Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 25 ans |
Weezer is my spirit animal.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Turzi - C
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Goat - Commune
- #2 San Carol - Humain Trop Humain
- #3 Pulp - Different Class
- #4 Allah-Las - Workship the Sun
- #5 Dungen - Ta Det Lugnt
» WillyB vous recommande :
![Sunset Rubdown [Random Spirit Lover]](images/artistes/sunsetrubdown/oeuvres/randomspiritlover_1199457933064731.jpeg)
![Mitski [Puberty 2]](images/artistes/mitski/oeuvres/puberty2_1474448207920589.jpeg)
![San Carol [Humain Trop Humain]](images/artistes/sancarol/oeuvres/humaintrophumain_1428480124189370.jpeg)
![David Bowie [The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars]](images/artistes/davidbowie/oeuvres/theriseandfallofziggystardustandthespidersfrommars1075483913811712.gif)
![Owen Pallett [In Conflict]](images/artistes/owenpallett/oeuvres/inconflict_1422346463199877.jpeg)

- Broken Social Scene [Hug Of Thunder]
- Spoon [Hot Thoughts]
- David Bowie [No Plan]
- Grimes [Art Angels]
- Totorro [Come To Mexico]
- John Cale [M:FANS]
- Electric Electric [III]
- Paws [No Grace]
- Cate Le Bon [Crab Day]
- Mitski [Puberty 2]
- Wolf Parade [EP 4]
- Iggy Pop [Post Pop Depression]
- Ulrika Spacek [The Album Paranoia]
- Night Beats [Who Sold My Generation]
- DIIV [Is The Is Are]
- Titus Andronicus [The Most Lamentable Tragedy]
- Youth Lagoon [Savage Hills Ballroom]
- Ratatat [Magnifique]
- Wand [Golem]
- Mikal Cronin [MCIII]
- Goat [Commune]
- Carl Barât And The Jackals [Let It Reign]
- San Carol [Humain Trop Humain]
- Destroyer [Streethawk: A Seduction]
- Ropoporose [Elephant Love]
- The New Pornographers [Challengers]
- Will Butler [Policy]
- Todd Terje [It's Album Time]
- Spoon [They Want My Soul]
- Phantogram [Eyelid Movies]
- Youth Lagoon [Wondrous Bughouse]
- The New Pornographers [Twin Cinema]
- Owen Pallett [In Conflict]
- Foxygen [..And Star Power]
- Moonface [Julia With Blue Jeans On]
- Sunset Rubdown [Random Spirit Lover]
- Bon Iver [Bon Iver, Bon Iver]
- Wolf Parade [Apologies To The Queen Mary]
- Owen Pallett [Heartland]
- Marnie Stern [This Is It And I Am It And You Are It And So Is That And He Is It And She Is It And It Is It And That Is That]
- Mercury Rev [Deserter's Songs]
- David Bowie [The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars]

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