Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Résidant à : Paris |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 BEECHWOOD [Sleep Without Dreaming]
- Playlist du moment
- #1 ROKUROKUBI [Saturn in Pisces]
- #2 ENTRANCE [Prayer of Death]
- #4 BRYAN'S MAGIC TEARS [Vacuuum Sealed]
- #5 MODERN NATURE [Island of Noise]
» Lady Godiva vous recommande :
![Deus [In A Bar, Under The Sea]](images/artistes/deus/oeuvres/inabarunderthesea1018308806133033.png)
![The Warlocks [The Mirror Explodes]](images/artistes/thewarlocks/oeuvres/themirrorexplodes_1244716833571225.jpeg)
![The Black Angels [Passover]](images/artistes/theblackangels/oeuvres/passover_1174297324125425.jpeg)
![The Black Angels [Directions To See A Ghost]](images/artistes/theblackangels/oeuvres/directionstoseeaghost_1207057404706648.jpeg)
![The National [Cherry Tree]](images/artistes/thenational/oeuvres/cherrytree_1188641267143873.jpeg)

- The Warlocks [The Mirror Explodes]
- The Revellions [The Revellions]
- The Dolly Rocker Movement [A Purple Journey Into The Mod Machine]
- The Blue Angel Lounge [The Blue Angel Lounge]
- Alberta Cross [The Thief & The Heartbreaker]
- Kris Dane [Rise & Down Of The Black Stallion]
- Spiritualized [Songs In A & E]
- Singapore Sling [The Curse Of Singapore Sling]
- The Black Angels [Directions To See A Ghost]
- Secret Machines [Now Here Is Nowhere]
- My Latest Novel [Wolves]
- Sentenza [Rock'n'Roll Freedom]
- The National [Cherry Tree]
- The National [Boxer]
- Bat For Lashes [Fur And Gold]
- Interpol [Our Love To Admire]
- The Black Angels [Passover]
- Nelson [Revolving Doors]
- Cold War Kids [Robbers & Cowards]
- Deus [The Ideal Crash]
- Deus [In A Bar, Under The Sea]
- Dead Man Ray [Cago]
- Alamo Race Track [Black Cat John Brown]
- Secret Machines [Ten Silver Drops]

- A Place To Bury Strangers [New York 19/07/2008]
- Film School [New York 19/07/2008]
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre [New York 25/07/2008]
- Spiritualized [New York 26/07/2008]
- The Black Angels [Paris 09/05/2008]
- PJ Harvey [Paris 16/11/2007]
- The National [Paris 14/11/2007]
- Bat For Lashes [St-Cloud 26/08/2007]
- The Black Angels [Amsterdam 16/07/2007]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Amsterdam 16/07/2007]
- Kings Of Leon [Paris 26/06/2007]
- The Black Angels [Brooklyn, New York 08/04/2007]
- Gomm [Paris 13/02/2007]
- Sentenza [Paris 12/02/2007]
- Alamo Race Track [Paris 24/01/2007]
- Wolfmother [Paris 17/11/2006]
- Deus [Paris 20/07/2006]
- The Strokes [Lyon 17/07/2006]
- She Wants Revenge [Paris 31/05/2006]
- Secret Machines [Paris 30/05/2006]
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