Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 38 ans |
The grass has turned from green to brown,
I miss you when you're not around !
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Rodan - Bible Silver Corner
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Sonic Youth - Mote
- #2 Maserati - Oaxaca
- #3 Built to spill - Goin' against your mind
- #4 Talking Heads - Born under punches
- #5 CMAT - Mayday
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![Radiohead [Kid A]](images/artistes/radiohead/oeuvres/kida1018302223988424.png)
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- Sincabeza [Edit Sur Passage Avant Fin Ou Montée D'Instrument]
- Maserati [Maserati / Zombi]
- Maserati [Maserati VII]
- Radiohead [Easy Star All-Stars - Radiodread]
- The The [Soul Mining]
- My Disco [Little Joy]
- Maserati [Pyramid Of The Sun]
- David Bowie [Low]
- Charles C. Oldman [Two Heads Bis Bis]
- Jesu [Heartache EP]
- Don Caballero [What Burns Never Returns]
- DJ Shadow [The Private Press]
- Isis [Oceanic]
- Slint [Slint EP]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Yanqui U.X.O]
- The Cure [Pornography [Deluxe Edition]]
- Rodan [Rusty]
- Nadja [Touched]
- Charles C. Oldman [Winter]
- Mogwai [Happy Songs For Happy People]
- Mogwai [Rock Action]
- Can [Future Days]
- The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]
- Sonic Youth [Evol]
- The Mars Volta [Amputechture]
- Sonic Youth [Sonic Youth Reissued]
- Mark Hollis [Mark Hollis]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Down To The Bone-An Acoustic Tribute To Depeche Mode]
- The Smiths [The Queen Is Dead]
- Pelican [March Into The Sea]
- Mogwai [Mr. Beast]
- Talk Talk [Laughing Stock]
- Mazzy Star [Among My Swan]
- Lee Ranaldo [Music For Stage And Screen]
- The Cure [Charlotte Sometimes]
- The Cure [Faith [Deluxe Edition]]
- Clogs [Lantern]
- Subtle [A New White]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- Tortoise [Millions Now Living Will Never Die]
- The Moglass [Telegraph Poles Are Getting Smaller And Smaller As The Distance Grows]
- Talking Heads [Remain In Light]
- Man [Helping Hands]
- Sigur Rós [Takk...]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Lift Your Skinny Fist Like Antennas To Heaven !]
- Dont Look Back [Brighter]
- Björk [Medulla - DVD]
- Autechre [LP5]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Des Plumes Dans La Tête]
- Arab Strap [Elephant Shoe]
- Maarten [Pictures Of A Danish Girl]
- Esmerine [Aurora]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Horses In The Sky]
- Fifths Of Seven [Spry From Bitter Anise Folds]
- Sigur Rós [( )]
- Arab Strap [The Week Never Starts Round Here]
- Talk Talk [Spirit Of Eden]
- Andrey Kiritchenko [True Delusion]
- The Cure [Disintegration]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Le Livre Noir Du Capitalisme]
- Growing [Sky's Run To Sea]
- Coldplay [X&Y]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward]
- Mogwai [Come On Die Young]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [F# A#OO]
- The Smiths [Strangeways, Here We Come]
- Lee Ranaldo [Clouds]
- The Smiths [There Is A Light That Never Goes Out EP]
- Arab Strap [The Red Thread]
- The Smiths [Meat Is Murder]
- Autechre [Untilted]
- Subtle [Winter EP]
- Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia... [My Elixir, My Poison]
- The Mars Volta [Frances The Mute]
- Matt Elliott [Drinking Songs]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Nocturne Impalpable]
- Slint [Spiderland]
- Arca [Angles]
- Arca [Cinématique]
- Explosions In The Sky [Friday Night Lights]
- Clouddead [Ten]
- DJ Shadow [Endtroducing]
- Múm [Summer Make Good]
- Clogs [Stick Music]
- Jonny Greenwood [Bodysong]
- Clogs [Lullaby For Sue]
- Nirvana [Nevermind]
- Sigur Rós [Ágætis Byrjun]
- Múm [Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OK]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Múm [Finally We Are No One]
- Radiohead [Amnesiac]
- Radiohead [Hail To The Thief]
- Radiohead [The Bends]
- Björk [Medùlla]
- Radiohead [OK Computer]
- The Mars Volta [De-Loused In The Comatorium]

- Battles [Paris 08/12/2009]
- Nils Petter Molvaer [Paris 12/09/2009]
- Sincabeza [Lyon 06/03/2007]
- Shellac [Paris 26/05/2007]
- Nadja [Paris 17/05/2007]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Paris 12/05/2003]
- Pelican [Paris 10/04/2007]
- Man [Saint-Ouen 11/05/2006]
- Battles [Paris 21/04/2006]
- Dont Look Back [Paris 25/01/2006]
- Room 204 [Paris 27/12/2005]
- Sincabeza [Paris 27/12/2005]
- Sincabeza [Lille 14/10/2005]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Tourcoing 16/10/2005]
- Honey For Petzi [Amiens 25/09/2005]
- Matt Elliott [Paris 18/09/2005]
- Sincabeza [Paris 10/06/2005]
- Sigur Rós [Paris 12/07/2005]
- Mobil Session Team [Paris 10/06/2005]
- Deckard [Paris 17/06/2005]
- Queen Adreena [Paris 03/06/2005]
- Isis [Paris 29/05/2005]
- The National [Paris 25/04/2005]
- Flotation Toy Warning [Paris 25/04/2005]
- Micro:mega [Paris 12/04/2005]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Paris 12/04/2005]
- Cyann & Ben [Paris 14/03/2005]
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