Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 48 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 GBV "Under the Bushes Under the Stars"
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Slint "EP"
- #2 65daysofstatic "We're Exploding Anyway"
- #3 Go!Ybe "F# A#OO"
- #4 Antlers "Hospice"
- #5 Sebadoh "III"
» Jetjet vous recommande :
![Blanck Mass [Blanck Mass]](images/artistes/blanckmass/oeuvres/blanckmass_1568784802345167.jpeg)
![Ride [Going Blank Again]](images/artistes/ride/oeuvres/goingblankagain_1135779050360976.jpeg)
![Got A Girl [I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now]](images/artistes/gotagirl/oeuvres/iloveyoubutimustdriveoffthiscliffnow_1568444451385471.jpeg)
![Curses [Romantic Fiction]](images/artistes/curses/oeuvres/romanticfiction_1567576174235252.jpeg)
![Blanck Mass [Dumb Flesh]](images/artistes/blanckmass/oeuvres/dumbflesh_1432112438224423.jpeg)

- DIIV [Deceiver]
- Boards Of Canada [In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country]
- Swell [41]
- New Order [Low-Life]
- Pixies [Complete 'B' Sides]
- Jessica93 [Who Cares]
- Jessica93 [Guilty Species]
- Jessica93 [Rise]
- New Order [Republic]
- Sufjan Stevens [Carrie & Lowell]
- Fuck Buttons [Street Horrrsing]
- Ride [Going Blank Again]
- Blanck Mass [Animated Violence Mild]
- New Order [Music Complete]
- The Limiñanas [Shadow People]
- Bad Lieutenant [Never Cry Another Tear]
- Guided By Voices [Under The Bushes Under The Stars]
- Slint [Slint EP]
- Kompromat [Traum Und Existenz]
- Front 242 [Front By Front]
- Labradford [Mi Media Naranja]
- Crustation [Bloom]
- Slint [Tweez]
- The Sisters Of Mercy [Floodland]
- The Third Eye Foundation [Ghost]
- Jay Jay Johanson [Whiskey]
- Massive Attack [Ritual Spirit]
- Trust [Joyland]
- Trust [TRST]
- Fuck Buttons [Slow Focus]
- Blanck Mass [D7-D5]
- Blanck Mass [Dumb Flesh]
- Blanck Mass [World Eater]
- Blanck Mass [Blanck Mass]
- Pixies [Head Carrier]
- Compulsion [Comforter]
- Thom Yorke [Anima]
- Slint [Spiderland]
- Noise Unit [Grinding Into Emptiness]
- Got A Girl [I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now]
- Bowery Electric [Beat]
- The Chemical Brothers [No Geography]
- Bowery Electric [Lushlife]
- Double Dragon [Double Dragon]
- Curses [Romantic Fiction]
- Monk & Canatella [Care In The Community]
- Princess Century [Progress]
- Fuck Buttons [Tarot Sport]
- Daft Punk [Human After All]
- Trust [The Destroyer - Part One]
- Editors [The Blanck Mass Sessions]

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