Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 42 ans |
>>>> Upcoming gigs:
Yellowcard @ Trix, Anvers, Belgique
Cage the Elephant @ Ancienne Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgique
Stereophonics @ Le Zénith, Paris, France
Ed Sheeran @ Decathlon Arena, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Gojira @ Zénith Arena, Lille, France
» Billyjoe vous recommande :
![Stereophonics [Word Gets Around]](images/artistes/stereophonics/oeuvres/wordgetsaround_1151777861697101.jpeg)
![Idaho [The Lone Gunman]](images/artistes/idaho/oeuvres/thelonegunman_1132147163949058.jpeg)
![Oasis [(What's The Story) Morning Glory?]](images/artistes/oasis/oeuvres/whatsthestorymorningglory1103571832338727.gif)
![Muse [Black Holes And Revelations]](images/artistes/muse/oeuvres/blackholesandrevelations_1152438982341037.jpeg)
![Gorillaz [Plastic Beach]](images/artistes/gorillaz/oeuvres/plasticbeach_1268637305327034.jpeg)

- Muse [Drones]
- Bodycount [Manslaughter]
- Cage The Elephant [Melophobia]
- Kavinsky [Outrun]
- Little Dragon [Ritual Union]
- The Gathering [Disclosure]
- Menomena [Moms]
- Biffy Clyro [Opposites]
- Bento [Diamond Days]
- Soundgarden [King Animal]
- Deftones [Koi No Yokan]
- Puppetmastaz [Revolve And Step Up!]
- Alt-J [An Awesome Wave]
- Muse [The 2nd Law]
- The Ting Tings [Sounds From Nowheresville]
- Brendan Benson [What Kind Of World]
- Alabama Shakes [Boys & Girls]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Oceania]
- Sigur Rós [Valtari]
- Cage The Elephant [Cage The Elephant]
- Porcelain Raft [Strange Weekend]
- Cloud Nothings [Attack On Memory]
- Cage The Elephant [Thank You Happy Birthday]
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds [Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Codes & Keys]
- Coldplay [Mylo Xyloto]
- Panic! At The Disco [Vices & Virtues]
- Cake [Showroom Of Compassion]
- Gorillaz [The Fall]
- The Boxer Rebellion [The Cold Still]
- Elbow [Build A Rocket Boys!]
- Foo Fighters [Wasting Light]
- The Do [Both Ways Open Jaws]
- Ash [A-Z Vol.1]
- Weezer [Hurley]
- The Arcade Fire [The Suburbs]
- Morcheeba [Blood Like Lemonade]
- Deftones [Diamond Eyes]
- Delphic [Acolyte]
- Summercamp [Pure Juice]
- MGMT [Congratulations]
- RQTN [Decades And Decisions]
- Gorillaz [Plastic Beach]
- Stereophonics [Keep Calm And Carry On]
- Massive Attack [Heligoland]
- Weezer [Raditude]
- Biffy Clyro [Only Revolutions]
- The Boxer Rebellion [Union]
- Brendan Benson [My Old, Familiar Friend]
- Air [Love 2]
- Brendan Benson [One Mississippi]
- Muse [The Resistance]
- Eels [Hombre Lobo]
- Silverchair [Freak Show]
- Manic Street Preachers [Journal For Plague Lovers]
- The Ting Tings [We Started Nothing]
- RQTN [Monolithes En Mouvement]
- Placebo [Battle For The Sun]
- Empire Of The Sun [Walking On A Dream]
- Ghinzu [Mirror Mirror]
- Far [Water & Solutions]
- Blur [13]
- Counting Crows [This Desert Life]
- The Prodigy [Invaders Must Die]
- Franz Ferdinand [Tonight: Franz Ferdinand]
- Martina Topley-Bird [The Blue God]
- Oasis [Dig Out Your Soul]
- Muse [Absolution]
- Panic! At The Disco [Pretty Odd]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Slip]
- One Day As A Lion [One Day As A Lion]
- Morcheeba [Dive Deep]
- Coldplay [Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends]
- Radiohead [In Rainbows]
- Weezer [The Red Album]
- Portishead [Third]
- The Raconteurs [Consolers Of The Lonely]
- Filter [Title Of Record]
- The Do [A Mouthful]
- The Prodigy [Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned]
- Foo Fighters [The Color & The Shape]
- The Electric Soft Parade [No Need To Be Downhearted]
- Hundred Reasons [Quick The Word, Sharp The Action]
- Ash [Twilight Of The Innocents]
- Stereophonics [Pull The Pin]
- Oasis [(What's The Story) Morning Glory?]
- Foo Fighters [Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Zeitgeist]
- The Arcade Fire [Funeral]
- Biffy Clyro [Puzzle]
- Nine Inch Nails [Year Zero]
- Silverchair [Young Modern]
- The John Butler Trio [Grand National]
- Air [Pocket Symphony]
- Foo Fighters [Foo Fighters]
- Ash [Intergalactic Sonic 7s]
- Silverchair [Frogstomp]
- Hundred Reasons [Kill Your Own]
- Martina Topley-Bird [Quixotic]
- Arctic Monkeys [Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not]
- Muse [Black Holes And Revelations]
- Stereophonics [Word Gets Around]
- Pearl Jam [Pearl Jam]
- Idaho [The Lone Gunman]
- Placebo [Meds]
- Franz Ferdinand [Franz Ferdinand [Live]]
- Franz Ferdinand [You Could Have It So Much Better... With Franz Ferdinand]
- Hundred Reasons [Shatterproof Is Not A Challenge]
- Coldplay [X&Y]

- Placebo [Lille 18/11/2016]
- Biffy Clyro [Landgraaf 09/06/2014]
- The Arcade Fire [Landgraaf 09/06/2014]
- Moderat [Lille 07/03/2014]
- Biffy Clyro [Bruxelles 16/12/2013]
- Biffy Clyro [Tourcoing 14/12/2013]
- The Gathering [Lille 30/11/2013]
- Phoenix [Werchter 05/07/2013]
- The Lumineers [Werchter 05/07/2013]
- Biffy Clyro [New-York 09/10/2013]
- Blur [Werchter 05/07/2013]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Lille 04/07/2013]
- Sigur Rós [Lille 28/02/2013]
- Biffy Clyro [Bruxelles 17/02/2013]
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds [Lille 09/10/2012]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Paris 28/05/2012]
- Puppetmastaz [Tourcoing 16/04/2012]
- The Kills [Saint-cloud 26/08/2011]
- Biffy Clyro [Saint Cloud 26/08/2011]
- Foo Fighters [Saint Cloud 26/08/2011]
- Archive [Bethune 09/07/2011]
- The Do [Bethune 09/07/2011]
- Portishead [Arras 03/07/2011]
- PJ Harvey [Arras 03/07/2011]
- Elbow [Arras 03/07/2011]
- Coldplay [Arras 03/07/2011]
- Jónsi [Kiewit 21/08/2010]
- Morcheeba [Lille 15/04/2011]
- AaRON [Lille 15/04/2011]
- The Do [Lille 06/04/2011]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Kiewit 21/08/2010]
- Ash [Kiewitt 21/08/2010]
- The Prodigy [Kiewit 20/08/2010]
- The Xx [Kiewit 20/08/2010]
- Gorillaz [Paris 23/11/2010]
- Deftones [Lille 14/12/2010]
- Air [Lille 15/11/2010]
- The Boxer Rebellion [Lille 10/11/2010]
- The Boxer Rebellion [Villeneuve D'ascq 24/10/2010]
- Biffy Clyro [Tourcoing 09/10/2010]
- Eels [Kiewit 20/08/2010]
- Placebo [Hasselt 19/08/2010]
- Biffy Clyro [Kiewit 19/08/2010]
- The Stooges [Lille 17/04/2010]
- The Prodigy [Lille 14/04/2010]
- Biffy Clyro [Bruxelles 16/12/2009]
- Ghinzu [Lille 20/11/2009]
- The Prodigy [Bruxelles 18/11/2009]
- Massive Attack [Lille 14/11/2009]
- Martina Topley-Bird [Lille 14/11/2009]
- Muse [Liévin 31/10/2009]
- Placebo [Lille 30/10/2009]
- Brendan Benson [Lille 24/10/2009]
- Calexico [Aulnoye-Aymeries 08/08/2009]
- Morcheeba [Nieppe 26/07/2009]
- The Boxer Rebellion [Nieppe 26/07/2009]
- The Ting Tings [Arras 02/07/2009]
- Exsonvaldes [Nieppe 26/07/2009]
- Coldplay [Arras 02/07/2009]
- The Prodigy [Paris 15/03/2009]
- Franz Ferdinand [Lille 16/03/2009]
- Oasis [Lille 30/01/2009]
- TV On The Radio [Tourcoing 05/12/2008]
- Blood Red Shoes [Saint Cloud 20/08/2008]
- Rage Against The Machine [Saint Cloud 20/08/2008]
- Sigur Rós [Arras 06/07/2008]
- The Wombats [Arras 06/07/2008]
- Radiohead [Arras 06/07/2008]
- Vampire Weekend [Arras 06/07/2008]
- The Do [Arras 06/07/2008]
- The Wombats [Landgraaf 01/06/2008]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Landgraaf 01/06/2008]
- Rage Against The Machine [Landgraaf 01/06/2008]
- Liars [Kiewitt 16/08/2007]
- Kaiser Chiefs [Kiewitt 16/08/2007]
- Tool [Kiewitt 18/08/2007]
- Nine Inch Nails [Kiewitt 18/08/2007]
- Nada Surf [Lille 20/04/2008]
- The Do [Lille 18/04/2008]
- The Subways [Lille 20/04/2008]
- Idaho [Roubaix 21/02/2008]
- The Hives [Kiewitt 17/08/2007]
- The Stooges [Kiewitt 16/08/2007]
- Biffy Clyro [Kiewitt 17/08/2007]
- The Arcade Fire [Kiewitt 17/08/2007]
- Air [Lille 17/11/2007]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Kiewit 17/08/2007]
- Silverchair [Kiewit 18/08/2007]
- Silverchair [Londres 10/08/2007]
- The John Butler Trio [Lille 25/04/2007]
- Nine Inch Nails [Lille 23/02/2007]
- Muse [Lille 18/12/2006]
- Placebo [Lille 30/09/2006]
- Gravenhurst [Lille 24/02/2006]
- Oasis [Lille 29/01/2006]
- Foo Fighters [Paris 28/01/2006]
- Oasis [Paris 26/10/2005]
- Foo Fighters [Paris 26/08/2005]
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