Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 34 ans |
"Life is too short to listen to shitty music." (Six Shooter Records)
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 "The Place I Left Behind" - The Deep Dark Woods
- Playlist du moment
- #1 "Brighten" - Jerry Cantrell
- #2 "Cancer And Delirium" - J. Tillman
- #3 "Raise The Roof" - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
- #4 "A Story of Darkness & Light" - Eldovar
- #5 "Motorheart" - The Darkness
» Poukram vous recommande :
![Chris Cornell [Higher Truth]](images/artistes/chriscornell/oeuvres/highertruth_1558046509464209.jpeg)
![Fruit Bats [Gold Past Life]](images/artistes/fruitbats/oeuvres/goldpastlife_1566367435197052.jpeg)
![Death Cab For Cutie [Asphalt Meadows]](images/artistes/deathcabforcutie/oeuvres/asphaltmeadows_1676475397509258.jpeg)
![The New Pornographers [Together]](images/artistes/thenewpornographers/oeuvres/together_1553007676542072.jpeg)
![Ray Lamontagne [Monovision]](images/artistes/raylamontagne/oeuvres/monovision_1599806910530075.jpeg)

- Hayden [Moving Careful]
- The Sadies [Stories Often Told]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Asphalt Meadows]
- The Sadies [Colder Streams]
- Bonny Light Horseman [Rolling Golden Holy]
- Grant Lee Phillips [All That You Can Dream]
- Band Of Horses [Things Are Great]
- Mark Lanegan [Hit The City]
- Fruit Bats [Sometimes A Cloud Is Just A Cloud: Slow Growers, Sleeper Hits And Lost Songs (2001–2021)]
- Fleet Foxes [Shore]
- Truly [Twilight Curtains]
- Hayden [Us Alone]
- Chris Cornell [Songbook]
- The Czars [Sorry I Made You Cry]
- The Coral [Coral Island]
- Teenage Fanclub [Endless Arcade]
- Iron & Wine [Archive Series Volume No. 5: Tallahassee]
- Neko Case [Furnace Room Lullaby]
- Ray Lamontagne [Trouble]
- The Czars [Before... But Longer]
- Great Lake Swimmers [When We Last Shook Hands: Cover Songs Volume 1]
- Eric D. Johnson [EDJ]
- The Sadies [New Seasons]
- Chris Cornell [No One Sings Like You Anymore - Vol. 1]
- Fruit Bats [The Pet Parade]
- Fruit Bats [Echolocation]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Something About Airplanes]
- Death Cab For Cutie [You Can Play These Songs With Chords]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Georgia E.P.]
- Greg Dulli [Random Desire]
- The Twilight Singers [A Stitch In Time]
- Hayden [The Place Where We Lived]
- Thurston Moore [By The Fire]
- Woods [Strange To Explain]
- Mark Lanegan [Dark Mark Does Christmas 2020]
- Jonathan Wilson [Dixie Blur]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Lightning, Show Us Your Stuff]
- Humanist [Humanist]
- Fruit Bats [Tragedy + Time = Fruit Bats]
- Fruit Bats [The Glory Of Fruit Bats]
- Fruit Bats [Tripper]
- Mark Lanegan [Straight Songs Of Sorrow]
- Ray Lamontagne [Monovision]
- Isobel Campbell [Voices In The Sky]
- Isobel Campbell [Time Is Just The Same]
- Nirvana [Blew]
- The Soulsavers [It's Not How Far You Fall, It's The Way You Land]
- Fruit Bats [The Ruminant Band]
- Meat Puppets [Rat Farm]
- Isobel Campbell [There Is No Other...]
- Ben Bridwell [Sing Into My Mouth]
- Iron & Wine [Sing Into My Mouth]
- Iron & Wine [Love Letter For Fire]
- Jesca Hoop [Love Letter For Fire]
- Vetiver [The Errant Charm]
- Bonny Light Horseman [Bonny Light Horseman]
- Vetiver [Up On High]
- Hayden [The Closer I Get]
- Fruit Bats [Spelled In Bones]
- Iron & Wine [Archive Series Volume No. 1]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Ladies' Love Oracle]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Open Door EP]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The John Byrd E.P.]
- Mark Lanegan [Somebody's Knocking]
- Shannon Wright [Providence]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Stability E.P.]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Forbidden Love E.P.]
- The New Pornographers [In The Morse Code Of Brake Lights]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Blue EP]
- Neko Case [The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You]
- Fruit Bats [Mouthfuls]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Strangelet]
- Meat Puppets [Dusty Notes]
- E.b. The Younger [To Each His Own]
- Fruit Bats [Gold Past Life]
- Calexico [Years To Burn]
- Iron & Wine [Years To Burn]
- Screaming Trees [Sweet Oblivion: Expanded Edition]
- The Sadies [Darker Circles]
- Tyler Ramsey [For The Morning]
- Iron & Wine [Our Endless Numbered Days [Deluxe Edition]]
- Chris Cornell [Higher Truth]
- Screaming Trees [Dust: Expanded Edition]
- Iron & Wine [The Sea & The Rhythm]
- The Decemberists [Traveling On]
- Iron & Wine [Woman King]
- The New Pornographers [Together]
- Alice In Chains [Rainier Fog]
- Neko Case [Hell-On]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Thank You For Today]
- Duke Garwood [Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood - With Animals]
- Mark Lanegan [Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood - With Animals]
- The Coral [Move Through The Dawn]
- Great Lake Swimmers [The Waves, The Wake]
- Iron & Wine [Weed Garden]
- The New Pornographers [Brill Bruisers]
- Neil Young [Roxy: Tonight's The Night Live]
- The Sadies [Internal Sounds]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Walking In The Green Corn]
- Screaming Trees [Anthology: SST Years 1985–1989]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Little Moon]
- The Decemberists [I'll Be Your Girl]
- Ray Lamontagne [Part Of The Light]
- The Shins [The Worm's Heart]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Side Effects]
- S. Carey [Hundred Acres]
- The Sadies [Favourite Colours]
- Grant Lee Phillips [Widdershins]
- Great Lake Swimmers [The Legion Sessions]
- Great Lake Swimmers [They Don't Make Them Like That Anymore]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Swimming Away]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Hands In Dirty Ground]
- Iron & Wine [Ghost On Ghost]
- Iron & Wine [Kiss Each Other Clean]
- Bnqt [Volume 1]
- Fleet Foxes [Crack-Up]
- Teenage Fanclub [Howdy!]
- Neil Young [Hitchhiker]
- Iron & Wine [Beast Epic]
- Volcano Choir [Repave]
- Volcano Choir [Unmap]
- Broken Bells [After The Disco]
- Broken Bells [Meyrin Fields]
- Broken Bells [Broken Bells]
- Woods [Love Is Love]
- Mark Lanegan [Imitations]
- Mark Lanegan [Gargoyle]
- Thurston Moore [Rock N Roll Consciousness]
- Soundgarden [Ultramega OK (Expanded Reissue)]
- Mark Lanegan [Phantom Radio]
- The Molochs [America's Velvet Glory]
- The New Pornographers [Whiteout Conditions]
- The Shins [Heartworms]
- Shannon Wright [Division]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Kintsugi]
- Midlake [Antiphon]
- The Sadies [Northern Passages]
- Mark Lanegan [No Bells On Sunday]
- The Shins [Port Of Morrow]
- Ray Lamontagne [Ouroboros]
- Fruit Bats [Absolute Loser]
- Woods [City Sun Eater In The River Of Light]
- Teenage Fanclub [Here]
- Band Of Horses [Why Are You OK]
- Grant Lee Phillips [The Narrows]
- Great Lake Swimmers [A Forest Of Arms]
- Great Lake Swimmers [New Wild Everywhere]
- Mark Lanegan [Has God Seen My Shadow ? An Anthology 1989-2011]
- Band Of Horses [Acoustic At The Ryman]
- Band Of Horses [Mirage Rock]
- Band Of Horses [Infinite Arms]
- Band Of Horses [Cease To Begin]
- Screaming Trees [Last Words - The Final Recordings]
- Mark Lanegan [Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Hawk]
- Isobel Campbell [Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Hawk]
- Fleet Foxes [Sun Giant]
- Pearl Jam [Backspacer]
- Blind Melon [Tones Of Home: The Best Of Blind Melon (Limited Edition)]

- Mark Lanegan [Glasgow 09/03/2012]
- Shannon Wright [Brest 12/11/2021]
- Weyes Blood [Nantes 02/11/2019]
- Shannon Wright [Allonnes 17/10/2019]
- Tyler Ramsey [Paris 22/05/2019]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Paris 02/02/2019]
- Thurston Moore [Brest 18/11/2018]
- Shannon Wright [Paris 01/03/2017]
- Band Of Horses [Paris 27/02/2017]
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