Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Age : 42 ans |
» Chaurionde vous recommande :
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![Austra [Olympia]](images/artistes/austra/oeuvres/olympia_1390648000738605.jpeg)
![Holly Herndon [Movement]](images/artistes/hollyherndon/oeuvres/movement_1358269007408305.jpeg)
![Neko Case [Fox Confessor Brings The Flood]](images/artistes/nekocase/oeuvres/foxconfessorbringstheflood_1284284236127451.jpeg)
![Roxy Music [Roxy Music]](images/artistes/roxymusic/oeuvres/roxymusic_1286805194156702.jpeg)

- Pete Doherty [Pete Doherty & Frederic Lo : The Fantasy Life Of Poetry & Crime]
- James Dean Bradfield [Even In Exile]
- The Apartments [In And Out Of The Light]
- Le Klub Des Loosers [VANITE]
- Alain Bashung [En Amont]
- Division Nuit [Division Nuit]
- Le Klub Des Loosers [Last Days]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Supplément De Mensonge]
- Pigalle [Regards Affligés Sur La Morne Et Pitoyable Existence De Benjamin Tremblay [...]]
- Le Klub Des Loosers [La Fin De L'espèce]
- Le Klub Des Loosers [Vive La Vie]
- Tied & Tickled Trio [La Place Demon]
- Josy & The Pony Vs The Poneymen [Hippodrone Club]
- Nikki Sudden [Texas]
- Nikki Sudden [Nikki Sudden & The Jacobites: Robespierre's Velvet Basement]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Dernières Balises (avant Mutation)]
- Marc Almond [Mother Fist And Her Five Daughters]
- Marc Almond [Enchanted]
- Dominique A [Eleor]
- Samsara Blues Experiment [Long Distance Trip...]
- Scott Fagan [South Atlantic Blues]
- Sludge [Scarecrow Messiah]
- No One Is Innocent [Propaganda]
- Sludge [Lava]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [...tout Corps Vivant Branché Sur Le Secteur Étant Appelé À S'émouvoir..]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Autorisation De Delirer]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Soleil Cherche Futur]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [De L'amour, De L'art Ou Du Cochon]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Chroniques Bluesymentales]
- Hubert-felix Thiefaine [Alambic / Sortie-Sud]
- The Apartments [No Song No Spell No Madrigal]
- Odessey & Oracle And The Casiotone Orchestra [Odessey & Oracle And The Casiotone Orchestra]
- Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp [Rotorotor]
- The Pogues [Peace & Love]
- The Woodentops [Giant]
- The Pogues [Waiting For Herb]
- The Pogues [Hell's Ditch]
- Manic Street Preachers [Futurology]
- The Pogues [Red Roses For Me]
- Cypress Hill [Cypress Hill]
- Astronautalis [This Is Our Science]
- Hayseed Dixie [Let There Be Rockgrass]
- Stupeflip [Stup Religion]
- Philippe Poirier [Les Triangles Allongés]
- M.I.A. [Kala]
- Death Grips [The Money Store]
- Psykick Lyrikah [Des Lumières Sous La Pluie]
- Austra [Olympia]
- Picore [L'hélium Du Peuple]
- Nits [Doing The Dishes]
- Bang On! [[sic]]
- Holly Herndon [Movement]
- Why? [Mumps, Etc.]
- Soft Cell [Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret]
- Sinéad O'connor [The Lion And The Cobra]
- Gotan Project [Tango 3.0]
- Sébastien Tellier [Politics]
- Double Nelson [Double Nelson Und Mogalito H.Ramm : La Somme Des Faits Ne Peut Depasser La Quantite Du Tout]
- Baxter Dury [Floor Show]
- Jacques Higelin [Caviar Pour Les Autres...]
- Baxter Dury [Happy Soup]
- Jacques Higelin [Alertez Les Bébés!]
- Miles Kane [Colour Of The Trap]
- The Sea Urchins [Stardust]
- Heldon [Electronique Guerilla + It's Always Rock'n'Roll]
- Carmine [Departs]
- That Petrol Emotion [Babble]
- Mater Suspiria Vision [Second Coming]
- Rain Parade [Beyond The Sunset]
- Animal Collective [Feels]
- Salem [King Night]
- Shearwater [The Golden Archipelago]
- White Noise [An Electric Storm]
- Elvis Costello [Imperial Bedroom]
- Frank Zappa [You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 3]
- Frank Zappa [You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 1]
- The Plimsouls [Everywhere At Once]
- Elvis Costello [Blood And Chocolate]
- Elvis Costello [King Of America]
- King Crimson [Lizard]
- Crazy Horse [Crazy Horse]
- The The [Hanky Panky]
- Brian Eno [Ambient 1 : Music For Airports]
- Brian Eno [(No Pussyfooting)]
- Roxy Music [Roxy Music]
- Noir Désir [Veuillez Rendre L'Ame (A Qui Elle Appartient)]
- Alain Bashung [Roulette Russe]
- Oingo Boingo [Forbidden Zone]
- Oingo Boingo [Boingo]
- Neko Case [Fox Confessor Brings The Flood]
- The Housemartins [London 0 Hull 4]
- John Fahey [Requia And Other Compositions For Guitar Solo]
- The Residents [Mark Of The Mole]
- Léo Ferré [Léo Chante Ferré]

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- Rien [Lyon 29/11/2014]
- Coco Rosie [Lyon 17/07/2013]
- Rufus Wainwright [Lyon 10/07/2013]
- Dinosaur Jr [Feyzin 29/05/2013]
- Why? [Feyzin 24/11/2012]
- Nomeansno [Feyzin 23/11/2012]
- Tom McRae [Feyzin 05/10/2012]
- Erik Truffaz [Lyon 27/01/2011]
- Gojira [Grenoble 18/02/2009]
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [Lyon 08/12/2010]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Grenoble 14/11/2008]
En ligne
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