Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Résidant à : La Louvière - Belgique |
Je suis le véritable Père Dante, foutre.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Mico - Zigurat
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Walpurgis Volta - S/T
- #2 Oxbow - Thin Black Duke
- #3 The WRS - Capicua
- #4 Sunn o))) - White1
- #5 Ta soeur qui crie mon nom
» Mr.dante vous recommande :
![Current 93 [Earth Covers Earth]](images/artistes/current93/oeuvres/earthcoversearth_1202207904718581.jpeg)
![David Bowie [Bowie At The Beeb : The Best Of The BBC Sessions 68-72]](images/artistes/davidbowie/oeuvres/bowieatthebeebthebestofthebbcsessions6872_1190716287138553.jpeg)
![Boredoms [Chocolate Synthesizer]](images/artistes/boredoms/oeuvres/chocolatesynthesizer_1192202812906321.jpeg)
![Current 93 [Horsey]](images/artistes/current93/oeuvres/horsey_1202391087571028.jpeg)
![Nine Inch Nails [The Fragile]](images/artistes/nineinchnails/oeuvres/thefragile1094720822937750.gif)

- Coil [Horse Rotorvator]
- Baby Fire [The Red Robe]
- The WRS [Capicúa]
- Oxbow [Thin Black Duke]
- Walpurgis Volta [Walpurgis Volta]
- Pan Sonic [Vakio]
- Univers Zéro [Univers Zéro]
- Neptunian Maximalism [The Conference Of The Stars]
- René Binamé [Hop! Hop! Hop!]
- Nine Inch Nails [Things Falling Apart]
- Baby Fire [No Fear]
- Hopesfall [The Satellite Years]
- Prick [Prick]
- René Binamé [René Binamé Et Les Roues De Secours]
- Psychonaut [XXIV Trips Around The Sun]
- Wolvennest [WLVNNST]
- Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat [If The Sky Falls, We Shall Catch Larks]
- Coil [Unreleased Themes For Hellraiser]
- Hopesfall [The Frailty Of Words]
- Noir Désir [Débranché]
- La Muerte [Every Soul By Sin Oppressed]
- Melvins [Bullhead]
- Coil [Scatology]
- Coil [How To Destroy Angels]
- Coil [Transparent (avec Zos Kia)]
- Brian Eno [(No Pussyfooting)]
- Sunn O))) [Flight Of The Behemoth]
- Melvins [Ozma]
- Converge [No Heroes]
- Noir Désir [Comme Elle Vient]
- Sunn O))) [00 Void]
- Fugazi [Fugazi]
- Wet Leg [Wet Leg]
- Melvins [Gluey Porch Treatments]
- The WRS [The WRS]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Fragile]
- Converge [You Fail Me]
- Converge [Jane Doe]
- Converge [When Forever Comes Crashing]
- Converge [Petitioning The Empty Sky]
- Nine Inch Nails [Further Down The Spiral]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral]
- Nine Inch Nails [Fixed EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [Broken EP]
- Nine Inch Nails [Pretty Hate Machine]
- John Zorn [Magick]
- Antipop Consortium [Tragic Epilogue]
- Current 93 [Horsey]
- Current 93 [Earth Covers Earth]
- Throbbing Gristle [D.o.A : The Third And Final Report]
- Merzbow [Pulse Demon]
- Black Engine [Ku Klux Klown]
- Alec Empire [The Golden Foretaste Of Heaven]
- Whitehouse [Birthdeath Experience]
- Alec Empire [Intelligence & Sacrifice]
- Boredoms [Chocolate Synthesizer]
- Eluvium [Talk Amongst The Trees]
- Atari Teenage Riot [Burn, Berlin, Burn!]
- Mira Calix [Eyes Set Against The Sun]
- Pan Sonic [Katodivaihe]
- Einstürzende Neubauten [Fünf Auf Der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala]
- Clouddead [Clouddead]
- David Bowie [Bowie At The Beeb : The Best Of The BBC Sessions 68-72]
- Einstürzende Neubauten [Kollaps]
- Beastie Boys [To The 5 Boroughs]
- PainKiller [Guts Of A Virgin]
En ligne
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