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» Max vous recommande :
![The Evens [The Evens]](images/artistes/theevens/oeuvres/theevens1111876913786772.gif)
![Mudhoney [My Brother The Cow]](images/artistes/mudhoney/oeuvres/mybrotherthecow1099176026539559.gif)
![The Twilight Singers [Powder Burns]](images/artistes/thetwilightsingers/oeuvres/powderburns_1148145030991037.jpeg)
![Mark Lanegan [Scraps At Midnight]](images/artistes/marklanegan/oeuvres/scrapsatmidnight1084722239438701.gif)
![Truly [Fast Stories... From Kid Coma]](images/artistes/truly/oeuvres/faststoriesfromkidcoma1087509358961760.gif)

- The Twilight Singers [Powder Burns]
- Mudhoney [Under A Billion Suns]
- Heavy Trash [Heavy Trash]
- The Constantines [Tournament Of Hearts]
- Screaming Trees [Uncle Anesthesia]
- Screaming Trees [Change Has Come EP]
- Green River [Rehab Doll]
- The Monkeywrench [Electric Children]
- Wellwater Conspiracy [Brotherhood Of Electric : Operational Directive]
- Jesse Sykes [Reckless Burning]
- Mauro Pawlowski & The Grooms [Black Europa]
- The Monkeywrench [Clean As A Broke-Dick Dog]
- Mudhoney [Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge]
- Evil Superstars [Boogie-Children-R-Us]
- Alice In Chains [Jar Of Flies]
- Millionaire [Paradisiac]
- The Fire Theft [The Fire Theft]
- Pram [Dark Island]
- Screaming Trees [Ocean Of Confusion : Songs Of Screaming Trees 1989 - 1996]
- Sunny Day Real Estate [The Rising Tide]
- Audioslave [Out Of Exile]
- Truly [Heart & Lungs]
- The Twilight Singers [Twilight As Played By The Twilight Singers]
- Travis Morrison [Travistan]
- The Evens [The Evens]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Lullabies To Paralyze]
- Screaming Trees [Buzz Factory]
- Screaming Trees [Clairvoyance]
- The Dismemberment Plan [Change]
- Green River [Dry As A Bone]
- Green River [Come On Down]
- Alice In Chains [Dirt]
- The Dismemberment Plan [The Dismemberment Plan Is Terrified]
- Screaming Trees [Other Worlds EP]
- Mudhoney [My Brother The Cow]
- Elliott Smith [From A Basement On The Hill]
- Morphine [The Night]
- Porno For Pyros [Good God's Urge]
- Sunny Day Real Estate [How It Feel To Be Something On]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Crypt Style]
- Speedball Baby [Uptight !]
- The Dismemberment Plan [Emergency & I]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Damage]
- Robert Roth [Someone, Somewhere...]
- Mad Season [Above]
- Mark Lanegan [The Winding Sheet]
- Mark Lanegan [Bubblegum]
- Pearl Jam [Live At Benaroya Hall]
- Mudhoney [Tomorrow Hit Today]
- Mark Lanegan [I'll Take Care Of You]
- Truly [Feeling You Up]
- Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Great Lake Swimmers]
- Pearl Jam [Lost Dogs]
- Mark Lanegan [Field Songs]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Now I Got Worry]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [ACME Plus]
- Tim Buckley [Dream Letter - Live In London 1968]
- Pearl Jam [Merkinball]
- The Black Keys [Thickfreakness]
- Mark Lanegan [Here Come That Weird Chill]
- Truly [Fast Stories... From Kid Coma]
- Pearl Jam [Ten]
- Pearl Jam [Binaural]
- Pearl Jam [Yield]
- Pearl Jam [Vs]
- Pearl Jam [Riot Act]
- Gomez [Split The Difference]
- Pearl Jam [No Code]
- Mark Lanegan [Scraps At Midnight]
- Pearl Jam [Vitalogy]

- Mudhoney [Paris 17/05/2006]
- Mudhoney [Amsterdam 13/05/2006]
- Heavy Trash [Paris 03/12/2005]
- Josh T. Pearson [Paris 16/11/2005]
- The Constantines [Paris 15/11/2005]
- Millionaire [Paris 14/10/2005]
- Mudhoney [Londres 17/09/2005]
- Tori Amos [Paris 13/06/2005]
- Billy Corgan [Paris 10/06/2005]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Paris 21/02/2005]
- The Black Keys [Paris 08/11/2004]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Paris 18/10/2004]
- Mark Lanegan [Paris 02/09/2004]
- Mark Lanegan [Cologne 23/08/2004]
- Mark Lanegan [Amsterdam 17/08/2004]
- Great Lake Swimmers [Paris 10/05/2004]
- Mark Lanegan [Bruxelles 30/11/2003]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Angers 29/03/2004]
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