Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Inscrit depuis : le dimanche 28 septembre 2003 |
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» Lolive vous recommande :
![Khanate [Things Viral]](images/artistes/khanate/oeuvres/thingsviral_1137574885024140.jpeg)
![Lou Reed [Berlin]](images/artistes/loureed/oeuvres/berlin1073251512065250.gif)
![Tom Waits [Mule Variations]](images/artistes/tomwaits/oeuvres/mulevariations_1121719411895111.jpeg)
![Nadja [Truth Becomes Death]](images/artistes/nadja/oeuvres/truthbecomesdeath_1171270116075595.jpeg)
![Isis [Oceanic]](images/artistes/isis/oeuvres/oceanic1102807359555947.gif)

- Fudge Tunnel [The Complicated Futiility Of Ignorance]
- Acid King [Zoroaster]
- 5ive's Continuum Research Project [5ive]
- Nadja [Truth Becomes Death]
- Fudge Tunnel [Hate Songs In E Minor]
- Zeni Geva [Total Castration]
- Unwound [Unwound]
- Jesu [Silver EP]
- Don Caballero [World Class Listening Problem]
- Condense [Genuflex]
- King Crimson [Neal And Jack And Me: Live 1982-1984]
- King Crimson [Starless And Bible Black]
- King Crimson [Lark's Tongue In Aspic]
- King Crimson [Lizard]
- King Crimson [Islands]
- King Crimson [The Power To Believe]
- Cult Of Luna [The Beyond]
- Oxes [OXXXES]
- Bitch Magnet [Umber]
- King Crimson [The ConstruKction Of Light]
- King Crimson [Three Of Perfect Pair]
- Bitch Magnet [Ben Hur]
- King Crimson [Beat]
- King Crimson [Thrak]
- King Crimson [Discipline]
- Cougars [Pillow Talk]
- Hanged'Up [Clatter For Control]
- Sleeping People [Sleeping People]
- Khanate [Things Viral]
- Khanate [Khanate]
- Pele [The Nudes]
- Godflesh [Love And Hate In Dub]
- Bellini [Small Stones]
- Bastro [Antlers Live 1991]
- Bastro [Sing The Troubled Beast / Diablo Guapo]
- Godflesh [Songs Of Love And Hate]
- Godflesh [Selfless]
- Godflesh [Slavestate]
- Unwound [Repetition]
- Unwound [The Future Of What]
- Unwound [Fake Train]
- Godflesh [Pure]
- Godflesh [Streetcleaner]
- Godflesh [Hymns]
- Kinski [Airs Above Your Station]
- Unwound [Leaves Turn Inside You]
- Unwound [New Platic Ideas]
- Mastodon [Leviathan]
- Yo La Tengo [Jad Fair & Yo La Tengo - Strange But True]
- Faraquet [The View From This Tower]
- Isis [Celestial]
- Bush [Razorblade Suitcase]
- Oceansize [Effloresce]
- Sloy [Plug]
- Storm And Stress [Under Thunder And Fluorescent Lights]
- Tom Waits [Mule Variations]
- Kinski [Alpine Static]
- Pelican [The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw]
- Jack Meatbeat And The Underground Society [Back From World War III]
- The Jimmy Chamberlin Complex [Life Begins Again]
- Ulan Bator [Rodeo Massacre]
- Rodan [Rusty]
- June Of 44 [Anatomy Of Sharks]
- Don Caballero [American Don]
- Jesu [Heartache EP]
- City Of Caterpillar [City Of Caterpillar]
- Battles [EP C]
- Bellini [Snowing Sun]
- Papa M [Hole Of Burning Alms]
- Jesu [Jesu]
- Rumah Sakit [Obscured By Clowns]
- Thingy [To The Innocent]
- By The End Of Tonight [A Tribute To Tigers]
- Isis [Panopticon]
- Don Caballero [What Burns Never Returns]
- June Of 44 [In The Fishtank]
- Lou Reed [Animal Serenade]
- Isis [Oceanic]
- June Of 44 [Anahata]
- Sonic Youth [Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love]
- Don Caballero [Don Caballero 2]
- H.D.U. [Crosschannels Multitap]
- H.D.U. [Fire Works]
- Lou Reed [Berlin]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Damage]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Take Them On, On Your Own]
- Pelican [Australasia]
- Mono [Under The Pipal Tree]
- Unwound [Challenge For A Civilised Society]
- Pelican [Untitled EP]
- Cancer Conspiracy [The Audio Medium]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Plastic Fang]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [ACME]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Orange]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Extra Width/Mo' Width]
- Shellac [At Action Park]
- Frank Black [Dog In The Sand]
- Damien Rice [O]
- Mudhoney [Here Comes Sickness]
- Gun Club [Fire Of Love]
- Sonic Youth [Evol]
- The Velvet Underground [White Light / White Heat]
- The Stooges [Fun House]
- Archive [You All Look The Same To Me]
- Pixies [Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Siamese Dream]
- Dark Star [Twenty Twenty Sound]
- Unwound [Further Listening]
- Sonic Youth [Washing Machine]

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