Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 27 ans |
"An open mind is an empty mind, so I keep mine closed"
Mes maîtres à penser:
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Cobalt - Gin
- Playlist du moment
- #1 The Black Keys - Attack & Release
- #2 Damien Jurado - Caught In Trees
- #3 Helmet - Betty
- #4 Queens Of The Stone Age - Rated R
- #5 Dredg - Catch Without Arms
» Drazorback vous recommande :
![31 Knots [Talk Like Blood]](images/artistes/31knots/oeuvres/talklikeblood_1133203848385648.jpeg)
![Sun Kil Moon [April]](images/artistes/sunkilmoon/oeuvres/april_1213966032849326.jpeg)
![Tool [10,000 Days]](images/artistes/tool/oeuvres/10000days_1146662687786975.jpeg)
![Thursday [A City By The Light Divided]](images/artistes/thursday/oeuvres/acitybythelightdivided_1146520195392924.jpeg)
![Queens Of The Stone Age [Era Vulgaris]](images/artistes/queensofthestoneage/oeuvres/eravulgaris_1181712681920195.jpeg)

- Tool [10,000 Days]
- Mastodon [Blood Mountain]
- Thursday [A City By The Light Divided]
- Baroness [Blue Record]
- Baroness [Red Album]
- Stinking Lizaveta [Sacrifice & Bliss]
- The Appleseed Cast [Sagarmatha]
- Animal Collective [Merriweather Post Pavillion]
- Mono [Hymn To The Immortal Wind]
- Mastodon [Crack The Skye]
- Dälek [Gutter Tactics]
- All The Saints [Fire On Corridor X]
- Doomriders [Black Thunder]
- Young Widows [Old Wounds]
- Beehoover [Heavy Zooo]
- The Haunted [Versus]
- Bloc Party [Intimacy]
- Torche [Meanderthal]
- Wovenhand [Ten Stones]
- Sun Kil Moon [April]
- The New Year [The New Year]
- Don Caballero [Punkgasm]
- 31 Knots [Worried Well]
- Ufomammut [Idolum]
- Death Cab For Cutie [Narrows Stairs]
- Boris [Smile]
- Melvins [Nude With Boots]
- 5ive's Continuum Research Project [Hesperus]
- Foals [Antidotes]
- Dredg [El Cielo]
- Why? [Alopecia]
- Tindersticks [The Hungry Saw]
- Lack [Saturate Every Atom]
- Xiu Xiu [Women As Lovers]
- The Notwist [The Devil, You + Me]
- Dub Trio [Another Sound Is Dying]
- Genghis Tron [Board Up The House]
- Deus [Vantage Point]
- 31 Knots [The Days And Nights Of Everything Anywhere]
- Earth [The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull]
- Radiohead [In Rainbows]
- Nada Surf [Lucky]
- The Dillinger Escape Plan [Ire Works]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Era Vulgaris]
- 31 Knots [Talk Like Blood]
En ligne
Au hasard Balthazar