Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 44 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 .
- Playlist du moment
- #1 .
- #2 .
- #3 .
- #4 .
- #5 .
» Sfar vous recommande :
![This Mortal Coil [It'll End In Tears]](images/artistes/thismortalcoil/oeuvres/itllendintears1082401371735525.gif)
![At The Drive-In [Vaya]](images/artistes/atthedrivein/oeuvres/vaya1110888256893733.gif)
![The Smiths [The Smiths]](images/artistes/thesmiths/oeuvres/thesmiths1023101493214900.gif)
![Dahlia [Le Grand Jeu]](images/artistes/dahlia/oeuvres/legrandjeu_1121462482144503.jpeg)
![The Smashing Pumpkins [Adore]](images/artistes/thesmashingpumpkins/oeuvres/adore_1184247466602241.jpeg)

- These New Puritans [Hidden]
- Templo Diez [Winterset]
- The Mars Volta [Amputechture]
- The Waterboys [Fisherman's Blues]
- Iliketrains [Progress Reform]
- Beirut [Gulag Orkestar]
- Cranes [Wings Of Joy]
- Experience [Sombre EP]
- Katzenjammer Kabarett [Katzenjammer Kabarett]
- At The Drive-In [Alfaro Vive, Carajo !]
- Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez [Omar Rodriguez]
- The Dresden Dolls [Yes, Virginia]
- A Day In Black And White [Notes]
- Mazzy Star [So Tonight That I Might See]
- Battles [Tras]
- Frigo [Funambul]
- Mono [You Are There]
- Shipping News [Save Everything]
- At The Drive-In [Vaya]
- Thee, Stranded Horse [7"]
- Encre [Encre À Kora]
- Encre [Common Chord]
- Mendelson [Mendelson Sur La Route]
- Pelican [March Into The Sea]
- Experience [Positive Karaoke With A Gun]
- Nonstop [Road Movie En Béquilles]
- Throwing Muses [House Tornado / The Fat Skier]
- The Organ [Grab That Gun]
- The Subways [Young For Eternity]
- Lisabo [Izkiriaturik Aurkitu Ditudan Gurak]
- Dahlia [Le Grand Jeu]
- Mendelson [Seuls Au Sommet]
- Programme [Mon Cerveau Dans Ma Bouche]
- Maxïmo Park [A Certain Trigger]
- The Cure [Faith [Deluxe Edition]]
- This Mortal Coil [It'll End In Tears]
- Experience [Aujourd'hui Maintenant.LP]
- Diabologum [#3]
- Frank Black [Frank Black]
- Pixies [Trompe Le Monde]
- Bauhaus [1979-1983: Volume One]
- The Cure [Disintegration]
- Cocteau Twins [Victorialand]
- Dead Can Dance [Toward The Within]
- The Smiths [The Queen Is Dead]
- Pixies [Doolittle]
- Pixies [Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim]
- Bloc Party [Silent Alarm]
- The Smiths [The Smiths]
- The Cure [Concert]
- The Cure [Japanese Whispers]
- The Cure [Faith]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Adore]
- Diabologum [C'était Un Lundi Après-midi Semblable Aux Autres...]
- Interpol [Antics]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- The Cure [Boys Don't Cry]
- The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]
- Cocteau Twins [Head Over Heels]
- Cocteau Twins [Treasure]
- Pixies [Bossanova]
- Frank Black [The Black Session]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness]
- Kid Pharaon [Deep Sleep]
- The Cure [The Top]

- Pere Ubu [Strasbourg 14/10/2006]
- Frigo [Strasbourg 14/10/2006]
- The Subways [Strasbourg 17/09/2006]
- Radiohead [Saint-cloud 26/08/2006]
- Maxïmo Park [Strasbourg 19/06/2006]
- Devendra Banhart [Strasbourg 16/05/2006]
- 31 Knots [Strasbourg 16/03/2006]
- A Day In Black And White [Strasbourg 17/04/2006]
- Architecture In Helsinki [Strasbourg 28/04/2006]
- Dominique A [Strasbourg 28/04/2006]
- 54 Nude Honeys [Strasbourg 28/04/2006]
- Sylvain Chauveau [Strasbourg 28/04/2006]
- Mogwai [Strasbourg 09/04/2006]
- Chevreuil [Strasbourg 09/04/2006]
- Thee, Stranded Horse [Strasbourg 23/06/2005]
- Experience [Strasbourg 01/03/2006]
- Pelican [Strasbourg 25/02/2006]
- Jude [Strasbourg 22/10/2005]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Paris 25/08/2005]
- The Arcade Fire [Paris 25/08/2005]
- Pixies [Paris 25/08/2005]
- Matt Elliott [Strasbourg 23/06/2005]
- The Cure [Strasbourg 30/04/2000]
- The Cure [Nîmes 23/07/1998]
- The Cure [Toulouse 03/11/1996]
- The Cure [Bordeaux 12/11/1992]
- The Cure [Bordeaux 03/07/1989]
- The Cure [Bordeaux 03/12/1987]
- Lush [Bordeaux 20/05/1992]
- Diabologum [Bordeaux 14/06/1997]
- Pixies [Bordeaux 01/06/1991]
- The Cure [Bordeaux 13/12/1985]
- Gun Club [Bordeaux 22/11/1990]
- Kid Pharaon [Bordeaux 21/06/1991]
En ligne
211 invités et 0 membre
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