Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 50 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Aldous Harding
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Mark Lanegan sous toutes ses formes
- #2 Chris Brokaw sous toutes ses formes
- #3 Beach House - One Twice Melody
- #4 Marissa Paternoster - Peace Meter
- #5 Marissa Nadler
» Myfriendgoo vous recommande :
![Beach House [Thank Your Lucky Stars]](images/artistes/beachhouse/oeuvres/thankyourluckystars_1549347369762806.jpeg)
![Julia Holter [Ekstasis]](images/artistes/juliaholter/oeuvres/ekstasis_1540815730321247.jpeg)
![Dogs [Too Much Class For The Neighboorhood]](images/artistes/dogs/oeuvres/toomuchclassfortheneighboorhood_1494755296844132.jpeg)
![The Wedding Present [Bizarro]](images/artistes/theweddingpresent/oeuvres/bizarro_1132328190483320.jpeg)
![Lou Reed [Songs For Drella]](images/artistes/loureed/oeuvres/songsfordrella_1168360124890948.jpeg)

- The Wedding Present [Watusi]
- Wet Leg [Wet Leg]
- Julia Holter [In The Same Room]
- Agnes Obel [Philharmonics]
- Stephen Malkmus [Traditional Techniques]
- Car Seat Headrest [Commit Yourself Completely]
- Lysistrata [Breathe In/out]
- Hand Habits [Placeholder]
- Sebadoh [Act Surprised]
- Deerhunter [Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?]
- Purple Mountains [Purple Mountains]
- The Murder Capital [When I Have Fears]
- Fontaines D.C. [Dogrel]
- Lane [A Shiny Day]
- Bodega [Endless Scroll]
- Nothing [Dance On The Blacktop]
- Alela Diane [Cusp]
- Beach House [7]
- Hookworms [Microshift]
- Beach House [Thank Your Lucky Stars]
- Lane [Teaching Not To Pray]
- Snail Mail [Lush]
- Moaning [Moaning]
- Julia Holter [Ekstasis]
- Car Seat Headrest [Twin Fantasy (Face To Face)]
- Parquet Courts [Wide Awake!]
- Japandroids [Celebration Rock]
- The Who [Tommy]
- Les Thugs [Come On, People!]
- Django Django [Born Under Saturn]
- His Clancyness [Isolation Culture]
- Django Django [Django Django]
- Slowdive [Slowdive]
- Arbouretum [Song Of The Rose]
- The Proper Ornaments [Foxhole]
- Quicksand [Interiors]
- The Orwells [Terrible Human Beings]
- Kevin Morby [City Music]
- Peter Perrett [How The West Was Won]
- The Proper Ornaments [Wooden Head]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Damage And Joy]
- Bob Mould [Workbook]
- Grandaddy [Last Place]
- Dogs [Too Much Class For The Neighboorhood]
- Traams [Modern Dancing]
- Bon Iver [22, A Million]
- Bob Mould [Patch The Sky]
- Parquet Courts [Human Performance]
- Psychic Ills [Inner Journey Out]
- Steve Gunn [Eyes On The Lines]
- Yak [Alas Salvation]
- Wilco [Schmilco]
- The Besnard Lakes [Volume 1]
- Car Seat Headrest [Teens Of Denial]
- Parquet Courts [Light Up Gold]
- Car Seat Headrest [Twin Fantasy]
- The Besnard Lakes [A Coliseum Complex Museum]
- The Besnard Lakes [Until In Excess, Imperceptible UFO]
- Car Seat Headrest [Teens Of Style]
- Paws [Youth Culture Forever]
- Paws [Cokefloat!]
- Dogs [Different]
- Dogs [Walking Shadows]
- Ought [New Calm EP]
- Dogs [Charlie Was A Good Boy]
- Ted Leo And The Pharmacists [Tyranny Of Distance]
- Lower Dens [Twin-Hand Movement]
- The Wedding Present [El Rey]
- Underground Railroad [Sticks And Stones]
- Fugazi [In On The Kill Taker]
- Blonde Redhead [23]
- John Cale [Songs For Drella]
- Lou Reed [Songs For Drella]
- Midlake [The Trials Of Van Occupanther]
- Nomeansno [Wrong]
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ! [Clap Your Hands Say Yeah]
- Neil Young [This Note's For You]
- Chris Knox [Yes !!]
- The Wedding Present [Bizarro]
- The Wedding Present [Hit Parade]
- Belle And Sebastian [If You're Feeling Sinister]
- Jane's Addiction [Strays]
- The Wedding Present [Take Fountain]
- The Wedding Present [Seamonsters]
- The Ramones [End Of The Century]
- Neil Young [Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere]
- The Young Gods [T.V. Sky]
- Neil Young [Ragged Glory]
- Kings Of Leon [Youth And Young Manhood]
- 22-20's [22-20's]
- Television [Marquee Moon]
- Jane's Addiction [Ritual De Lo Habitual]
- The Beta Band [Heroes To Zeros]

- Built To Spill [Paris 12/06/2023]
- The Murder Capital [Paris 13/02/2023]
- Dogbowl [Paris 07/01/2023]
- Stereolab [Paris 26/10/2022]
- The Wedding Present [Paris 14/09/2022]
- Flat Worms [Paris 11/06/2022]
- Teenage Fanclub [Paris 07/05/2022]
- Nothing [Paris 25/04/2022]
- Fontaines D.C. [Paris 12/04/2022]
- Chris Brokaw [Paris 25/02/2022]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Paris 05/12/2021]
- Mikal Cronin [Paris 22/02/2020]
- The Murder Capital [Paris 11/02/2020]
- Supergrass [Paris 04/02/2020]
- Les Wampas [Paris 01/02/2020]
- Le Villejuif Underground [Paris 11/01/2020]
- Fontaines D.C. [Paris 10/11/2019]
- Sebadoh [Paris 07/10/2019]
- Wilco [Paris 22/09/2019]
- The Cure [Saint-cloud 23/08/2019]
- Thurston Moore [Paris 08/06/2019]
- Alice In Chains [Paris 28/05/2019]
- The Proper Ornaments [Paris 23/04/2019]
- Michael Rother [Paris 20/04/2019]
- Lane [Paris 06/04/2019]
- Sharon Van Etten [Paris 01/04/2019]
- Bodega [Paris 23/02/2019]
- Shame [Paris 14/12/2018]
- Mudhoney [Paris 27/11/2018]
- Parquet Courts [Paris 16/11/2018]
- Hot Snakes [Paris 13/11/2018]
- Lane [Paris 08/11/2018]
- Helmet [Paris 29/07/2018]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Paris 27/06/2018]
- Preoccupations [Paris 11/06/2018]
- Courtney Barnett [Paris 09/06/2018]
- The Scientists [Paris 07/06/2018]
- Superchunk [Paris 31/05/2018]
- Screaming Females [Paris 26/05/2018]
- Car Seat Headrest [Paris 26/05/2018]
- Deerhunter [Paris 29/05/2018]
- Yo La Tengo [Paris 19/05/2018]
- Django Django [Paris 10/03/2018]
- Mark Lanegan [Paris 25/11/2017]
- Pitchfork Music Festival Paris [Paris 02/11/2017]
- Sigur Rós [Paris 29/09/2017]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 20/08/2017]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 19/08/2017]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 18/08/2017]
- The Warlocks [Paris 03/07/2017]
- Nos Primavera Sound [Porto 10/06/2017]
- Nos Primavera Sound [Porto 09/06/2017]
- Nos Primavera Sound [Porto 08/06/2017]
- The Black Lips [Paris 06/04/2017]
- Car Seat Headrest [Paris 22/03/2017]
- Slowdive [Paris 02/04/2017]
- Traams [Paris 22/03/2017]
- Blonde Redhead [Paris 01/03/2017]
- Yak [Paris 04/10/2016]
- The Warlocks [Paris 19/09/2016]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 14/08/2016]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 13/08/2016]
- La Route Du Rock [Saint-Malo 12/08/2016]
- Neil Young [Paris 23/06/2016]
- The Ramones [Vitoria-Gasteiz 18/06/2016]
- This Is Not A Love Song [Nîmes 05/06/2016]
- This Is Not A Love Song [Nîmes 04/06/2016]
- Car Seat Headrest [Paris 30/05/2016]
- This Is Not A Love Song [Nîmes 03/06/2016]
- Paws [Paris 17/05/2016]
- Buzzcocks [Ris-Orangis 04/05/2016]
- Giant Sand [Paris 19/04/2016]
- The Besnard Lakes [Paris 09/04/2016]
- The Posies [Paris 08/04/2016]
- Jesu [Paris 22/02/2016]
- Sun Kil Moon [Paris 22/02/2016]
- The Besnard Lakes [Paris 19/11/2015]
- Mars Red Sky [Paris 02/10/2014]
- No Age [Paris 24/06/2013]
- The Wedding Present [Paris 07/11/2008]
- No Age [Paris 01/11/2008]
- The Victorian English Gentlemens Club [Paris 25/04/2008]
- The Wedding Present [Paris 02/11/2007]
- Unsane [Paris 26/09/2007]
- Yo La Tengo [Paris 11/09/2007]
- Art Brut [Saint-Malo 15/08/2007]
- The National [St Malo 15/08/2007]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [St Malo 16/08/2007]
- Blonde Redhead [Paris 06/06/2007]
- Built To Spill [Paris 30/05/2007]
- The National [Paris 23/05/2007]
- The Guillemots [Paris 11/11/2006]
- Midlake [Paris 11/11/2006]
- Gang Of Four [Paris 11/11/2006]
- Théo Hakola [Paris 04/08/2006]
- Broken Social Scene [Paris 23/05/2006]
- TV On The Radio [Paris 18/05/2006]
- Mudhoney [Paris 17/05/2006]
- Sonic Youth [Paris 20/04/2006]
- Graham Coxon [Paris 11/04/2006]
- Arab Strap [Paris 26/02/2006]
- The Ex [Paris 07/12/2005]
- Supergrass [Paris 18/11/2005]
- The Wedding Present [Paris 25/10/2005]
- R.E.M. [Paris 08/02/2005]
- 22-20's [Paris 24/01/2005]
- The Beta Band [Paris 24/05/2004]
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