Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 43 ans |
I hear the darkness breathe
I sense the quiet despair
Listen to the silence
At night
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Arab Strap - Madness for Sadness
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Shannon Wright - Division
- #2 The Black Angels - Death Song
- #3 Blonde Redhead - All
- #4 The Black Heart Procession - 1 2 3
- #5 Motor Psycho - Here be Monster
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![Magicrays [On The Shoreline]](images/artistes/magicrays/oeuvres/ontheshoreline1111147107322596.gif)
![Cat Power [What Would The Community Think]](images/artistes/catpower/oeuvres/whatwouldthecommunitythink1018137949638144.png)
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- Shannon Wright [In Film Sound]
- Shannon Wright [Secret Blood]
- Nadine Shah [Fast Food]
- Nadine Shah [Love Your Dum And Mad]
- PJ Harvey [Let England Shake]
- The National [High Violet]
- Radiohead [In Rainbows Disk 2]
- Interpol [Interpol]
- The Black Heart Procession [Three]
- The Cure [Disintegration (Deluxe Edition)]
- Massive Attack [Heligoland]
- The Black Heart Procession [Six]
- Massive Attack [Mezzanine]
- Massive Attack [Protection]
- Massive Attack [Splitting The Atom EP]
- Julian Plenti [Julian Plenti Is... Skyscraper]
- Juana Molina [Un Dia]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Self Portrait]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Antenna]
- Alain Bashung [L'Imprudence]
- Alain Bashung [Fantaisie Militaire]
- The Cure [4:13 Dream]
- R.E.M. [Up]
- Leila [Mettle]
- Leila [Blood, Looms & Blooms]
- The Cure [Freakshow]
- Portishead [Third]
- Leila [Like Weather]
- The Cure [Three Imaginary Boys [Deluxe Edition]]
- Tricky [Vulnerable]
- Tricky [Pre-Millenium Tension]
- Murcof [Cosmos]
- PJ Harvey [White Chalk]
- Mark Hollis [Mark Hollis]
- Talk Talk [Laughing Stock]
- Talk Talk [Spirit Of Eden]
- Murcof [Utopìa]
- The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]
- Plastikman [Consumed]
- Interpol [Our Love To Admire]
- Depeche Mode [Exciter]
- Jay Jay Johanson [The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known]
- Björk [Volta]
- Murcof [Martes]
- Anja Garbarek [Balloon Mood]
- Nick Drake [Pink Moon]
- David Bowie [Low]
- November [November]
- PJ Harvey [The Peel Sessions 1991 - 2004]
- The Divine Comedy [Regeneration]
- Dominique A [Le Détour]
- Dominique A [L'Horizon]
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness]
- The Smiths [Strangeways, Here We Come]
- The Cure [Festival 2005]
- Kristin Hersh [Sky Motel]
- The Glove [Blue Sunshine Deluxe Edition]
- Thom Yorke [The Eraser]
- The Cure [Quadpus]
- The Cure [Paris]
- Tindersticks [II]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited]
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [Fear Is On Our Side]
- Sparklehorse [It's A Wonderful Life]
- Morrissey [Vauxhall And I]
- Editors [The Back Room]
- The For Carnation [The For Carnation]
- Cat Power [The Greatest]
- Murcof [Remembrenza]
- Morphine [The Night]
- Fiona Apple [Tidal]
- Amon Tobin [Bricolage]
- Tom McRae [Tom McRae]
- Terranova [Close The Door]
- And Also The Trees [1980-2005]
- Jean Louis Murat [Muragostang]
- Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds [The Boatman's Call]
- Calexico [The Black Light]
- PJ Harvey [Uh Huh Her]
- Fog [10th Avenue Freakout]
- Björk [Homogenic]
- Tom McRae [All Maps Welcome]
- The Cure [Faith [Deluxe Edition]]
- The Cure [Pornography [Deluxe Edition]]
- Perry Blake [Still Life]
- Tricky [Maxinquaye]
- Beck [Guero]
- Tricky [Nearly God]
- New Order [Get Ready]
- Magicrays [On The Shoreline]
- Cat Power [Speaking For Trees : A Film By Mark Borthwick]
- Radiohead [No Surprises / Running From Demons EP]
- Cat Power [Moon Pix]
- Flotation Toy Warning [Bluffer's Guide To The Flight Deck]
- The Cure [Faith]
- Four Tet [PAUSE]
- Arab Strap [Elephant Shoe]
- Yann Tiersen [Yann Tiersen & Shannon Wright]
- Shannon Wright [Yann Tiersen & Shannon Wright]
- Sigur Rós [Ágætis Byrjun]
- The Cure [The Head On The Door]
- Interpol [Antics]
- Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]
- Four Tet [Rounds]
- Archive [Londinium]
- Elliott Smith [From A Basement On The Hill]
- The Cure [Join The Dots : B-Sides And Rarities 1978 > 2001]
- Beth Gibbons [Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man : Out Of Season]
- The Cure [Disintegration]
- Leila [Courtesy Of Choice]
- Portishead [Portishead]
- David Bowie [Outside]
- Laika [Lost In Space, Vol. 1 (1992-2002)]
- Mogwai [EP + 6 EP]
- Cat Power [Myra Lee]
- Colder [Again]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Portishead [Dummy]
- Kristin Hersh [The Grotto]
- The Cure [The Top]
- Cat Power [What Would The Community Think]
- Beck [Sea Change]
- The Cure [Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- Archive [Take My Head]
- Shannon Wright [Over The Sun]
- PJ Harvey [Is This Desire ?]
- The Cure [The Cure]

- The Cure [Genève 06/11/2022]
- The Cure [Bilbao 12/07/2012]
- The Cure [London 15/11/2011]
- The Black Heart Procession [Genève 24/05/2011]
- PJ Harvey [Aix Les Bains 15/07/2011]
- Portishead [Nîmes 19/07/2011]
- Massive Attack [Locarno 09/07/2010]
- The Black Angels [Pully 20/08/2009]
- Shannon Wright [Lausanne 20/10/2009]
- Editors [Lausanne 14/11/2009]
- Depeche Mode [Genève 10/11/2009]
- Dominique A [Lausanne 15/10/2009]
- Alain Bashung [Genève 10/09/2004]
- And Also The Trees [Genève 14/06/2009]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Nyon 01/04/2009]
- Leila [Fribourg 13/02/2009]
- Wovenhand [Lausanne 09/12/2008]
- And Also The Trees [Genève 24/09/2008]
- Radiohead [San Francisco 22/08/2008]
- The National [Lausanne 20/11/2007]
- Portishead [London 17/04/2008]
- The Cure [Paris 12/03/2008]
- The Cure [Zurich 27/02/2008]
- Interpol [Lyon 11/11/2007]
- Murcof [Bâle 26/10/2007]
- Björk [Nyon 25/07/2007]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Lausanne 25/05/2007]
- Shannon Wright [Genève 26/04/2007]
- Portishead [Paris 16/02/1998]
- Morrissey [Montreux 11/07/2006]
- Jean Louis Murat [Nyon 09/12/2006]
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [Lausanne 18/10/2006]
- Radiohead [Avenches 15/08/2006]
- Dominique A [Fribourg 26/05/2006]
- Wilco [Charlottesville 23/04/2006]
- Amon Tobin [Lausanne 23/02/2006]
- The Cure [Avenches 18/08/2005]
- Interpol [Fribourg 30/06/2005]
- Tom McRae [Vevey 25/06/2005]
- Syd Matters [Lausanne 21/05/2005]
- Dominique A [Genève 12/03/2005]
- Radiohead [Paris 17/11/2003]
- Interpol [Lyon 04/12/2004]
- The Cure [Lyon 13/06/1989]
- Cat Power [Paris 03/12/1996]
- The Cure [Paris 06/11/1996]
- The Cure [Paris 25/04/2000]
- The Cure [Berlin 12/11/2002]
- Massive Attack [Avenches 12/08/2004]
- Beth Gibbons [Barcelone 11/02/2003]
- PJ Harvey [Lyon 01/07/2004]
- The Cure [Aix-les-Bains 04/07/2004]
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