Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 26 ans |
Educateur (coordinateur du pôle socialisation de l'association "Mission Possible)
Chroniqueur sur ces quelques sites:
(pseudo rather-ripped)
(pseudo a good day for a trip)
(pseudo planet of tubes)
(pseudo unlawful citizen)
http://www.tatapoum.net/infos_utilisateur/?item=3& ... p;tri=date
(pseudo driveblind)
http://www.adecouvrirabsolument.com/lateam.htm (plus maintenant pour cause de désaccord avec la "direction")
(fiche Will)
(pseudo never so close)
(pseudo wdumont)
(pseudo William Dumont)
(pseudo Drive Blind)
(pseudo Dead Souls)
http://www.noisytown.com/spip.php?auteur16 (pour voir ma fiche)
(pseudo Down and Low)
http://lamurmure.free.fr/Contact.htm (pour voir ma fiche)
(MON site perso de chroniques !)
(pseudo astero)
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 SONIC YOUTH "GOO" édition deluxe
- Playlist du moment
- #1 BELL HOLlOW "Foxgloves"
- #2 MINOR THREAT "The complete recordings"
- #3 LES THUGS "As happy as possible" inventaire
- #4 CROCODILES "Evolution"
- #5 DOMINIC SONIC "Phalnstère #73
» Thurstonwill vous recommande :
![Sonic Youth [Confusion Is Sex + Kill Yr Idols]](images/artistes/sonicyouth/oeuvres/confusionissexkillyouridols1025095543327970.gif)
![The Cure [Disintegration]](images/artistes/thecure/oeuvres/disintegration1022976529360492.gif)
![Calla [Televise]](images/artistes/calla/oeuvres/televise_1127568695907926.jpeg)
![Justin Sullivan [Navigating By The Stars]](images/artistes/justinsullivan/oeuvres/navigatingbythestars_1131542198106094.jpeg)
![Recoil [Liquid]](images/artistes/recoil/oeuvres/liquid1044241292718162.gif)

- The God Machine [Scenes From The Second Storey]
- PJ Harvey [To Bring You My Love]
- Helmet [Strap It On]
- Therapy? [Nurse]
- Neurosis [The Eye Of Every Storm]
- Sleeppers [Adrenalien]
- Happy Mondays [Pills 'N Thrills And Bellyaches]
- Teenage Jesus And The Jerks [Everything]
- Sleeppers [Interaction]
- Sleeppers [Cut Off]
- Sinner DC [Panoramic]
- New Model Army [B Sides And Abandoned Tracks]
- Godflesh [Us And Them]
- Come [Don't Ask Don't Tell]
- Nine Inch Nails [Pretty Hate Machine]
- Pitchshifter [Bootlegged And Distorted, Remixed And Uploaded]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Down To The Bone-An Acoustic Tribute To Depeche Mode]
- Depeche Mode [Music For The Masses]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Stoned And Dethroned]
- Thalia Zedek [Trust Not Those In Whom Without Some Touch Of Madness]
- Godflesh [Pure]
- Hell Is For Heroes [Transmit Disrupt]
- Angels Of Light [New Mother]
- Therapy? [Never Apologize Never Explain]
- Soulwax [Any Minute Now]
- Les Thugs [Road Closed]
- Bad Religion [Against The Grain]
- Dirty Three [Cinder]
- Plastic Heroes [Every Day (Is For You)]
- The Paddingtons [First Comes First]
- Troy Von Balthazar [Troy Von Balthazar]
- Gumball [Super Tasty]
- The Young Gods [L'Eau Rouge]
- The Young Gods [The Young Gods]
- Justin Sullivan [Navigating By The Stars]
- Justin Sullivan [Tales Of The Road]
- The Bushmen [Watching Neighbours]
- The Bushmen [Life's Hard Then We Die]
- Les Thugs [Radical Hystery]
- Radish [Restraining Bolt]
- Soul Coughing [Ruby Vroom]
- The Wedding Present [Take Fountain]
- Les Thugs [Strike]
- Les Thugs [Nineteen Something]
- New Model Army [Lost Songs]
- Jesu [Jesu]
- Ministry [Houses Of The Molé]
- Ministry [Rantology]
- Les Thugs [Still Hungry]
- Ministry [The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste]
- Bad Religion [No Substance]
- New Model Army [Better Than Them [EP]]
- New Model Army [All Of This : The 'Live' Rarities]
- The Tragically Hip [Fully Completely]
- Baby Chaos [Safe Sex Designer Drugs And The Death Of Rock 'n' Roll]
- New Model Army [...& Nobody Else]
- New Model Army [Eight]
- Les Thugs [Tout Doit Disparaitre]
- Therapy? [Shameless]
- Operator [Welcome To The Wonderful World]
- Les Thugs [I.A.B.F.]
- New Model Army [The Ghost Of Cain]
- The Sisters Of Mercy [Vision Thing]
- Sonic Youth [Bad Moon Rising]
- Sonic Youth [Confusion Is Sex + Kill Yr Idols]
- Gang Of Four [Return The Gift]
- Lydia Lunch [Smoke In The Shadows]
- Therapy? [Troublegum]
- New Model Army [Small Town England]
- Arctic Monkeys [I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor]
- Recoil [Liquid]
- Baby Shambles [Down In Albion]
- The Ex [Turn]
- The House Of Love [Days Run Away]
- Rhesus [Sad Disco]
- Rhesus [Meanwhile At The Party EP]
- Helmet [Aftertaste]
- The House Of Love [The House Of Love]
- The House Of Love [A Spy In The House Of Love]
- Oasis [Definitely Maybe]
- Wire [Send]
- ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead [Source, Tags & Codes]
- Trumans Water [Spasm Smash]
- Hoggboy [Or 8?]
- Eastern Lane [Shades Of Black]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Darklands]
- Burning Heads [Dive]
- My Bloody Valentine [Ecstasy And Wine]
- R.E.M. [Monster]
- R.E.M. [Murmur]
- Neutral Milk Hotel [On Avery Island]
- Sonic Youth [Sonic Nurse]
- Troy Von Balthazar [Troy Von Balthazar EP]
- Sigur Rós [Ágætis Byrjun]
- Killing Joke [Killing Joke]
- PJ Harvey [Dry]
- Uneven [U]
- Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]
- The Stone Roses [The Stone Roses]
- Helmet [Betty]
- Ride [Nowhere]
- Rinôçérôse [Schizophonic]
- Nina Nastasia [Dogs]
- Depeche Mode [Playing The Angel]
- The Notwist [Shrink]
- The Young Gods [XXY : The Twenty Years (1985-2005)]
- The Young Gods [Only Heaven]
- The Young Gods [T.V. Sky]
- Franz Ferdinand [You Could Have It So Much Better... With Franz Ferdinand]
- Franz Ferdinand [Franz Ferdinand]
- Bad Religion [Recipe For Hate]
- The Levellers [Zeitgeist]
- Number One Cup [Possum Trot Plan]
- Echobelly [Everyone's Got One]
- New Order [Get Ready]
- The Levellers [Levelling The Land]
- The Libertines [The Libertines]
- Bad Religion [No Control]
- Zita Swoon [Life = A Sexy Sanctuary]
- Meat Puppets [Too High To Die]
- The American Analog Set [Promise Of Love]
- Killing Joke [Killing Joke [1980]]
- Ministry [Psalm 69]
- Welcome To Julian [Never So Close]
- Diabologum [#3]
- New Model Army [The Love Of Hopeless Causes]
- Primus [Sailing The Seas Of Cheese]
- Sonic Youth [Washing Machine]
- Dark Star [Twenty Twenty Sound]
- Pavement [Watery Domestic EP]
- The New Year [End Is Near]
- The Cure [Disintegration]
- Sparta [Wiretap Scars]
- A Subtle Plague [Implosion]
- A Subtle Plague [No Reprise]
- Nada Surf [The Weight Is A Gift]
- Sons And Daughters [The Repulsion Box]
- Trespassers W [Straight Madness Reissue]
- Ned's Atomic Dustbin [Are You Normal ?]
- The Boo Radleys [Wake Up !]
- Welcome To Julian [Surfing On A T-Bone]
- Soundgarden [Badmotorfinger]
- Bad Religion [The Process Of Belief]
- Burning Heads [Taranto]
- Bob Mould [Body Of Song]
- Sonic Youth [Sonic Youth]
- Mudhoney [Superfuzz Bigmuff Plus Early Singles]
- Jane's Addiction [Ritual De Lo Habitual]
- Amusement Parks On Fire [Amusement Parks On Fire]
- Elastica [Elastica]
- Radiohead [The Bends]
- Calla [Televise]
- Sonic Youth [Goo [Deluxe Edition]]
- Redd Kross [Phaseshifter]
- Hüsker Dü [Zen Arcade]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness]
- Coldplay [X&Y]
- Sloy [Plug]
- Sigur Rós [Takk...]
- The Walkmen [Bows And Arrows]
- Baxter Dury [Len Parrot's Memorial Lift]
- Pixies [Doolittle]
- Sonic Youth [Goo]
- Whipping Boy [Heartworm]
- Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]
- Sonic Youth [Dirty]
- New Model Army [Strange Brotherhood]
- New Model Army [Carnival]
- A Certain Ratio [Sextet]
- June Of 44 [Four Great Points]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Drops And Kicks]
- Pixies [Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim]
- Pavement [Crooked Rain Crooked Rain]
- Millionaire [Paradisiac]
- Number One Cup [Wrecked By Lions]
- Foil [Never Got Hip]
- Dionysos [Monsters In Love]
- Girls Against Boys [House Of GVSB]
- Six By Seven [The Way I Feel Today]
- Drive Blind [Be A Vegetable]
- Tantrum [Twisted With Anguish]
- Idlewild [The Remote Part]
- Bad Religion [Stranger Than Fiction]
- Les Thugs [As Happy As Possible]
- Gay Dad [Leisure Noise]
- New Model Army [Impurity]
- New Model Army [Thunder And Consolation]
- Morphine [Yes]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Barbed Wire Kisses]
- My Bloody Valentine [Isn't Anything]
- Jane's Addiction [Nothing's Shocking]
- Sugar [Copper Blue]
- Sonic Youth [Sister]
- Deus [Pocket Revolution]
- Pavement [Slanted & Enchanted]
- Alice In Chains [Dirt]
- The Young Gods [Second Nature]
- Cocteau Twins [BBC Sessions]

- Troy Von Balthazar [Amiens 08/12/2005]
- Dionysos [Amiens 24/11/2005]
- The Organ [Amiens 09/11/2005]
- Elista [Amiens 21/02/2004]
- Trumans Water [Amiens 22/10/2005]
- Ghinzu [Amiens 13/11/2004]
- Rhesus [Amiens 27/10/2004]
- Tokyo Sex Destruction [Amiens 10/12/2004]
- Radiohead [Paris 17/11/2003]
- Metric [Amiens 27/04/2005]
- Burning Heads [Amiens 04/12/1999]
- Hollywood Porn Stars [Amiens 20/05/2005]
- Dionysos [Amiens 13/10/1999]
- Alec Empire [Amiens 27/09/2002]
- General Electrics [Amiens 13/10/2004]
- Suede [Amiens 01/04/1995]
- Nine Inch Nails [Paris 22/06/2005]
- Air [Paris 11/03/2004]
- Sleeppers [Amiens 18/03/2004]
- Virago [Amiens 14/12/2000]
- Billy Corgan [Paris 10/06/2005]
- The Bellrays [Amiens 12/02/2003]
- Garbage [Paris 29/03/2005]
- Les Thugs [Amiens 18/12/1997]
- Sloy [Amiens 13/12/1995]
- Jane's Addiction [Paris 25/10/2003]
- A.S Dragon [Amiens 09/10/2003]
- Pixies [Paris 14/06/2004]
- Pixies [Paris 21/09/1990]
- The Young Gods [Amiens 01/03/2001]
- Robots In Disguise [Amiens 13/11/2002]
- Sigur Rós [Paris 12/07/2005]
En ligne
223 invités et 0 membre
Au hasard Balthazar