Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Age : 25 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Saxo Man
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Mondo Generator
- #2 Alain Bashung
- #3 David Bowie
- #4 Slayer
- #5 Kyuss
» Boys24 vous recommande :
![Fantômas [Suspended Animation]](images/artistes/fantmas/oeuvres/suspendedanimation1118059647480049.gif)
![Serge Gainsbourg [Jane Birkin - Serge Gainsbourg]](images/artistes/sergegainsbourg/oeuvres/janebirkinsergegainsbourg_1131999202588727.jpeg)
![Mr. Bungle [Mr.Bungle]](images/artistes/mrbungle/oeuvres/mrbungle1110455508430414.gif)
![Serge Gainsbourg [L'Homme A Tête De Chou]](images/artistes/sergegainsbourg/oeuvres/lhommeatetedechou1102794329475934.gif)
![Tomahawk [Anonymous]](images/artistes/tomahawk/oeuvres/anonymous_1183697924514897.gif)

- Noir Désir [666.667 Club]
- Tomahawk [Anonymous]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Era Vulgaris]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Zero]
- Mogwai [Happy Songs For Happy People]
- Dan The Automator [Lovage - Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By]
- Clutch [Pure Rock Fury]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Jane Birkin - Serge Gainsbourg]
- Butthole Surfers [Hairway To Steven]
- Tomahawk [Mit Gas]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Siamese Dream]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Serge Gainsbourg N°2]
- My Bloody Valentine [Loveless]
- Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds [From Her To Eternity]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Du Chant A La Une]
- The Moldy Peaches [The Moldy Peaches]
- Pagoda [Pagoda]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Complications]
- Nirvana [In Utero]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]
- Mike Patton [Adult Themes For Voice]
- Mondo Generator [III The Ep / Demolition Day]
- Serge Gainsbourg [L'Homme A Tête De Chou]
- Mr. Bungle [Mr.Bungle]
- Mondo Generator [Cocaine Rodeo]
- Suicide [Suicide]
- Masters Of Reality [Flak'n'Flight]
- Fantômas [Suspended Animation]
- Mondo Generator [Dead Planet]
- Mondo Generator [A Drug Problem That Never Existed]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [Thank God For Mental Illness]
- The Dandy Warhols [...The Dandy Warhols Come Down]
- The Vines [Highly Evolved]
- The Libertines [Up The Bracket]
- Muse [Origin Of Symmetry]
- Peeping Tom [Peeping Tom]
- Eagles Of Death Metal [Death By Sexy]
- The Desert Sessions [Vol V & VI]
- The Desert Sessions [Vol. IX & X]
- Hole [Live Through This]
- Faith No More [Angel Dust]
- Nirvana [Incesticide]
- The Stooges [The Stooges]
- Melvins [Sieg Howdy]
- Fantômas [Delirium Cordia]
- Kyuss [Welcome To Sky Valley]
- Eagles Of Death Metal [Peace Love And Death Metal]
- The Arcade Fire [Funeral]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [R]
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