Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 18 ans |
Les albums sur-chroniqué sur lesquels vous n'aurez pas la chance d'avoir mon avis :
KID A (auquel j'aurais mis 20)
Nevermind (17)
Ziggy Stardust (20)
Doolitle (19 ou 20)
"Il est plus facile de percevoir les cris que d'identifier les blessures" M. Ribot
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Zorn (Solo, Masada, Naked City,...)
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Charles Mingus
- #2 Secret Chiefs 3
- #3 Tom Waits
- #4 Queens of the Stone age ; Slint ; Kyuss
» Sytizen vous recommande :
![King Crimson [Red]](images/artistes/kingcrimson/oeuvres/red_1141386615310968.jpeg)
![Joy Division [Closer]](images/artistes/joydivision/oeuvres/closer1066934922381178.gif)
![Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [F# A#OO]](images/artistes/godspeedyoublackemperor/oeuvres/faoo1019858862860738.png)
![Thee Silver Mount Zion ["This Is Our Punk-Rock", Thee Rusted Satellites Than Gather + Sing]](images/artistes/asilvermountzion/oeuvres/thisisourpunkrocktheerustedsatellitesthangathersing_1124402100909663.gif)
![Frank Zappa [Joe's Garage]](images/artistes/frankzappa/oeuvres/joesgarage_1220353641867422.jpeg)

- John Zorn [Book Of Angels Volume 10 : Lucifer - Bar Kokhba Plays Masada Book Two]
- Secret Chiefs 3 [Book M]
- Frank Zappa [Wazoo]
- Porcupine Tree [The Incident]
- Frank Zappa [Cruising With Ruben & The Jets]
- Secret Chiefs 3 [Hurqalya (Second Grand Constitution And Bylaws)]
- Secret Chiefs 3 [First Grand Constitution And Bylaws]
- John Zorn [Book Of Angels Volume 12 : Stolas - Masada Quintet Plays Masada Book Two]
- King Crimson [Earthbound]
- Secret Chiefs 3 [Book Of Horizons]
- King Crimson [The Great Deceiver]
- Mike Patton [Crank : High Voltage]
- Syd Barrett [The Madcap Laughs]
- Jack The Ripper [The Book Of Lies]
- Mr. Bungle [OU818]
- Fantômas [The Director's Cut]
- John Zorn [Kristallnacht]
- John Zorn [Filmworks 1986-1990]
- John Zorn [The Big Gundown]
- Frank Zappa [Weasels Ripped My Flesh]
- Ghinzu [Mirror Mirror]
- Mr. Bungle [Disco Volante]
- Jonny Greenwood [There Will Be Blood]
- Frank Zappa [Civilization Phaze III]
- Mr. Bungle [California]
- Pixies [Trompe Le Monde]
- King Crimson [In The Wake Of Poseidon]
- King Crimson [USA]
- Public Image Limited [Metal Box]
- Frank Zappa [Läther]
- Monster Magnet [Dopes To Infinity]
- Portishead [Third]
- Captain Beefheart [Frank Zappa & Captain Beefheart : Bongo Fury]
- The Cure [Disintegration]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]
- Alice In Chains [Alice In Chains]
- Soft Machine [Volumes One And Two]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [13 Blues For Thirteen Moons]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Slip]
- Mogwai [Young Team]
- Frank Zappa [Overnite Sensation]
- Deus [The Ideal Crash]
- Pagoda [Pagoda]
- Frank Zappa [Zoot Allures]
- The Sisters Of Mercy [First And Last And Always : Remastered & Expanded]
- Porcupine Tree [Deadwing]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Pretty Little Lightening Paw]
- Frank Zappa [Tinseltown Rebellion]
- Joy Division [Unknown Pleasures]
- Porcupine Tree [In Absentia]
- Nick Drake [Pink Moon]
- Frank Zappa [200 Motels]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Yanqui U.X.O]
- Porcupine Tree [Stupid Dream]
- Frank Zappa [You Are What You Is]
- Pulp [Freaks]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Histoire De Melody Nelson]
- Soft Machine [Third]
- Frank Zappa [Zappa In New York]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral]
- Matching Mole [Little Red Record]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes Grace The Corners Of Our Rooms...]
- Jack The Ripper [Ladies First]
- Joy Division [Closer]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [F# A#OO]
- Massive Attack [Mezzanine]
- Frank Zappa [Freak Out]
- David Bowie [Aladdin Sane]
- Frank Zappa [Sheik Yerbouti]
- Radiohead [Hail To The Thief]
- Mad Season [Above]
- Matching Mole [March]
- The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]
- Frank Zappa [Absolutely Free]
- Ghinzu [Blow]
- Frank Zappa [The Grand Wazoo]
- King Crimson [In The Court Of The Crimson King]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Lift Your Skinny Fist Like Antennas To Heaven !]
- At The Drive-In [Relationship Of Command]
- Ghinzu [Electronic Jacuzzi]
- Frank Zappa [Hot Rats]
- Robert Wyatt [Rock Bottom]
- Porcupine Tree [Fear Of A Blank Planet]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion ["This Is Our Punk-Rock", Thee Rusted Satellites Than Gather + Sing]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada EP]
- King Crimson [Red]
- Frank Zappa [Joe's Garage]
- Robert Wyatt [Comicopera]

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