Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 20 ans |
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» TheWayYouSmiled vous recommande :
![Pulp [This Is Hardcore]](images/artistes/pulp/oeuvres/thisishardcore1106913156263567.gif)
![The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Take It From The Man !]](images/artistes/thebrianjonestownmassacre/oeuvres/takeitfromtheman_1141048820640322.jpeg)
![Art Brut [Bang Bang Rock & Roll]](images/artistes/artbrut/oeuvres/bangbangrockroll_1123705177887244.jpeg)
![Pulp [We Love Life]](images/artistes/pulp/oeuvres/welovelife1108587816528413.gif)
![Rhesus [Meanwhile At The Party EP]](images/artistes/rhesus/oeuvres/meanwhileattheparty1079971306295206.gif)

- Quinn Walker [Laughter's An Asshole]
- Irene [Apple Bay]
- Wagon Christ [Sorry I Make You Lush]
- Télépopmusik [Genetic World]
- Erik Truffaz [Arkhangelsk]
- She And Him [Volume One]
- Hooverphonic [A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular]
- Pink Martini [Sympathique]
- Beach House [Beach House]
- The Junipers [Cut Your Key]
- Blockhead [Uncle Tony's Coloring Book]
- My Morning Jacket [Z]
- My Morning Jacket [It Still Moves]
- Dj Krush [Holonic: The Self Megamix]
- Dj Krush [Milight]
- Dj Krush [Ki-Oku]
- Dj Krush [Meiso]
- Dj Krush [Strictly Turntablized]
- Dj Krush [Krush]
- Jim Noir [Jim Noir]
- Vampire Weekend [Vampire Weekend]
- Camera Obscura [Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi]
- Jim Noir [All Right]
- Joan Of Arc [Eventually, All At Once]
- Skalpel [Polish Jazz]
- Menomena [I Am The Fun Blame Monster !]
- Cortney Tidwell [Don't Let Stars Keep Us Tangled Up]
- Birdy Nam Nam [Birdy Nam Nam]
- Sol Seppy [The Bells Of 1 2]
- Richard Hawley [Lady's Bridge]
- Maritime [We, The Vehicles]
- Audrey [Visible Forms]
- Songs : Ohia [The Magnolia Electric Co]
- Rilo Kiley [More Adventurous]
- Bonobo [Live Session]
- The Pigeon Detectives [Wait For Me]
- The Meeting Places [Find Yourself Along The Way]
- Film School [Brilliant Career]
- Peter Bjorn And John [Writer's Block]
- Devendra Banhart [Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon]
- Gavin Hammond [8 Weeks, 11 Days, 12 Hours & 45 Minutes]
- PJ Harvey [White Chalk]
- The Black Angels [Passover]
- Pulp [This Is Hardcore]
- Rubin Steiner [Lo-Fi Nu Jazz Vol. 2]
- The Polyphonic Spree [The Fragile Army]
- Aberfeldy [Young Forever]
- The Bird And The Bee [The Bird And The Bee]
- Devendra Banhart [Cripple Crow]
- Interpol [Our Love To Admire]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Take It From The Man !]
- Oh No! Oh My! [Oh No! Oh My!]
- Goldfrapp [Felt Mountain]
- Bonobo [Dial M For Monkey]
- Thievery Corporation [The Cosmic Game]
- Regina Spektor [Begin To Hope]
- The Postmarks [The Postmarks]
- The A.M. [The A.M.]
- Transglobal Underground [Yes Boss Food Corner]
- La Position Du Tireur Couché [Acapulco]
- The Good, The Bad & The Queen [Herculean]
- Electrelane [No Shouts, No Calls]
- Blood Red Shoes [ADHD]
- Richard Hawley [Coles Corner]
- Pere Ubu [Why I Hate Women]
- Arab Strap [Elephant Shoe]
- Modest Mouse [We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank]
- Regina Spektor [Soviet Kitsch]
- The Radio Dept. [Pet Grief]
- Valley Of The Giants [Valley Of The Giants]
- Zero7 [Simple Things]
- Wilco [Sky Blue Sky]
- Gotan Project [La Revancha Del Tango]
- The Sea And Cake [Everybody]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Baby 81]
- Kaiser Chiefs [Yours Truly, Angry Mob]
- The Besnard Lakes [The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse]
- My Brightest Diamond [Bring Me The Workhorse]
- The Arcade Fire [Neon Bible]
- Air [Pocket Symphony]
- Loose Fur [Loose Fur]
- Loose Fur [Born Again In The USA]
- The Curtains [Calamity]
- Richard Ashcroft [Human Conditions]
- Jim Noir [Tower Of Love]
- I'm From Barcelona [Let Me Introduce My Friends]
- Ambulance LTD [New English]
- Dirty Pretty Things [Waterloo To Anywhere]
- Datarock [Datarock]
- Jarvis Cocker [Jarvis]
- Bright Eyes [I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning]
- Film School [Film School]
- Death Cab For Cutie [The Photo Album]
- Richard Ashcroft [Alone With Everybody]
- Electrelane [The Power Out]
- Alaska! [Rescue Through Tomahawk]
- The Album Leaf [In A Safe Place]
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs [Show Your Bones]
- Yann Tiersen [Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain]
- The Album Leaf [One Day I'll Be On Time]
- Belle And Sebastian [Push Barman To Open Old Wounds]
- Beck [The Information]
- Nada Surf [The Weight Is A Gift]
- Sufjan Stevens [The Avalanche: Outtakes & Extras From The Illinois Album !]
- Nada Surf [Let Go]
- Bonobo [Animal Magic]
- Girls In Hawaii [From Here To There]
- Vanessa And The O's [La Ballade D'O]
- Ben Kweller [On My Way]
- The Republic Of Loose [Aaagh!]
- Wilco [Yankee Hotel Foxtrot]
- The Delays [Faded Seaside Glamour]
- Orange Juice [The Glasgow School]
- Wilco [A Ghost Is Born]
- The Republic Of Loose [This Is The Tomb Of Juice]
- Belle And Sebastian [Fold Your Hands Child You Walk Like A Peasant]
- Wilco [Summerteeth]
- Air [Talkie Walkie]
- The Kooks [Inside In / Inside Out]
- The Elected [Sun, Sun, Sun]
- Alfie [Do You Imagine Things?]
- The Sea And Cake [One Bedroom]
- Blur [13]
- Belle And Sebastian [Dear Catastrophe Waitress]
- Ambulance LTD [LP]
- I Am X [The Alternative]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Howl]
- Animal Collective [Sung Tongs]
- Rhesus [Meanwhile At The Party EP]
- Q And Not U [Different Damage]
- Tortoise [TNT]
- Belle And Sebastian [The Life Pursuit]
- Rialto [Night On Earth]
- Art Brut [Bang Bang Rock & Roll]
- Broken Social Scene [You Forgot It In People]
- Adam Green [Jacket Full Of Danger]
- The Sea And Cake [The Fawn]
- King Crimson [In The Court Of The Crimson King]
- Beck [Odelay]
- Butter 08 [Butter 08]
- Adam Green [Friends Of Mine]
- Sufjan Stevens [Illinoise]
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ! [Clap Your Hands Say Yeah]
- Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]
- Rialto [Rialto]
- Coldplay [Parachutes]
- Belle And Sebastian [The Boy With The Arab Strap]
- Beck [Sea Change]
- The Polyphonic Spree [Together We're Heavy]
- Pulp [We Love Life]

- Animal Collective [Paris 16/01/2009]
- The Black Angels [Paris 08/12/2008]
- The Herbaliser [Paris 17/10/2008]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [New York 05/08/2008]
- Ambulance LTD [New York 24/07/2008]
- Jarvis Cocker [New York 22/07/2008]
- The Black Angels [Paris 09/05/2008]
- Menomena [Paris 12/03/2008]
- Syd Matters [Paris 13/02/2008]
- The Walkmen [New-York 12/04/2007]
- Kaiser Chiefs [New-York 12/04/2007]
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