Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 55 ans |
mon site perso sur la musique :
Je signale aussi que je ne signerais plus jamais de chroniques ici. Devant le peu de suivi des responsables du site , le peu d'enthousiasme ambiant et le départ de nombreux amis, j'ai pris cette décision et je n'ai pas l'intention de changer.
Je viendrais juste pour quelques commentaires ça et là, rien de plus.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Darkswoon Bloom Decay
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Darkswoon
- #2 Tallies
- #3 Pixies
- #4 Crows
- #5 Afghan Whigs
» Foreth vous recommande :
![Piano Magic [Ovations]](images/artistes/pianomagic/oeuvres/ovations_1256116976500224.jpeg)
![The Wonder Stuff [Hup]](images/artistes/thewonderstuff/oeuvres/hup_1294215987032332.jpeg)
![The Jesus And Mary Chain [Psychocandy]](images/artistes/thejesusandmarychain/oeuvres/psychocandy1082907318100339.gif)
![The Jesus And Mary Chain [Darklands]](images/artistes/thejesusandmarychain/oeuvres/darklands1104150362882031.gif)
![Noir Désir [Tostaky]](images/artistes/noirdsir/oeuvres/tostaky_1253627085745133.jpeg)

- The Wonder Stuff [Hup]
- XMal Deutschland [Tocsin]
- The Housemartins [The People Who Grinned Themselves To Death]
- The Glee Club [Mine]
- Noir Désir [Veuillez Rendre L'Ame (A Qui Elle Appartient)]
- That Petrol Emotion [Fireproof]
- The Sugarcubes [Here Today, Tomorrow, Next Week!]
- Japan [Quiet Life]
- Wall Of Voodoo [Call Of The West]
- Noir Désir [Où Veux-Tu Qu'Je R'Garde]
- The Dandy Warhols [...The Dandy Warhols Come Down]
- Ambulance LTD [LP]
- The Big Pink [A Brief History Of Love]
- The Wolfhounds [Unseen Ripples From A Pebble]
- Bob Mould [Life And Times]
- Piano Magic [Ovations]
- Throwing Muses [The Real Ramona]
- Noir Désir [Tostaky]
- Mickey 3D [Matador]
- And Also The Trees [When The Rains Come]
- Trisomie 21 [Black Label]
- The Fall [Extricate]
- And Also The Trees [Angelfish]
- The Sugarcubes [Stick Around For Joy]
- The Psychedelic Furs [World Outside]
- Whipping Boy [Heartworm]
- The The [Soul Mining]
- New Order [Low-Life]
- Clan Of Xymox [Twist Of Shadows]
- The The [Infected]
- Swell [Too Many Days Without Thinking]
- Lush [Spooky]
- Shed Seven [Change Giver]
- R.E.M. [Document]
- New Order [Technique]
- The Psychedelic Furs [All Of This And Nothing]
- Killing Joke [Night Time]
- The B-52's [Cosmic Thing]
- Blonde Redhead [23]
- New Fast Automatic Daffodils [Body Mind Exit]
- The Sound [Shock Of Delight]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Automatic]
- Little Nemo [Past And Future]
- The Sound [The BBC Recordings]
- Githead [Art Pop]
- The Charlatans [You Cross My Path]
- Wire [Object 47]
- Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds [Let Love In]
- The B-52's [Funplex]
- The Sound [Heads And Hearts]
- And Also The Trees [Silver Soul]
- James [Gold Mother]
- Dinosaur Jr [Where You Been]
- Minimal Compact [Live]
- The Feelies [Only Life]
- New Order [In Session]
- The Opposition [Promises]
- Frustration [Relax]
- James [Hey Ma]
- The Sound [Thunder Up]
- The Sundays [Reading, Writing And Arithmetic]
- The Sound [All Fall Down]
- Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds [Dig !!! Lazarus Dig !!!]
- The Opposition [Breaking The Silence]
- The Opposition [Intimacy]
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry [Nothing Wrong]
- Little Nemo [Turquoise Fields]
- Ian McCulloch [Candleland]
- Bel Canto [Shimmering Warm And Bright]
- Trisomie 21 [Million Lights]
- The Mission [God's Own Medicine]
- And Also The Trees [Farewell To The Shade]
- Collection D'Arnell Andrea [Villers Aux Vents]
- The Church [Starfish]
- Pale Saints [The Comfort Of Madness]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Darklands]
- And Also The Trees [Virus Meadow]
- And Also The Trees [(Listen To) The Rag And The Bone Man]
- And Also The Trees [The Millpond Years]
- Wire [The Ideal Copy]
- Wire [A Bell Is A Cup... Until It Is A Struck]
- The Jesus And Mary Chain [Psychocandy]
- The Sugarcubes [Life's Too Good]
- New Order [Brotherhood]
- And Also The Trees [Green Is The Sea]
- The Pastels [Sittin' Pretty]
- Trisomie 21 [Works]
- Trisomie 21 [Happy Mystery Child]
- That Petrol Emotion [Chemicrazy]
- And Also The Trees [The Klaxon]
- Minimal Compact [Raging Souls]
- Cocteau Twins [Treasure]
- The Sound [In The Hothouse]

- Mickey 3D [Marseille 16/03/2010]
- New Model Army [Les Issambres 30/01/2010]
- Trisomie 21 [Les Issambres 30/01/2010]
- And Also The Trees [Marseille 03/11/2009]
- Franz Ferdinand [Nîmes 21/07/2009]
- Clan Of Xymox [Marseille 01/11/2008]
- Wire [Paris 27/09/2008]
- The Cure [Marseille 04/03/2008]
- The Mission [Marseille 07/02/2008]
- And Also The Trees [Paris 24/11/2007]
- New Model Army [Marseille 23/10/2007]
En ligne
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