Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 35 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Rome
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Broadcast
- #2 The Black Angels
- #3 Moodie Black
- #4 Dean Blunt
- #5 Have A Nice Life
» X_Cosmonaut vous recommande :
![The Blood Brothers [Young Machetes]](images/artistes/thebloodbrothers/oeuvres/youngmachetes_1159812576505366.jpeg)
![Katatonia [Discouraged Ones]](images/artistes/katatonia/oeuvres/discouragedones_1131059919312997.jpeg)
![Compulsion [Comforter]](images/artistes/compulsion/oeuvres/comforter_1130882296689828.jpeg)
![Xiu Xiu [Remixed & Covered]](images/artistes/xiuxiu/oeuvres/remixedcovered_1173909349965521.jpeg)
![The Sound Of Animals Fighting [Lover, The Lord Has Left Us]](images/artistes/thesoundofanimalsfighting/oeuvres/loverthelordhasleftsus_1148576661189678.jpeg)

- Daughters [You Won't Get What You Want]
- Broadcast [The Future Crayon]
- Sun Glitters [Everything Could Be Fine]
- Ritualz [Ghetto Ass Witch]
- Zomby [Dedication]
- The Men [Leave Home]
- Ooooo [OOoOO]
- Salem [King Night]
- Xiu Xiu [Remixed & Covered]
- Aereogramme [My Heart Has A Wish That You Would Not Go]
- Ms. John Soda [Notes And The Like]
- This Song Is A Mess But So Am I [Marble Mouth]
- I Would Set Myself On Fire For You [Believes In Patterns]
- The (International) Noise Conspiracy [A New Morning, Changing Weather]
- The Black Heart Procession [The Spell]
- Cercueil [Cercueil EP]
- Girls Against Boys [Freak*On*Ica]
- The Blood Brothers [Young Machetes]
- Xiu Xiu [The Air Force]
- Katatonia [Tonight's Decision]
- Xiu Xiu [La Forêt]
- I Am X [The Alternative]
- Thomas Mery [A Ship, Like A Ghost, Like A Cell]
- Amen Ra [Mass III]
- The Sound Of Animals Fighting [Lover, The Lord Has Left Us]
- Our Brother The Native [Tooth & Claws]
- Band Of Horses [Everything All The Time]
- Frigo [Funambul]
- Pretty Girls Make Graves [Elan Vital]
- Rollins Band [Get Some Go Again]
- 31 Knots [The Curse Of The Longest Day]
- Katatonia [My Twin EP]
- Katatonia [The Great Cold Distance]
- Boy Sets Fire [The Misery Index: Notes From The Plague Years]
- Xiu Xiu [Knife Play]
- Katatonia [Tonight's Music]
- Sun Kil Moon [Tiny Cities]
- Milemarker [Ominosity]
- Katatonia [Last Fair Deal Gone Down]
- I, Robot [Et Cetera]
- Pitchshifter [Submit]
- 31 Knots [Talk Like Blood]
- Katatonia [Viva Emptiness]
- Rollins Band [Weight]
- Smoke And Smoke [Love Suffers Long]
- Infadels [We Are Not The Infadels]
- Katatonia [Discouraged Ones]
- Boy Sets Fire [Before The Eulogy]
- Mewithoutyou [Catch For Us The Foxes]
- Boy Sets Fire [After The Eulogy]
- Black Flag [In My Head]
- Engine Down [Under The Pretense Of Present Tense]
- Girls Against Boys [Cruise Yourself]
- Girls Against Boys [Sexy Sam/I'm From France EP]
- Compulsion [Comforter]
- Xiu Xiu [Life And Live]
- Grandaddy [The Broken Down Comforter Collection]
- The Kodan Armada [Ohio Killed The Grey Ghost]
- The Murder City Devils [Thelema]
- The Good Life [Novena On A Nocturn]
- Dead Low Tide [Dead Low Tide]
- Engine Down [Engine Down]
- Desaparecidos [Read Music, Speak Spanish]
- The Jesus Lizard [Bang]
- New Wet Kojak [Nasty International]
- The Fall Of Troy [The Fall Of Troy]
- I Would Set Myself On Fire For You [I Would Set Myself On Fire For You]
- Circle Takes The Square [As The Roots Undo]
- The Murder City Devils [R.I.P.]
- The Good Life [Album Of The Year]

- Cult Of Luna [Gand 23/02/2007]
- Sweek [Bruxelles 26/05/2006]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Dixmude 20/05/2006]
- Xiu Xiu [Dixmude 20/05/2006]
- Katatonia [Bomal/Ourthe 13/05/2006]
- I Am X [Bruxelles 06/05/2006]
- Dionysos [Esch/Alzette 08/04/2006]
- 31 Knots [Bruxelles 06/04/2006]
- Boy Sets Fire [Hasselt 16/03/2006]
- Thee Silver Mount Zion [Bruxelles 20/10/2005]
- I Am X [Braine-Le-Comte 17/09/2005]
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