Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Site web : http://www.last.fm/fr/user/UnSingeEnHiver |
"Est-ce que dernièrement l'Esprit ne s'est pas changé en une bête à prétention qu'on appelle l'Intelligence ?"
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
"Pour les amateurs de nouveauté, seule la mort pouvait désormais ouvrir de véritables perspectives."
Antoine Volodine "Dondog"
"Il faut sauver la Terre, entend-on. Mais personne n'ose dire que pour cela il faudra tuer l'homme."
Maurice G. Dantec
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Rien Virgule "Berceuses des deux mondes"
- #2 Current 93 "Sketches of my nightmares and dreams occurring"
- #3 Nonstop "Alien au pays des aliénés"
- #4 Edvard Graham Lewis "Alreet"
- #5 Die Wilde Jagt & Métropole Orkest "Lux te era"
» Hpl vous recommande :
![The Feelies [Only Life]](images/artistes/thefeelies/oeuvres/onlylife_1157732766306909.jpeg)
![Hyperculte [Massif Occidental]](images/artistes/hyperculte/oeuvres/massifoccidental_1558178586074381.jpeg)
![Windsor For The Derby [We Fight Til Death]](images/artistes/windsorforthederby/oeuvres/wefighttildeath_1172864207086705.jpeg)
![Windsor For The Derby [Giving Up The Ghost]](images/artistes/windsorforthederby/oeuvres/givinguptheghost_1145815500920540.jpeg)
![Chapelier Fou [613]](images/artistes/chapelierfou/oeuvres/613_1271755650088029.jpeg)

- Gontard [2029]
- Hyperculte [Massif Occidental]
- The Third Eye Foundation [Wake The Dead]
- Dean Roberts [And The Black Moths Play The Grand Cinema]
- Arnaud Le Gouëfflec [La Faveur De La Nuit]
- Anna Von Hausswolff [Dead Magic]
- No Age [Snares Like A Haircut]
- The New Year [Snow]
- Dum Dum Boys [Electrified!]
- Trio [Trio]
- Chad Vangaalen [Shrink Dust]
- La Terre Tremble !!! [FauxBourdon]
- Windsor For The Derby [Calm Hades Float]
- The Bats [The Deep Set]
- Tall Ship [Impressions]
- Timber Timbre [Sincerely, Future Pollution]
- Peter Broderick [Colours Of The Night]
- Piano Magic [Closure]
- Pascal Bouaziz [Haikus]
- The Chills [Silver Bullets]
- White Fence [For The Recently Found Innocent]
- Oneida [Absolute II]
- East River Pipe [Shining Hours In A Can]
- Migala [Arde]
- A Sunny Day In Glasgow [Ashes Grammar]
- Etienne Jaumet [Night Music]
- Dum Dum Boys [Hypnovista]
- Serena Maneesh [No 2: Abyss In B Minor]
- Chapelier Fou [613]
- Textile Ranch [Bird Heart In Wool]
- Oneida [Rated O]
- NLF3 [Ride On A Brand New Time]
- Future Conditional [We Don't Just Disappear]
- The Verlaines [Bird Dog]
- Figurine [Transportation + Communication = Love]
- Zombie Zombie [A Land For Renegades]
- Friends Of Dean Martinez [Wichita Lineman]
- Cranes [Particles & Waves]
- Belone Quartet [Les Prémices De La Béatitude Naissent De L'Amertume]
- NLF3 [Part One & Part Two]
- Died Pretty [Free Dirt]
- Damon & Naomi [The Earth Is Blue]
- Oneida [Preteen Weaponry]
- Vivian Girls [Vivian Girls]
- Robert Forster [Danger In The Past]
- John & Jehn [John & Jehn]
- Faris Nourallah [Radio Faris]
- Windsor For The Derby [How We Lost]
- Vic Chesnutt [Dark Developments]
- Faris Nourallah [Gone]
- Windsor For The Derby [Minnie Greutzfeldt]
- PVT [formerly Pivot] [O Soundtrack My Heart]
- Don Nino [Mentors, Menteurs!]
- High Places [High Places]
- Gravenhurst [The Western Lands]
- Stray Light [Careers]
- Crescent [Little Waves]
- Long Fin Killie [Amelia]
- Perio [Icy Morning In Paris]
- Liars [Liars]
- Parlour [Googler]
- Crescent [By The Roads And The Fields]
- Piano Magic [Part Monster]
- Plastikman [Closer]
- Tim Keegan [Foreign Domestic]
- Low [Drums And Guns]
- Bardo Pond [Selections : Volumes I-IV]
- Windsor For The Derby [We Fight Til Death]
- Poney Club [Gusty Winds Exist]
- The Church [Of Skins And Heart]
- Bowery Electric [Beat]
- Oneida [Happy New Year]
- Acetate Zero [Crestfallen]
- The Clean [Vehicle]
- Herman Düne [Giant]
- Eleventh Dream Day [Eighth]
- Archer Prewitt [Three]
- Archie Bronson Outfit [Derdang Derdang]
- The Feelies [Only Life]
- Beat Happening [Black Candy]
- The Go-Betweens [That Striped Sunlight Sun]
- Polmo Polpo [Like Hearts Swelling]
- Silver Jews [Tanglewood Numbers]
- Salaryman [Salaryman]
- Domotic [Ask For Tiger]
- Mansfield.TYA [June]
- Black Forest/Black Sea [Black Forest/Black Sea]
- Galaxie 500 [Peel Sessions]
- Piano Magic [Disaffected]
- Wire [It's Beginning To And Back Again]
- Youth Group [Skeleton Jar]
- Liars [Drum's Not Dead]
- Jens Lekman [Oh You're So Silent Jens]
- Tokyo/Overtones [Tokyo/Overtones]
- Echo & The Bunnymen [Ocean Rain]
- Windsor For The Derby [Giving Up The Ghost]

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474 invités et 0 membre
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