Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 24 ans |
War Ensemble !!!
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Deerhunter - Microcastle [Album de l'année !]
- #2 The Black Angels - Directions To See A Ghost
- #3 Alela Diane - The Pirate's Gospel
» Head vous recommande :
![Nico [Chelsea Girl]](images/artistes/nico/oeuvres/chelseagirl_1141577011228218.jpeg)
![Isis [In The Absence Of Truth]](images/artistes/isis/oeuvres/intheabsenceoftruth_1162968862114306.jpeg)
![Dead Can Dance [Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun]](images/artistes/deadcandance/oeuvres/withintherealmofadyingsun1083100309004203.gif)
![Faith No More [King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime]](images/artistes/faithnomore/oeuvres/kingforadayfoolforalifetime1083805156040979.gif)
![The Strokes [First Impressions Of Earth]](images/artistes/thestrokes/oeuvres/firstimpressionsofearth_1136234473479173.jpeg)

- Jesu [Lifeline]
- Pelican [City Of Echoes]
- Nine Inch Nails [Year Zero]
- King Crimson [In The Wake Of Poseidon]
- Mogwai [Zidane - A 21st Century Portrait]
- Lisa Gerrard [The Silver Tree]
- Kayo Dot [Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue]
- Bonobo [Days To Come]
- Isis [In The Absence Of Truth]
- Boris [Altar]
- Sunn O))) [Altar]
- Earth [AngelComa]
- Sunn O))) [AngelComa]
- Red Sparowes [Every Red Heart Shines Towards The Sun]
- Isis [The Red Sea]
- Final [Final : 3]
- Peeping Tom [Peeping Tom]
- Cult Of Luna [Somewhere Along The Highway]
- Jesu [Silver EP]
- Nico [Chelsea Girl]
- Napalm Death [From Enslavement To Obliteration]
- The Strokes [First Impressions Of Earth]
- José Gonzalez [Veneer]
- Sunn O))) [Black One]
- Emiliana Torrini [Fisherman's Woman]
- Pelican [The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw]
- Brendan Perry [Eye Of The Hunter]
- Death In Vegas [Satan's Circus]
- Jeff Buckley [Songs To No One (1991-1992)]
- Lisa Gerrard [Immortal Memory]
- Elliott Smith [Figure 8]
- Faith No More [King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime]
- Jeff Buckley [Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk]
- Naked City [Absinthe]
- Melissa Auf Der Maur [Auf Der Maur]
- Alec Empire [Intelligence & Sacrifice]
- Dead Can Dance [The Serpent's Egg]
- Elliott Smith [XO]
- Dead Can Dance [Dead Can Dance]
- Lisa Gerrard [Duality]
- Dead Can Dance [Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun]
En ligne
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