohead [The King Of Limbs]
- The Go! Team [Rolling Blackouts]
- PJ Harvey [Let England Shake]
- Mogwai [Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will]
- Salem [King Night]
- Wild Nothing [Gemini]
- The Third Eye Foundation [The Dark]
- Yann Tiersen [Dust Lane]
- Amusement Parks On Fire [Road Eyes]
- I Am Kloot [Sky At Night]
- Interpol [Interpol]
- Syd Matters [Brotherocean]
- Stereo Total [Baby Ouh !]
- Weezer [Hurley]
- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster [Blood & Fire]
- The Arcade Fire [The Suburbs]
- 65daysofstatic [We Were Exploding Anyway]
- Crystal Castles [II]
- Errors [Come Down With Me]
- MGMT [Congratulations]
- Baby Bird [Ex-maniac]
- Vitalic [Flashmob]
- Espers [III]
- Them Crooked Vultures [Them Crooked Vultures]
- Edh [Prédature]
- The Sugar Plum Fairy Pr. [Shades Of Grey]
- These New Puritans [Hidden]
- Bill Callahan [Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle]
- The Xx [The XX]
- Weezer [Raditude]
- Queen Adreena [Djin]
- Chris Clark [Totems Flare]
- Kissogram [Rubber & Meat]
- Be My Weapon [March/2009]
- Mickey 3D [La Grande Évasion]
- Crippled Black Phoenix [200 Tons Of Bad Luck]
- Sunset Rubdown [Dragonslayer]
- Autokratz [Animal]
- We Were Promised Jetpacks [These Four Walls]
- 2Kilos &More [Entre3villes]
- Malcolm Middleton [Waxing Gibbous]
- Jason Lytle [Yours Truly, The Commuter]
- Porcelain [Me And My Famous Lover]
- Peaches [I Feel Cream]
- Placebo [Battle For The Sun]
- Dominique A [La Musique]
- Sophia [There Are No Goodbyes]
- Death Of The Neighbourhood [Death Of The Neighbourhood]
- I Am X [Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction]
- Jon Crosby [Generica Vol. I-V]
- Edh [The Correct Use Of Pets]
- Depeche Mode [Sounds Of The Universe]
- Principles Of Geometry [Lazare]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Self Portrait]
- Slowdive [Souvlaki [Remasterisé]]
- Slowdive [Souvlaki]
- Herman Düne [Mash Concrete Metal Mushrooms]
- Stephen Jones [Almost Cured Of Sadness]
- Speck Mountain [Summer Above]
- Deerhunter [Microcastle]
- Casiotone For The Painfully Alone [Answering Machine Music]
- Acetate Zero [Civilize The Satanists]
- Crystal Castles [Crystal Castles]
- Midnight Juggernauts [Dystopia]
- Bodysnatcher [The Ninth Floor]
- TV On The Radio [Return To Cookie Mountain]
- Mickey 3D [Live À Saint Etienne]
- Amanda Palmer [Who Killed Amanda Palmer]
- Vast [Bang Band SiXXX : Relay EP]
- The Cure [4:13 Dream]
- Mad Season [Above]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [A Place To Bury Strangers]
- Errors [It's Not Something But It's Like Whatever]
- Mogwai [The Hawk Is Howling]
- Ladytron [Velocifero]
- Fuck Buttons [Street Horrrsing]
- Locust [Morning Light]
- Ministry [The Last Sucker]
- Portishead [Third]
- Weezer [The Red Album]
- Swell [South Of The Rain And Snow]
- I Am Kloot [Gods And Monsters]
- Goldfrapp [Seventh Tree]
- Chris Clark [Turning Dragon]
- Six By Seven [Club Sandwich At The Peveril Hotel]
- Nine Inch Nails [Ghosts I-IV]
- M83 [M83]
- M83 [Saturdays = Youth]
- Robots In Disguise [We're In The Music Biz]
- OMR [Side Effects]
- Malcolm Middleton [Sleight Of Heart]
- Six By Seven [If Symptoms Persist Kill Your Doctor]
- Hayden [In Field & Town]
- Madrugada [Madrugada]
- Domotic [Bye Bye]
- Daniel Darc [Crèvecoeur]
- The Berg Sans Nipple [Form Of...]
- Syd Matters [Ghost Days]
- Dominique A [Sur Nos Forces Motrices]
- Lamb [Fear Of Fours]
- Whipping Boy [Whipping Boy]
- Whipping Boy [Submarine]
- Mendelson [Personne Ne Le Fera Pour Nous]
- Klaxons [Myths Of The Near Future]
- Prolapse [Ghosts Of Dead Aeroplanes]
- Neurosis [Given To The Rising]
- Pelican [Australasia]
- PJ Harvey [White Chalk]
- Dave Gahan [Hourglass]
- Stephen Jones [1985-2001]
- The Sugar Plum Fairy Pr. [The Sugar Plum Fairy Pr.]
- Morphine [Good]
- M83 [Digital Shades Vol. 1]
- Stereo Total [Paris-Berlin]
- Beirut [Gulag Orkestar]
- Low [Drums And Guns]
- Recoil [SubHuman]
- Bertrand Betsch [La Chaleur Humaine]
- Six By Seven [Artists, Cannibals, Poets, Thieves]
- Vast [April]
- Interpol [Our Love To Admire]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Zeitgeist]
- Tom McRae [King Of Cards]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Era Vulgaris]
- Nine Inch Nails [Year Zero]
- Malcolm Middleton [A Brighter Beat]
- Baby Bird [Dying Happy]
- Laura Veirs [Saltbreakers]
- Client [Heartland]
- Baby Bird [I Was Born A Man]
- Cex [Actual Fucking]
- Cex [Role Model]
- Kling Klang [The Esthetik Of Destruction]
- Arab Strap [Ten Years Of Tears]
- Jay Jay Johanson [The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known]
- The Arcade Fire [Neon Bible]
- Explosions In The Sky [All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone]
- 2Kilos &More [8 Floors Lower]
- Karma To Burn [Almost Heathen]
- Matt Ward [Post-war]
- Neurosis [A Sun That Never Sets]
- The God Machine [One Last Laugh In A Place Of Dying]
- The Album Leaf [Into The Blue Again]
- Electric Six [Switzerland]
- Lucky Pierre (UK) [Hypnogogia]
- B. Fleischmann [Welcome Tourist]
- Sophia [Technology Won't Save Us]
- Baby Bird [Between My Ears There's Nothing But Music]
- The Cure [Wild Mood Swing]
- Baby Bird [There's Something Going On]
- Lauren Hoffman [Choreography]
- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster [The Royal Society]
- Nestor Is Bianca [Out Of The Nest]
- Mono [Under The Pipal Tree]
- I Love UFO [Wish]
- Baby Bird [Bugged]
- Espers [II]
- OMR [Superheroes Crash]
- T. Raumschmiere [Radio Blackout]
- Pleasant Grove [The Art Of Leaving]
- Hypo [The Correct Use Of Pets]
- Peaches [Impeach My Bush]
- Amusement Parks On Fire [Out Of The Angeles]
- Baby Bird [Fatherhood]
- The Dresden Dolls [Yes, Virginia]
- Hypo [Random Veneziano]
- Grandaddy [Just Like The Fambly Cat]
- Hypo [Karaoke A Capella]
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [Fear Is On Our Side]
- Ladytron [Witching Hour]
- [1] Kilo Of Black Bondage [Fear The Windows]
- Placebo [Meds]
- Beulah [When Your Heartstrings Beak]
- Prolapse [Backsaturday]
- Ulrich Schnauss [A Strangely Isolated Place]
- Part Chimp [I Am Come]
- Arab Strap [The Last Romance]
- Nine Inch Nails [Pretty Hate Machine]
- Billy Corgan [The Future Embrace]
- Mogwai [Mr. Beast]
- Belle And Sebastian [The Life Pursuit]
- Espers [Espers]
- Depeche Mode [Playing The Angel]
- Kinski [Be Gentle With The Warm Turtle]
- Dont Look Back [Brighter]
- Laura Veirs [Year Of The Meteors]
- Alec Empire [Futurist]
- Amusement Parks On Fire [Amusement Parks On Fire]
- The For Carnation [The For Carnation]
- Malcolm Middleton [Into The Woods]
- Soul Coughing [El Oso]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Rush]
- Tom McRae [All Maps Welcome]
- Queen Adreena [The Butcher And The Butterfly]
- PJ Harvey [Uh Huh Her]
- Mickey 3D [Matador]
- Smog [The Doctor Came At Down]
- Julie Doiron [Goodnight Nobody]
- The Kills [Keep On Your Mean Side]
- Bertrand Betsch [Pas De Bras, Pas De Chocolat]
- Hypo [Kotva]
- Tarwater [Dwellers On The Treshold]
- Syd Matters [Someday We Will Foresee Obstacles]
- The Arcade Fire [Funeral]
- Madrugada [The Deep End]
- Interpol [Antics]
- Stereo Total [Do The Bambi]
- Low [The Great Destroyer]
- Electric Six [Señor Smoke]
- Depeche Mode [Remixes 81-04]
- Dominique A [Remué]
- M83 [Before The Dawn Heals Us]
- Fischerspooner [#1]
- Neurosis [Times Of Grace]
- Herman Düne [Switzerland Heritage]
- Mendelson [L'Avenir Est Devant]
- Six By Seven [04]
- Sonic Youth [Goo]
- Hayden [Elk-Lake Serenade]
- Jude [Sarah]
- Robots In Disguise [Get Rid !]
- TV On The Radio [Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes]
- Mono [One Step More And You Die]
- Franz Ferdinand [Franz Ferdinand]
- The Dresden Dolls [The Dresden Dolls]
- Client [City]
- Duo 505 [Late]
- Part Chimp [Chartpimp]
- The Album Leaf [In A Safe Place]
- Dave Gahan [Paper Monsters]
- Lamb [Between Darkness And Wonder]
- Swell [Whenever You're Ready]
- Prolapse [The Italian Flag]
- The Cure [The Cure]
- Sophia [People Are Like Seasons]
- Lauren Hoffman [From The Blue House]
- Dont Look Back [Drunk In Your Arms]
- Mono [Walking Cloud And Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered And The Sun Shined]
- I Am X [Kiss And Swallow]
- Malcolm Middleton [5:14 Fluoxytine Seagull Alcohol John Nicotine]
- Aereogramme [A Story In White]
- Cex [Tall, Dark, And Handcuffed]
- Tom McRae [Just Like Blood]
- Explosions In The Sky [The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place]
- Robots In Disguise [Robots In Disguise]
- Morphine [Like Swimming]
- Ladytron [Light And Magic]
- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster [Hörse Of The Dög]
- Vast [Nude]
- Elista [Elista]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Poison]
- Stereo Total [Musique Automatique]
- Colder [Again]
- Venus [Welcome To The Modern Dance Hall]
- Chris Clark [Empty The Bones Of You]
- Martin Gore [Counterfeit 2]
- Syd Matters [A Whisper And A Sigh]
- Dead Kennedys [Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables]
- Overhead [Silent Witness]
- Electric Six [Fire]
- Jean Louis Murat [Mustango]
- Jean Louis Murat [Venus]
- Madrugada [Grit]
- Swell [Well ?]
- Akatombo [Trace Elements]
- Swell [For All The Beautiful People]
- Chris Clark [Clarence Park]
- LFO [Advance]
- Peaches [Father Fucker]
- I Am Kloot [I Am Kloot]
- Client [Client]
- Jude [No One Is Really Beautiful]
- Primal Scream [Screamadelica]
- Idlewild [The Remote Part]
- Jacknife Lee [Muy Rico !]
- Wide Open Cage [Coax]
- The Wannadies [Before And After]
- Eels [Shootenanny !]
- Girls Against Boys [You Can't Fight What You Can't See]
- Radiohead [Hail To The Thief]
- Fat Truckers [For Sale]
- Ministry [Filth Pig]
- Whipping Boy [Heartworm]
- Acetate Zero [Ground Altitude]
- Grandaddy [Sumday]
- Kinski [Airs Above Your Station]
- Arab Strap [Monday At The Hug And Pint]
- M83 [Dead Cities, Red Seas And Lost Ghosts]
- Nirvana [In Utero]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Yanqui U.X.O]
- Skinny Puppy [The Process]
- Porcelain [I' Ve Got A Really Important Thing To Do Right Now But I Can't Do It Because I'm Asleep]
- Built To Spill [Perfect From Now On]
- Kyuss [Welcome To Sky Valley]
- Vast [Music For People]
- Martin Gore [Counterfeit E.P.]
- Vast [VAST: Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
- Liars [They Threw Us In A Trench And Stuck A Monument On Top]
- Depeche Mode [Ultra]
- Cat Power [You Are Free]
- Pleasant Grove [Pleasant Grove]
- Stroke [First In Last Out]
- Recoil [Liquid]
- Nestor Is Bianca [Nestor Is Bianca]
- Mickey 3D [La Trève]
- Madrugada [Industrial Silence]
- Gramophone [Gramophone]
- Lauren Hoffman [Meggido]
- Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia... [Indian Ink]
- L'Altra [In The Afternoon]
- Prolapse [Pointless Walks To Dismal Places]
- Alif Tree [Spaced]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Antenna]
- Múm [Finally We Are No One]
- Hayden [Everything I Long For]
- Hayden [Skyscraper National Park]
- Depeche Mode [Songs Of Faith And Devotion]
- Queen Adreena [Taxidermy]
- Cornu [Cornu]
- Archive [You All Look The Same To Me]
- The Aloof [Seeking Pleasure]
- Tim Hutton [Everything]
- Sophia [Fixed Water]
- Shawn Lee [Monkey Boy]
- Hood [The Cycle Of Days And Seasons]
- Archive [Take My Head]
- Sneaker Pimps [Bloodsport]
- Grandaddy [The Sophtware Slump]
- Grandaddy [Under The Western Freeway]
- Six By Seven [The Way I Feel Today]
- Sneaker Pimps [Splinter]
- Arab Strap [Elephant Shoe]

- Depeche Mode [Saint-Denis 27/06/2009]
- Hypo [Paris 26/09/2008]
- Mendelson [Paris 12/09/2008]
- Oxbow [Paris 16/07/2008]
- Queen Adreena [Paris 12/02/2007]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Paris 22/11/2005]
- Hayden [Paris 08/12/2004]
- I Am X [Paris 25/11/2004]
- Swell [Paris 11/05/2004]
- Mono [Paris 30/03/2004]
- I Am Kloot [Paris 04/03/2004]
- Arab Strap [Paris 04/11/2003]
- The Wannadies [Paris 24/10/2003]
- Mogwai [Paris 05/06/2003]
- Queen Adreena [Paris 01/05/2003]
- Interpol [Paris 21/03/2003]
- Mogwai [Paris 14/05/2001]
- Sneaker Pimps [Paris 17/10/2002]
En ligne
217 invités et 0 membre
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