Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 4 ans |
cété mieux avant
Edit: euh non, finalement, c'était tout aussi merdique mais je ne le savais pas
» Slowdown vous recommande :
![The Cleaners From Venus [On Any Normal Monday]](images/artistes/thecleanersfromvenus/oeuvres/onanynormalmonday_1595676902035861.jpeg)
![Psychic Tv [Force The Hand Of Chance]](images/artistes/psychictv/oeuvres/forcethehandofchance_1423043029460241.jpeg)
![November Növelet [The World In Devotion]](images/artistes/novembernvelet/oeuvres/theworldindevotion_1461738358241521.jpeg)
![Beach House [Depression Cherry]](images/artistes/beachhouse/oeuvres/depressioncherry_1475150472756747.jpeg)
![The Twilight Sad [Nobody Wants To Be Here And Nobody Wants To Leave]](images/artistes/thetwilightsad/oeuvres/nobodywantstobehereandnobodywantstoleave_1422000882713406.jpeg)

- The Stranglers [Dark Matters]
- Whomadewho [Knee Deep]
- Whomadewho [Brighter]
- The Psychedelic Furs [Made Of Rain]
- Chromatics [Closer To Grey]
- The Cleaners From Venus [Midnight Cleaners]
- The Cleaners From Venus [On Any Normal Monday]
- The Cleaners From Venus [Blow Away Your Troubles]
- Dogbowl [Dogbowl & Kramer - Hot Day In Waco]
- Beach House [Depression Cherry]
- November Növelet [The World In Devotion]
- Thieves Like Us [Bleed Bleed Bleed]
- Thieves Like Us [Play Music]
- Tame Impala [Currents]
- Breton [War Room Stories]
- Glass Candy [Warm In The Winter]
- Outfit [Slowness]
- Outfit [Performance]
- Coco Rosie [Tales Of A GrassWidow]
- Oranssi Pazuzu [Valonielu]
- Motorama [Alps]
- The Twilight Sad [Nobody Wants To Be Here And Nobody Wants To Leave]
- Psychic Tv [Force The Hand Of Chance]
- JJ [N°3]
- Trust [Joyland]
- The December Sound [The Silver Album]
- Cascadeur [The Human Octopus]
- The Raveonettes [Raven In The Grave]
- Still Corners [Strange Pleasures]
- The Horrors [Skying]
- Still Corners [Creatures Of An Hour]
- Fairmont [Automaton]
- Fairmont [Coloured In Memory]
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra [II]
- Indian Jewelry [Totaled]
- The Black Angels [Indigo Meadow]
- Trust [TRST]
- Indian Jewelry [Free Gold]
- John Maus [We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves]
- Bernardino Femminielli [Double Invitation]
- Fleeting Joys [Despondent Transponder]
- The Psychedelic Furs [Mirror Moves]
- Roxy Music [Stranded]
- The Fall [The Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country On The Click)]
- Toasted Heretic [Mindless Optimism]
- Trance To The Sun [Atrocious Virgin]
- David Bowie [The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars]
- Candlemass [Epicus Doomicus Metallicus]
- The Horrors [Primary Colours]
- Magazine [Real Life]
- The Stooges [Fun House]
- Wire [Pink Flag]

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