Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 31 ans |
Mon profil Last.fm
Mon émission de radio :
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 White Fire (Angel Olsen)
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Beach On The Moon (Kurt Vile)
- #2 Situations Said (Jeremy Jay)
- #3 Strings of Nashville (Pavement)
- #4 Motion Picture Blues (Neil Young)
- #5 Green Arrow (Yo La Tengo)
» Dylanesque vous recommande :
![Mark Lanegan [Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart]](images/artistes/marklanegan/oeuvres/isobelcampbellmarklanegankeepmeinmindsweetheart_1260176544280556.jpeg)
![Bob Dylan [Nashville Skyline]](images/artistes/bobdylan/oeuvres/nashvilleskyline_1210336569539429.jpeg)
![The Beatles [Please Please Me]](images/artistes/thebeatles/oeuvres/pleasepleaseme_1538830940727836.jpeg)
![Bob Dylan [Another Side Of Bob Dylan]](images/artistes/bobdylan/oeuvres/anothersideofbobdylan_1208176386322355.jpeg)
![Phoenix [Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix]](images/artistes/phoenix/oeuvres/wolfgangamadeusphoenix_1249901399228405.jpeg)

- Johnny Cash [Ragged Old Country]
- Johnny Cash [Johnny Cash And His Woman]
- Turner Cody [Friends In High Places]
- Adam Green [That Fucking Feeling]
- Johnny Cash [The Gospel Road]
- Johnny Cash [Any Old Wind That Blows]
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- Luna [The Days Of Our Nights]
- Johnny Cash [På Österåker]
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- Johnny Cash [A Thing Called Love]
- Johnny Cash [Man In Black]
- Simon Joyner [Step Into The Earthquake]
- Luna [Pup Tent]
- Lou Reed [Ecstasy]
- Johnny Cash [The Johnny Cash Show]
- Johnny Cash [Hello, I'm Johnny Cash]
- Damien Jurado [In The Shape Of A Storm]
- Devendra Banhart [Ma]
- Jonathan Richman [Having A Party With Jonathan Richman]
- Golden Smog [Another Fine Day]
- Johnny Cash [The Holy Land]
- Johnny Cash [From Sea To Shining Sea]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 14: More Blood, More Tracks]
- Simon Joyner [Grass, Branch & Bone]
- Adam Green [Engine Of Paradise]
- Silver Jews [American Water]
- Luna [Penthouse]
- Johnny Cash [Carryin' On]
- Johnny Cash [Happiness Is You]
- Simon Joyner [Ghosts]
- Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks [Sparkle Hard]
- Lou Reed [Magic And Loss]
- Luna [Lunapark]
- Turner Cody [The Duke Of Decline]
- Johnny Cash [Sings Ballads Of The True West]
- Johnny Cash [I Walk The Line]
- Jonathan Richman [Jonathan, Te Vas A Emocionar!]
- Simon Joyner [Out Into The Snow]
- Arthur Russell [Love Is Overtaking Me]
- The Beatles [Please Please Me]
- Bonny Doon [Longwave]
- Johnny Cash [The Christmas Spirit]
- Johnny Cash [All Aboard The Blue Train]
- The Strokes [Future Present Past]
- Jonathan Richman [Jonathan Richman]
- Monsters Of Folk [Monsters Of Folk]
- Lou Reed [Lulu]
- Simon Joyner [Skeleton Blues]
- Johnny Cash [The Sound Of Johnny Cash]
- Johnny Cash [Now Here's Johnny Cash]
- Bonny Doon [Bonny Doon]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 13: Trouble No More 1979–1981]
- Golden Smog [Weird Tales]
- Peter Ivers [Nirvana Peter]
- Johnny Cash [Now, There Was A Song!]
- Carlo Barbagallo [9]
- Simon Joyner [Lost With The Lights On]
- Bob Dylan [Triplicate]
- Kevin Morby [Beautiful Strangers / No Place To Fall]
- Lou Reed [Mistrial]
- Johnny Cash [Ride This Train]
- Johnny Cash [Sings Hank Williams]
- Mac Demarco [Salad Days]
- Simon Joyner [Hotel Lives]
- Bob Dylan [Fallen Angels]
- Lou Reed [New Sensations]
- Cowboy Junkies [The Caution Horses]
- Jonathan Richman [I'm So Confused]
- Golden Smog [Down By The Old Mainstream]
- Johnny Cash [Hymns By Johnny Cash]
- Johnny Cash [Songs Of Our Soil]
- Matt Ward [More Rain]
- Devendra Banhart [Ape In Pink Marble]
- Lou Reed [Legendary Hearts]
- Johnny Cash [Greatest!]
- Johnny Cash [The Fabulous Johnny Cash]
- Leonard Cohen [Live Songs]
- Simon Joyner [The Lousy Dance]
- Lou Reed [Growing Up In Public]
- Jonathan Richman [Jonathan Goes Country]
- Matt Ward [A Wasteland Companion]
- Devendra Banhart [Mala]
- Simon Joyner [Yesterday Tomorrow And In Between]
- Bob Dylan [Shadows In The Night]
- Turner Cody [Hiding In Plain Sight]
- Damien Jurado [Saint Bartlett]
- Adam Green [Aladdin]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 12: The Cutting Edge 1965–1966]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home: The Soundtrack]
- Adam Green [Adam Green & Binki Shapiro]
- Troy Von Balthazar [How To Live On Nothing]
- Simon Joyner [Songs For The New Year]
- Vampire Weekend [Modern Vampires Of The City]
- Kevin Morby [My Name]
- Damien Jurado [Where Shall You Take Me?]
- Kevin Morby [Still Life]
- Simon Joyner [Heaven's Gate]
- Simon Joyner [The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll]
- Simon Joyner [Room Temperature]
- Cass McCombs [Big Wheel And Others]
- Cass McCombs [A Folk Set Apart]
- Kevin Morby [Harlem River]
- Bob Dylan [Masked & Anonymous: Music From The Motion Picture]
- Bob Dylan [Christmas In The Heart]
- Bob Dylan [Live At Carnegie Hall 1963]
- Bob Dylan [Biograph]
- Bob Dylan [Empire Burlesque]
- Turner Cody [Rules Of The Road]
- Turner Cody [Radioman Sessions]
- Neil Young [Storytone]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos: 1962–1964]
- Turner Cody [Plans And Schemes]
- Julie Doiron [So Many Days]
- Yo La Tengo [Stuff Like That There]
- Kurt Vile [B'lieve I'm Goin Down...]
- Neil Young [A Letter Home]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes Complete]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 10: Another Self Portrait (1969-1971)]
- The Mekons [Honky Tonkin']
- The Mekons [Fear And Whiskey]
- Bob Dylan [Knocked Out Loaded]
- Belle And Sebastian [The Boy With The Arab Strap]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Bob Dylan Live 1964, Concert At Philharmonic Hall]
- The Strokes [Angles]
- Noah And The Whale [Last Night On Earth]
- The Strokes [First Impressions Of Earth]
- Jenny Lewis [Rabbit Fur Coat]
- Explosions In The Sky [The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place]
- Bob Dylan [Hard Rain]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 Live 1966, The Royal Albert Hall Concert]
- Bob Dylan [The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan]
- Bob Dylan [Another Side Of Bob Dylan]
- Morrissey [Vauxhall And I]
- Devendra Banhart [What Will We Be]
- Josh Rouse [El Turista]
- Damien Jurado [Caught In The Trees]
- Turner Cody [Gangbusters]
- Bob Dylan [Desire]
- Bob Dylan [The Basement Tapes]
- Bob Dylan [Self Portrait]
- Bob Dylan [Highway 61 Revisited]
- Vampire Weekend [Contra]
- The Strokes [Is This It]
- Julian Casablancas [Phrazes For The Young]
- Bob Dylan [MTV Unplugged]
- Bob Dylan [Before The Flood]
- Laura Veirs [July Flame]
- Adam Green [Minor Love]
- Bob Dylan [World Gone Wrong]
- Josh Rouse [Country Mouse City House]
- Yo La Tengo [Painful]
- Phoenix [Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix]
- Turner Cody [Buds Of May]
- The Sunday Drivers [The End Of Maiden Trip]
- Mark Lanegan [Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart]
- Los Campesinos! [We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed]
- Julie Doiron [I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day]
- Bob Dylan [Dylan]
- Bob Dylan [New Morning]
- Richard Hawley [Truelove's Gutter]
- Flight Of The Conchords [Flight Of The Conchords]
- Noah And The Whale [The First Day Of Spring]
- Jonathan Richman [23 Great Recordings By Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers]
- Damien Jurado [Rehearsals For Departure]
- Phoenix [It's Never Been Like That]
- Kasabian [West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum]
- Jeffrey Lewis [‘Em Are I]
- Vic Chesnutt [Ghetto Bells]
- The Servant [How To Destroy A Relationship]
- Bob Dylan [Real Live]
- Vetiver [Tight Knit]
- Bob Dylan [Together Through Life]
- Jeremy Jay [Slow Dance]
- Turner Cody [First Light]
- Damien Jurado [Ghost Of David]
- Ben Kweller [Changing Horses]
- Nick Drake [Pink Moon]
- Adam Green [Friends Of Mine]
- Kreg Viesselman [Kreg Viesselman]
- Los Campesinos! [Hold On Now, Youngster...]
- Herman Düne [Mash Concrete Metal Mushrooms]
- Andrew Bird [Noble Beast]
- Turner Cody [Quarter Century]
- Teitur [Stay Under The Stars]
- Johnny Cash [Blood, Sweat And Tears]
- Bob Dylan [Modern Times]
- Josh Rouse [Home]
- Ron Sexsmith [Retriever]
- Snow Patrol [A Hundred Million Suns]
- Bob Dylan [Down In The Groove]
- Noah And The Whale [Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down]
- Bob Dylan [Infidels]
- Bob Dylan [Pat Garret And Billy The Kid]
- Johnny Cash [Everybody Loves A Nut]
- Johnny Cash [Orange Blossom Special]
- Bob Dylan [Live At The Gaslight 1962]
- Bob Dylan [Dylan & The Dead]
- Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan At Budokan]
- Sondre Lerche [Phantom Punch]
- Josh Ritter [The Animal Years]
- Okkervil River [Overboard & Down]
- Matt Ward [Transistor Radio]
- Ron Sexsmith [Ron Sexsmith]
- Kings Of Leon [Only By The Night]
- Vetiver [Thing Of The Past]
- Dirty Pretty Things [Romance At Short Notice]
- Vandaveer [Grace & Speed]
- Josh Rouse [1972]
- Albert Hammond Jr [¿Cómo Te Llama?]
- Bob Dylan [Street Legal]
- Bob Dylan [Shot Of Love]
- Bob Dylan [Under The Red Sky]
- Bob Dylan [Good As I Been To You]
- Bob Dylan [Saved]
- Bob Dylan [Planet Waves]
- Herman Düne [Giant]
- Jim Noir [Tower Of Love]
- Bob Dylan [Nashville Skyline]
- The Kooks [Konk]
- Adam Green [Sixes & Sevens]
- Bob Dylan [Bringin' It All Back Home]
- Bob Dylan [I'm Not There (Original Soundtrack)]

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