Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 24 ans |
Mes prochains concerts:
*Pulp-3 juillet-Hyde Park
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Depeche Mode-Remixes 2 : 81>11
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Apparat & Ellen Allien-Orchestra of Bubbles
- #2 TV on the Radio-Nine Types of Light
- #3 Junior Boys-It's All True
- #4 Lady GaGa-Born This Way
- #5 Nicolas Jaar-Space Is Only Noise
» Vamos vous recommande :
![Boys Noize [Oi Oi Oi]](images/artistes/boysnoize/oeuvres/oioioi_1225811778022492.jpeg)
![Mark Lanegan [Sunday At Devil Dirt]](images/artistes/marklanegan/oeuvres/sundayatdevildirt_1226953694334387.jpeg)
![Deerhunter [Microcastle]](images/artistes/deerhunter/oeuvres/microcastle_1225916528004549.jpeg)
![God Help The Girl [God Help The Girl]](images/artistes/godhelpthegirl/oeuvres/godhelpthegirl_1249720182844050.jpeg)
![Aidan Moffat [I Can Hear Your Heart]](images/artistes/aidanmoffat/oeuvres/icanhearyouheart_1226931566576929.jpeg)

- Bibio [Ambivalence Avenue]
- Benjamin Biolay [Rose Kennedy]
- Lindstrøm [II]
- Metronomy [Nights Out]
- God Help The Girl [God Help The Girl]
- Phoenix [Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix]
- Depeche Mode [Sounds Of The Universe]
- Booka Shade [Movements]
- Peaches [I Feel Cream]
- Pulp [Different Class]
- The Juan Maclean [The Future Will Come]
- Depeche Mode [Wrong]
- Lindstrøm [Tirsdagsjam]
- Röyksopp [Junior]
- Mystery Jets [Twenty-One]
- Pete Doherty [Grace/Wastelands]
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs [It's Blitz!]
- Miss Kittin & The Hacker [Two]
- The Whitest Boy Alive [Rules]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Self Portrait]
- Lindstrøm [Where You Go, I Go Too]
- PJ Harvey [Uh Huh Her]
- Megapuss [Surfing]
- Midnight Juggernauts [Dystopia]
- Deerhoof [Offend Maggie]
- Hercules & Love Affair [You Belong]
- Hercules & Love Affair [Hercules & Love Affair]
- Brett Anderson [Wilderness]
- Deerhunter [Microcastle]
- Mark Lanegan [Sunday At Devil Dirt]
- Isobel Campbell [Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Sunday At Devil Dirt]
- Aidan Moffat [I Can Hear Your Heart]
- Friendly Fires [Paris]
- Belle And Sebastian [If You're Feeling Sinister]
- Suede [Coming Up]
- Friendly Fires [Friendly Fires]
- Hot Chip [Made In The Dark]
- The Kills [Cheap And Cheerful Remixes]
- Tricky [Knowle West Boy]
- Herman Düne [Next Year In Zion]
- Depeche Mode [Ultra]
- Sébastien Tellier [Sexuality]
- Cansei De Ser Sexy [Donkey]
- Siouxsie & The Banshees [Hong-Kong Garden]
- The Libertines [Can't Stand Me Now]
- Gotan Project [Lunático]
- TV On The Radio [Dear Science]
- At The Drive-In [Relationship Of Command]
- Klaxons [As Above, So Below]
- Boys Noize [Oi Oi Oi]
- David Bowie [Scary Monsters]
- Fleet Foxes [Sun Giant]
- LCD Soundsystem [Big Ideas]
- Kaiser Chiefs [Off With Their Heads]
- Of Montreal [Skeletal Lamping]
- LCD Soundsystem [Someone Great]
- Joanna Newsom [Ys]
- Primal Scream [Beautiful Future]
- Ladytron [Velocifero]
- The Strokes [Room On Fire]
- Baby Shambles [Delivery]

- The Arcade Fire [Paris 15/09/2022]
- Blur [Londres 12/08/2012]
- Primal Scream [Barcelone 01/06/2019]
- TV On The Radio [Lyon 15/07/2009]
- Of Montreal [Lyon 15/07/2009]
- Gotan Project [Barcelone 16/12/2008]
- Boys Noize [Barcelone 05/12/2008]
- Hercules & Love Affair [Barcelone 07/11/2008]
- Ladytron [Barcelone 27/10/2008]
- Sébastien Tellier [Cannes 10/08/2008]
- Primal Scream [Barcelone 20/09/2008]
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