Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 29 ans |
"Music Is A Miracle Cure To Everything!"
Vous pouvez écouter mes 23 Albums/8 EP/4 compilations sur mon Bandcamp:
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 The Who - WHO
- Playlist du moment
- #1 KG&TLW - Live In Paris / In Adelaide '19
- #2 Beach Slang - The Deadbeat Bang of Heartbreak City
- #3 Laura Stevenson - The Big Freeze
- #4 Pivot Gang - You Can't Sit With Us
- #5 Alexandra Savior - The Archer
» Beckuto vous recommande :
![The Paperhead [Africa Avenue]](images/artistes/thepaperhead/oeuvres/africaavenue_1518547352712323.jpeg)
![Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [El Bien Y Mal Nos Une]](images/artistes/omararodriguezlopez/oeuvres/elbienymalnosune_1480148881710737.jpeg)
![Ty Segall [Manipulator]](images/artistes/tysegall/oeuvres/manipulator_1409726723611573.jpeg)
![King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Murder Of The Universe]](images/artistes/kinggizzardthelizardwizard/oeuvres/murderoftheuniverse_1499102457831038.jpeg)
![Jack White [Acoustic Recordings 1998–2016]](images/artistes/jackwhite/oeuvres/acousticrecordings19982016_1487156586464659.jpeg)

- Baston [Primates]
- Kadavar [For The Dead Travel Fast]
- Tropical Fuck Storm [Braindrops]
- Chickn [Bel Esprit]
- The Who [It's Hard]
- The Who [Face Dances]
- The Who [Who Are You]
- The Who [The Who By Numbers]
- The Who [Odds & Sods]
- William Tyler [Goes West]
- William Tyler [Modern Country]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Infest The Rats' Nest]
- Dury Dava [Dury Dava]
- Ty Segall [Deforming Lobes]
- Sleaford Mods [Eton Alive]
- Prins Obi [Love Tunes For Instant Success]
- Pipe-eye [Inside/Outside]
- Mac Demarco [Here Comes The Cowboy]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Fishing For Fishies]
- Kevin Morby [Oh My God]
- Father John Misty [Live At Third Man Records]
- Father John Misty [Live At Rough Trade]
- -v-v-v- [-V-V-V-]
- Cosmopaark [Sunflower]
- The C.I.A. [The C.I.A.]
- Tropical Fuck Storm [A Laughing Death In Meatspace]
- Ty Segall [Orange Rainbow]
- Th Da Freak [Freakenstein]
- Th Da Freak [H-Sides]
- Th Da Freak [T-Sides]
- Bazooka [Zero Hits]
- Good Old War [Part Of Us]
- Panda Bear [Buoys]
- Kim [Meets Jorge Bernstein & The Pioupioufuckers At The Bernstein Corporation: Violence Ultimatum]
- Jorge Bernstein & The Pioupioufuckers [Meet Kim At The Bernstein Corporation: Violence Ultimatum]
- Cat Power [Wanderer]
- Orb [The Space Between]
- Kikagaku Moyo [Masana Temples]
- The Fog Ensemble [Throbs]
- Prins Obi [Prins Obi & The Dream Warriors]
- Thee Oh Sees [Smote Reverser]
- Jim James [Uniform Clarity]
- Kurt Vile [Bottle It In]
- St. Vincent [MassEducation]
- Awards [Warm Computers]
- Shame [Songs Of Praise]
- The Sha La Das [Love In The Wind]
- Slift [La Planète Inexplorée]
- Superorganism [Superorganism]
- Peach Kelli Pop [Gentle Leader]
- Jim James [Uniform Distortion]
- Wand [Perfume]
- Peace [Kindness Is The New Rock And Roll]
- Nils Frahm [All Melody]
- Miles Kane [Coup De Grace]
- King Tuff [The Other]
- Graham Coxon [The End Of The F***ing World]
- Courtney Barnett [Tell Me How You Really Feel]
- Sleaford Mods [Sleaford Mods]
- Great Lake Swimmers [The Waves, The Wake]
- Haru Nemuri [Haru To Shura]
- The Who [Live At Leeds]
- Simon Love ["Sincerely, S. Love X"]
- White Fence [Ty Segall & White Fence - Joy]
- Ty Segall [Ty Segall & White Fence - Joy]
- Bongripper [Terminal]
- The Who [Magic Bus: The Who On Tour]
- The Who [The Who Sell Out]
- Sigrid [Raw]
- Sigrid [Don't Kill My Vibe]
- Father John Misty [God's Favorite Customer]
- Chickn [WOWSERS!]
- Gorillaz [The Now Now]
- The Who [A Quick One]
- The Who [My Generation]
- Arctic Monkeys [Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino]
- The Who [Quadrophenia]
- The Who [Who's Next]
- Woods [Dungen & Woods - Myths 003]
- Dungen [Dungen & Woods - Myths 003]
- Starcrawler [Starcrawler]
- Insecure Men [Insecure Men]
- U.S. Girls [In A Poem Unlimited]
- Royal Blood [How Did We Get So Dark?]
- Royal Blood [Royal Blood]
- Minami Deutsch [With Dim Light]
- Minami Deutsch [Minami Deutsch]
- Demob Happy [Dream Soda]
- Demob Happy [Holy Doom]
- Jack White [Boarding House Reach]
- The Noise Figures [Telepath]
- The Dead Weather [Dodge And Burn]
- Thundercat [Drunk]
- Fergus & Geronimo [Funky Was The State Of Affairs]
- Fergus & Geronimo [Unlearn]
- Peace [Happy People]
- Peace [In Love]
- Peace [Delicious]
- Tango With Lions [The Light]
- Pond [The Weather]
- Haim [Something To Tell You]
- Ty Segall [Freedom's Goblin]
- Good Old War [Part Of You]
- Good Old War [Part Of Me]
- Ezra Furman [Transangelic Exodus]
- Bazooka [Zougla]
- Caroline Rose [Loner]
- Anna Burch [Quit The Curse]
- Elvin Road [Fade To Dark]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Wrong Creatures]
- Sleaford Mods [English Tapas]
- Sleaford Mods [T.C.R.]
- Sleaford Mods [Key Markets]
- Sleaford Mods [Divide And Exit]
- Sleaford Mods [Austerity Dogs]
- The Go! Team [Semicircle]
- Corrosion Of Conformity [No Cross No Crown]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Gumboot Soup]
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds [Who Built The Moon?]
- Sun Kil Moon [Jesu & Sun Kil Moon - 30 Seconds To The Decline Of Planet Earth]
- Jesu [Jesu & Sun Kil Moon - 30 Seconds To The Decline Of Planet Earth]
- Grizzly Bear [Painted Ruins]
- Gonzales [Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales - Room 29]
- Jarvis Cocker [Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales - Room 29]
- Feist [Pleasure]
- Thee Oh Sees [Memory Of A Cut Off Head]
- Wolf Alice [Visions Of A Life]
- Wolf Alice [My Love Is Cool]
- Wolf Alice [Creature Songs]
- Wolf Alice [Blush]
- Temples [Volcano]
- Dan Auerbach [Waiting On A Song]
- Dan Auerbach [Keep It Hid]
- Foo Fighters [Concrete And Gold]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Gorilla Preacher Cartel]
- Lucy Rose [Something's Changing]
- The Paperhead [Chew]
- The Paperhead [Africa Avenue]
- The Babe Rainbow [The Babe Rainbow]
- Primus [The Desaturating Seven]
- Ariel Pink [Dedicated To Bobby Jameson]
- Father John Misty [I Love You, Honeybear]
- Father John Misty [Fear Fun]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Polygondwanaland]
- St. Vincent [MASSEDUCTION]
- Father John Misty [Pure Comedy]
- Orb [Naturality]
- Orb [Birth]
- The Murlocs [Old Locomotive]
- Mac Demarco [This Old Dog]
- Pipe-eye [Laugh About Life]
- Pipe-eye [Cosmic Blip]
- Liam Gallagher [As You Were]
- Kurt Vile [Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice]
- Courtney Barnett [Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice]
- Ty Segall [Fried Shallots]
- Ty Segall [Sentimental Goblin]
- Beck [Colors]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Azul, Mis Dientes]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Ensayo De Un Desaparecido]
- The War On Drugs [A Deeper Understanding]
- Thee Oh Sees [Orc]
- The Claypool Lennon Delirium [Lime And Limpid Green]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Villains]
- Mild High Club [King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard & Mild High Club - Sketches Of Brunswick East]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard & Mild High Club - Sketches Of Brunswick East]
- Sasquatch [Maneuvers]
- Illegal Operation [Down]
- Golden Animals [Hear Eye Go]
- Laucan [FramesPerSecond]
- Julie Byrne [Not Even Happiness]
- Ben Kweller [Go Fly A Kite]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Murder Of The Universe]
- Marika Hackman [I'm Not Your Man]
- Fazerdaze [Morningside]
- Sun Club [The Dongo Durango]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Chocolate Tumor Hormone Parade]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Zen Thrills]
- The Moonbeats [The Moonbeats]
- A Victim Of Society [Freaktown]
- Mild High Club [Skiptracing]
- Gorillaz [Humanz]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Roman Lips]
- Kikagaku Moyo [Stone Garden]
- Cherry Glazerr [Apocalipstick]
- Mild High Club [Timeline]
- Laura Marling [Semper Femina]
- Alberta Cross [Alberta Cross]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [A Lovejoy]
- Olivia Jean [Bathtub Love Killings]
- Tweak Bird [Any Ol' Way]
- Tweak Bird [Under Cover Crops]
- Tweak Bird [Tweak Bird]
- Tweak Bird [Reservations]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Flying Microtonal Banana]
- Crystal Fairy [Crystal Fairy]
- The Murlocs [Young Blindness]
- The Murlocs [Loopholes]
- The Murlocs [Tee Pee]
- The Murlocs [The Murlocs]
- The Last Shadow Puppets [The Dream Synopsis]
- Animal Collective [The Painters]
- Jack White [Acoustic Recordings 1998–2016]
- Duke Garwood [Garden Of Ashes]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Some Need It Lonely]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Nom De Guerre Cabal]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [¿Sólo Extraño?]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Zapopan]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Unicorn Skeleton Mask]
- The Inspector Cluzo [Rockfarmers]
- The Inspector Cluzo [Gasconha Rocks]
- The Inspector Cluzo [The 2 Mousquetaires]
- The Inspector Cluzo [The French Bastards]
- The Inspector Cluzo [The Inspector Cluzo]
- How To Destroy Angels [Welcome Oblivion]
- How To Destroy Angels [An Omen]
- How To Destroy Angels [How To Destroy Angels]
- Hello=fire [Hello=Fire]
- The Black Belles [The Black Belles]
- The Blank Tapes [Ojos Rojos]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Weekly Mansions]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Infinity Drips]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Cell Phone Bikini]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [El Bien Y Mal Nos Une]
- M.I.A. [AIM]
- Archive [The False Foundation]
- Goat [Requiem]
- Kula Shaker [K 2.0]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Umbrella Mistress]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Arañas En La Sombra]
- Bear's Den [Red Earth & Pouring Rain]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Blind Worms, Pious Swine]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Corazones]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Sworn Virgins]
- The Claypool Lennon Delirium [Monolith Of Phobos]
- Kikagaku Moyo [House In The Tall Grass]
- The Last Shadow Puppets [Everything You've Come To Expect]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Anglesea]
- Black Mountain [IV]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Nonagon Infinity]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Mini Album Thingy Wingy]
- Animal Collective [Painting With]
- Ty Segall [Emotional Mugger]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Paper Mâché Dream Balloon]
- Jacco Gardner [Hypnophobia]
- Jacco Gardner [Cabinet Of Curiosities]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Quarters!]
- The Blank Tapes [Geodesic Dome Piece]
- St. Vincent [Pieta]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [I'm In Your Mind Fuzz]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Oddments]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Float Along~Fill Your Lungs]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Eyes Like The Sky]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [12 Bar Bruise]
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard [Willoughby's Beach]
- Pond [Man It Feels Like Space Again]
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds [Chasing Yesterday]
- Ty Segall [Mr. Face]
- Archive [Axiom]
- Antemasque [Antemasque]
- Thurston Moore [The Best Day]
- Ty Segall [Manipulator]
- John Frusciante [Enclosure]
- The War On Drugs [Lost In The Dream]
- Kikagaku Moyo [Mammatus Clouds]
- Kikagaku Moyo [Forest Of Lost Children]
- Jack White [Lazaretto]
- Kimono Kult [Hiding In The Light]
- Temples [Sun Structures]
- Acid Mothers Temple [Black Magic Satori]
- Acid Mothers Temple [The Ripper At The Heaven's Gates Of Dark]
- The Black Angels [Clear Lake Forest]
- St. Vincent [St. Vincent]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Sepulcros De Miel]
- St. Vincent [Strange Mercy]
- St. Vincent [KROKODIL]
- St. Vincent [Actor]
- St. Vincent [Marry Me]
- Beck [Morning Phase]
- Kurt Vile [It's A Big World Out There (And I Am Scared)]
- Pearl Jam [Lightning Bolt]
- John Frusciante [Outsides]
- Ty Segall [Sleeper]
- Kurt Vile [Wakin On A Pretty Daze]
- Miles Kane [Don't Forget Who You Are]
- The Black Angels [Indigo Meadow]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Aufheben]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Octopus Kool Aid]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Los Sueños De Un Higado]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Mantra Hiroshima]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Cizaña De Los Amores]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Un Corazón De Nadie]
- Beady Eye [BE]
- Jack White [Blunderbuss]

En ligne
243 invités et 0 membre
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