Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 69 ans |
Remember The King!
» Interpolian vous recommande :
![Depeche Mode [Songs Of Faith And Devotion]](images/artistes/depechemode/oeuvres/songsoffaithanddevotion1027526923880326.gif)
![Puressence [Puressence]](images/artistes/puressence/oeuvres/puressence_1208942716630422.jpeg)
![Puressence [Solid State Recital]](images/artistes/puressence/oeuvres/solidstaterecital_1304785738266508.jpeg)
![Snapcase [End Transmission]](images/artistes/snapcase/oeuvres/endtransmission_1134576042531005.jpeg)
![Ministry [Dark Side Of The Spoon]](images/artistes/ministry/oeuvres/darksideofthespoon_1168506960626563.jpeg)

- Puressence [Solid State Recital]
- Manic Street Preachers [Postcards From A Young Man]
- Interpol [Interpol]
- White Lies [Lose My Life]
- Puggy [Dubois Died Today]
- The Walkmen [You & Me]
- Glasvegas [Glasvegas]
- Velvet Acid Christ [Calling Ov The Dead]
- The Misfits [Evilive]
- The Misfits [Die, Die My Darling]
- The Misfits [Walk Among Us]
- Apartment [The Dreamer Evasive]
- Sébastien Tellier [Sexuality]
- Puressence [Don't Forget To Remember]
- Puressence [Planet Helpless]
- Puressence [Only Forever]
- Puressence [Puressence]
- Medicine [The Buried Life]
- Thirteen Senses [Contact]
- Thirteen Senses [The Invitation]
- The Hives [The Black And White Album]
- Recoil [SubHuman]
- Mellowdrone [Box]
- The Arcade Fire [Neon Bible]
- Manic Street Preachers [Generation Terrorist]
- Aereogramme [Sleep And Release]
- Isis [Isis Aereogramme - In The Fishtank]
- Aereogramme [Isis Aereogramme - In The Fishtank]
- Ministry [Dark Side Of The Spoon]
- Junior Boys [So This Is Goodbye]
- Echo & The Bunnymen [Flowers]
- Porcupine Tree [Arriving Somewhere]
- Heavens [Patent Pending]
- Planes Mistaken For Stars [Mercy]
- Isis [In The Absence Of Truth]
- Khoma [The Second Wave]
- Converge [No Heroes]
- Sebadoh [4 Song CD]
- Peter Murphy [Dust]
- Depeche Mode [Touring The Angel : Live In Milan]
- Monster Magnet [Superjudge]
- Skinny Puppy [Too Dark Park]
- Therapy? [Infernal Love]
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [Fear Is On Our Side]
- The Frames [Set List]
- Vision Of Disorder [From Bliss To Devastation]
- Vision Of Disorder [For The Bleeders]
- Vision Of Disorder [Vision Of Disorder]
- Vision Of Disorder [Still]
- Vision Of Disorder [Imprint]
- Scorn [Ellipsis]
- Scorn [Zander]
- Faith No More [The Real Thing]
- The Damage Manual [The Damage Manual]
- Snapcase [End Transmission]
- Snapcase [Designs For Automotion]
- Snapcase [Progression Through Unlearning]
- Converge [When Forever Comes Crashing]
- Quicksand [Manic Compression]
- Quicksand [Slip]
- Clutch [Pitchfork & Lost Needles]
- Helmet [Meantime]
- John Zorn [Masada, Vol. 5 : Hei]
- Depeche Mode [Playing The Angel]
- Fugazi [Repeater]
- Naked City [Naked City]
- Supergrass [Supergrass]
- Tool [Lateralus]
- John Zorn [Masada, Vol. 1 : Alef]
- Sebadoh [Bakesale]
- Skinny Puppy [The Greater Wrong Of The Right]
- Deus [Worst Case Scenario]
- Dinosaur Jr [You're Living All Over Me]
- American Music Club [Love Songs For Patriots]
- American Music Club [Mercury]
- Pearl Jam [Vitalogy]
- Depeche Mode [Songs Of Faith And Devotion]
- Nine Inch Nails [The Downward Spiral]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]
- Nine Inch Nails [With Teeth]
- Alice In Chains [Dirt]

- Interpol [Paris 17/09/2010]
- The Stooges [Rouen 13/07/2008]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Paris 06/02/2008]
- Porcupine Tree [Paris 03/06/2007]
- Tool [Paris 28/06/2006]
- Swell [Evreux 13/05/1997]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Paris 06/05/1996]
- Nine Inch Nails [Paris 22/06/2005]
- Interpol [Paris 19/11/2004]
- Tool [Paris 14/02/1997]
- Dinosaur Jr [Paris 01/10/1994]
- Tool [Paris 10/05/2002]
- The Cure [Paris 26/04/2000]
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