Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 26 ans |
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» Jumbo vous recommande :
![Faith No More [Angel Dust]](images/artistes/faithnomore/oeuvres/angeldust1083166384655532.gif)
![The Young Gods [The Young Gods]](images/artistes/theyounggods/oeuvres/theyounggods_1122665246535407.jpeg)
![Nine Inch Nails [Pretty Hate Machine]](images/artistes/nineinchnails/oeuvres/prettyhatemachine1102620810055796.gif)
![Skinny Puppy [Rabies]](images/artistes/skinnypuppy/oeuvres/rabies_1222333289081875.jpeg)
![Akira Yamaoka [Silent Hill – Original Soundtracks]](images/artistes/akirayamaoka/oeuvres/silenthilloriginalsoundtracks_1256717041069293.jpeg)

- Burial [Rival Dealer]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Gish]
- My Bloody Valentine [MBV]
- Beach House [Bloom]
- Liars [WIXIW]
- New Order [Substance 1987]
- New Order [Power, Corruption And Lies]
- New Order [Movement]
- The Cure [The Head On The Door]
- Blur [Leisure]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Worship]
- Bad Religion [Suffer]
- A Place To Bury Strangers [Onwards To The Wall]
- Burial [Kindred]
- Cloud Nothings [Attack On Memory]
- Beach House [Teen Dream]
- Killing Joke [Extremities, Dirt And Various Repressed Emotions]
- Depeche Mode [Some Great Reward]
- The Horrors [Skying]
- Weezer [The Green Album]
- Blondie [Blondie]
- Secret Chiefs 3 [Path Of Most Resistance]
- Yello [Solid Pleasure]
- MGMT [Congratulations]
- TV On The Radio [Young Liars EP]
- Yellow Magic Orchestra [Yellow Magic Orchestra]
- Depeche Mode [The Singles 86-98]
- Depeche Mode [The Singles 81-85]
- Cold Cave [Love Comes Close]
- The Horrors [Primary Colours]
- Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]
- Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]
- Frank Black [Hang On To Your Ego EP]
- Wall Of Voodoo [Ring Of Fire (Remix) / The Morricone Themes (Live)]
- Wall Of Voodoo [Wall Of Voodoo EP]
- Ulver [Silencing The Singing EP]
- Opeth [Orchid]
- Neil Young [Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere]
- Depeche Mode [Dreaming Of Me]
- Animal Collective [Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished]
- Sonic Youth [Teenage Riot EP]
- Foetus [Tell Me, What Is The Bane Of Your Life?]
- Foetus [Wash It All Off]
- Foetus [Spite Your Face / OKFM]
- Ulver [Silence Teaches You How To Sing EP]
- Okkervil River [Stars Too Small To Use]
- The Legendary Pink Dots [Faces In The Fire]
- Venetian Snares [A Giant Alien Force More Violent & Sick Than Anything You Can Imagine]
- Drudkh [Forgotten Legends]
- Foetus [Wash / Slog]
- Pop Will Eat Itself [Box Frenzy]
- Pop Will Eat Itself [Love Missile F1-11]
- Pop Will Eat Itself [Sweet Sweet Pie]
- Pop Will Eat Itself [Poppiecock]
- Pop Will Eat Itself [The Poppies Say GRRrrr!]
- Nachtmystium [Assassins : Black Meddle, Part 1]
- The Avalanches [El Producto]
- (sic) [(sic)]
- John Zorn [The Classic Guide To Strategy – Volume One]
- Pig [A Poke In The Eye... With A Sharp Stick]
- Current 93 [Nature Unveiled]
- Neurosis [Souls At Zero]
- This Mortal Coil [Sixteen Days / Gathering Dust]
- Ulver [Bergtatt – Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler]
- Therapy? [Babyteeth]
- Akira Yamaoka [Silent Hill – Original Soundtracks]
- Mr. Bungle [The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny]
- Killing Joke [Night Time]
- The Young Gods [Envoyé!]
- Faith No More [Midlife Crisis [Australie]]
- Alec Empire [Robot L.O.V.E.]
- Melt Banana [Melt Banana/Fantômas Split]
- Skinny Puppy [The Singles Collect]
- Faith No More [From Out Of Nowhere 2]
- Faith No More [From Out Of Nowhere]
- Björk [Debut]
- Faith No More [Angel Dust]
- Fantômas [Fantômas - Melt Banana / Split]
- Death In June [State Laughter]
- Lucky Pierre (USA) [Communiqué]
- Orbital [Chime]
- Depeche Mode [Construction Time Again]
- Neil Young [Sleeps With Angels]
- Death In June [Heaven Street]
- Coil [The Anal Staircase]
- Lucky Pierre (USA) [Fans & Cameras / Idlewood]
- Autechre [Basscad,EP]
- David Bowie [Black Tie White Noise]
- Depeche Mode [A Broken Frame]
- Faith No More [The Real Thing]
- Coil [Panic / Tainted Love]
- Killing Joke [What's This For...!]
- Killing Joke [Turn To Red]
- Current 93 [Crowleymass]
- The Young Gods [The Young Gods]
- Neil Young [Tonight's The Night]
- Skinny Puppy [Mind : The Perpetual Intercourse]
- Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft [Ein Produkt Der Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft]
- Foetus [Deaf]
- Autechre [Incunabula]
- Godflesh [Godflesh]
- Depeche Mode [Speak & Spell]
- Skinny Puppy [Dig It]
- Ohgr [Welt]
- Restiform Bodies [I Want What You Want / Recycle America]
- Nine Inch Nails [Year Zero]
- Einstürzende Neubauten [Kollaps]
- Tenhi [Hallavedet]
- The Postal Service [Such Great Heights]
- Ministry [The Land Of Rape And Honey]
- Killing Joke [Killing Joke [1980]]
- Laibach [Laibach]
- Skinny Puppy [Back And Forth Series Two]
- Coil [How To Destroy Angels]
- The Avalanches [Since I Left You]
- Ministry [Twelve Inch Singles]
- Coil [Scatology]
- David Bowie [Space Oddity]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Perfect Drug Versions EP (Halo 11)]
- Dälek [Absence]
- Amon Tobin [Supermodified]
- Tricky [The Hell E.P.]
- Portishead [Glory Box]
- Tricky [Nearly God]
- Tricky [Maxinquaye]
- Portishead [Dummy]
- Beastie Boys [Ill Communication]
- Beastie Boys [Paul's Boutique]
- Beastie Boys [Some Old Bullshit]
- Ministry [Twitch]
- Nine Inch Nails [Only (Halo 20)]
- Ministry [With Sympathy]
- Skinny Puppy [Too Dark Park]
- Nine Inch Nails [Into The Void]
- Nine Inch Nails [March Of The Pigs 2 EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [March Of The Pigs 1 EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [March Of The Pigs (US)]
- Nine Inch Nails [Head Like A Hole (Halo 3) EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [Sin (Halo 4) EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Hand That Feeds (Halo 18)]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral Deluxe Edition]
- Christian Death [Deathwish]
- Nine Inch Nails [We're In This Together Part1 (Halo 15)]
- Clouddead [Clouddead]
- Skinny Puppy [The Process]
- Skinny Puppy [Last Rights]
- Skinny Puppy [Bites]
- Skinny Puppy [Remission LP]
- Skinny Puppy [Remission]
- Coil [Time Machines]
- David Bowie [Heathen]
- David Bowie [Earthling]
- Lou Reed [Berlin]
- Neil Young [Are You Passionate?]
- Neil Young [Harvest]
- Beastie Boys [Check Your Head]
- Venetian Snares [Detrimentalist]
- David Bowie ['Hours...']
- David Bowie [Outside]
- Clan Of Xymox [Subsequent Pleasures (re-issue)]
- Clan Of Xymox [Subsequent Pleasures]
- Radiohead [The Bends]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Antenna]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Poison]
- Skinny Puppy [Rabies]
- Nine Inch Nails [With Teeth]
- Nine Inch Nails [Things Falling Apart]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Fragile]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral]
- Dälek [Negro Necro Nekros]
- Radiohead [OK Computer]
- Beastie Boys [Licensed To Ill]
- Ministry [The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste]
- Nine Inch Nails [Fixed EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [Broken EP]
- Radiohead [Pablo Honey]
- Beastie Boys [Hello Nasty]
- Nine Inch Nails [Ghosts I-IV]
- Nine Inch Nails [Pretty Hate Machine]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Slip]
- Sébastien Tellier [Sexuality]

- The Soft Moon [Nantes 21/04/2013]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Nantes 25/06/2013]
- Liars [Nantes 05/06/2013]
- The Horrors [Nantes 06/12/2011]
- Killing Joke [Milan / Trezzo Sull'Adda 20/04/2012]
- Killing Joke [Paris 27/09/2010]
- The Ex [Saint-Nazaire 06/08/2010]
- Sigh [Clisson 18/06/2010]
- The Young Gods [Clisson 18/06/2010]
- Autechre [Nantes 21/03/2010]
- Magma [Nantes 28/08/2009]
- Nine Inch Nails [Paris 07/07/2009]
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