Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 30 ans |
"One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me"
- A l'instant sur la platine
- Playlist du moment
- #3 BABYSHAMBLES "shotters nation"
- #4 THE SMIHTS "the smiths"
- #5 The CHARLOTTES "things come apart"
» Andybell vous recommande :
![Sonic Youth [Hold That Tiger]](images/artistes/sonicyouth/oeuvres/holdthattiger1017440827785475.gif)
![The Field Mice [Snowball]](images/artistes/thefieldmice/oeuvres/snowball1118063100060787.gif)
![Pearl Jam [Vitalogy]](images/artistes/pearljam/oeuvres/vitalogy1084568328568716.gif)
![The Charlottes [Things Come Apart]](images/artistes/thecharlottes/oeuvres/thingscomeapart_1134065833600049.jpeg)
![Neil Young [On The Beach]](images/artistes/neilyoung/oeuvres/onthebeach_1119967865427829.jpeg)

- The Dandy Warhols [Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia]
- The Soup Dragons [Hotwired]
- The Telescopes [Taste]
- Karma To Burn [Karma To Burn]
- Swervedriver [Raise]
- The Horrors [Strange House]
- Kinski [Alpine Static]
- Radiohead [Hail To The Thief]
- Bad Brains [The Youth Are Getting Restless]
- Violent Femmes [Violent Femmes]
- Sloy [Electrelite]
- Bush [Sixteen Stone]
- Helmet [Aftertaste]
- David Bowie [Scary Monsters]
- Miss Kittin & The Hacker [The First Album]
- Veruca Salt [American Thighs]
- The Charlottes [Things Come Apart]
- L7 [Bricks Are Heavy]
- Mogwai [Young Team]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Take Them On, On Your Own]
- Editors [An End Has A Start]
- Interpol [Our Love To Admire]
- Spiritualized [Lazer Guided Melodies]
- Beastie Boys [Licensed To Ill]
- Quicksand [Slip]
- Nada Surf [The Weight Is A Gift]
- Mudhoney [Piece Of Cake]
- The Mission [God's Own Medicine]
- Kings Of Leon [Youth And Young Manhood]
- The Vaselines [The Way Of The Vaselines : The Complete History]
- The Raveonettes [Chain Gang Of Love]
- My Vitriol [Finelines]
- Sonic Youth [Hold That Tiger]
- Happy Mondays [Live]
- Ian Brown [Unfinished Monkey Business]
- Oasis [Don't Believe The Truth]
- Arctic Monkeys [Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not]
- The Chameleons [Script Of The Bridge]
- The Sisters Of Mercy [First And Last And Always]
- Pearl Jam [Vitalogy]
- Revolver [Baby's Angry]
- The Go-Betweens [Liberty Belle And The Black Diamond Express]
- Sparklehorse [It's A Wonderful Life]
- Bloc Party [Silent Alarm]
- Blur [Modern Life Is Rubbish]
- Guided By Voices [The Best Of Guided By Voices: Human Amusements At Hourly Rates]
- The Thermals [The Body, The Blood, The Machine]
- Talk Talk [Laughing Stock]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Strung Out In Heaven]
- The National [Alligator]
- Tad [Inhaler]
- Gang Of Four [A Brief History Of The Twentieth Century]
- Faith No More [King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime]
- Gravenhurst [Fires In Distant Buildings]
- Neil Young [On The Beach]
- Magazine [Maybe It's Right To Be Nervous]
- Serena Maneesh [Serena Maneesh]
- The Field Mice [Snowball]
- Catherine Wheel [Chrome]
- Weezer [The Blue Album]
- Drive Blind [Be A Vegetable]
- The Smiths [Meat Is Murder]
- The Dandy Warhols [...The Dandy Warhols Come Down]
- Ride [Carnival Of Light]
- Will Haven [Will Haven]
- Compulsion [Comforter]
- Drive Blind [Stop Thinking Start Fighting]
- Deus [Pocket Revolution]
- Dionysos [Monsters In Love]
- The Drift (France) [Never So Loud]
- Far [Water & Solutions]
- Echo & The Bunnymen [Crocodiles]
- Weezer [Make Believe]
- Tuxedomoon [Holy War]
- Will Haven [El Diablo]
- Drive Blind [Tropical Motion Fever]
- Hot Hot Heat [Make Up The Breakdown]
- The Icarus Line [Mono]
- Ride [Tarantula]
- Cranes [Loved]
- Starsailor [Love Is Here]
- Mando Diao [Hurricane Bar]
- Amusement Parks On Fire [Amusement Parks On Fire]
- The Warlocks [Surgery]
- Neil Young [Zuma]
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