Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 23 ans |
A quand l'autogestion sur Xsilence ?
"L'Humanité est arrivée à la croisée de deux chemins, l'un nous mène à la disparition de l'espèce, l'autre au désespoir total... J'espère que l'humanité fera le bon choix."
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Ron Sexsmith - Retriever
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Lambchop - tous les albums
- #2 The Black Keys - Rubber Factory
- #3 David Bowie - Ziggi Stardust
- #4 Elliot Smith - XO
- #5 Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline
» Tomtom vous recommande :
![Cake [Fashion Nugget]](images/artistes/cake/oeuvres/fashionnuggets_1126265289110039.jpeg)
![Leonard Cohen [Songs Of Leonard Cohen]](images/artistes/leonardcohen/oeuvres/songsofleonardcohen_1220443142170791.jpeg)
![Califone [Roots And Crowns]](images/artistes/califone/oeuvres/rootsandcrowns_1187776799722310.jpeg)
![Portishead [Dummy]](images/artistes/portishead/oeuvres/dummy_1184141069034005.gif)
![Ron Sexsmith [Time Being]](images/artistes/ronsexsmith/oeuvres/timebeing_1226856213798441.jpeg)

- The Raincoats [Odyshape]
- Inside Out [No Spiritual Surrender EP]
- Patti Smith [Trampin']
- Bob Dylan [Together Through Life]
- Ron Sexsmith [Time Being]
- Lambchop [Thriller]
- Leonard Cohen [Songs Of Leonard Cohen]
- Ron Sexsmith [Grand Opera Lane]
- Lambchop [I Hope You're Sitting Down]
- Melt Banana [Bambi's Dilemma]
- The Black Lips [Good Bad Not Evil]
- Bob Dylan [Time Out Of Mind]
- Bob Dylan [Dylan]
- Patti Smith [Gung Ho]
- Snow Patrol [Songs For Polar Bears]
- Smog [Knock Knock]
- Colleen [Les Ondes Silencieuses]
- Richmond Fontaine [Thirteen Cities]
- Cex [Sketchi]
- Bob Dylan [Oh Mercy]
- Sunn O))) [Oracle]
- Les Claypool [Purple Onion]
- Tom Waits [Nighthawks At The Diner]
- Neil Young [Heart Of Gold]
- Bob Dylan [Slow Train Coming]
- Bob Dylan [Hard Rain]
- Bob Dylan [Desire]
- Tom Waits [Small Change]
- Bob Dylan [The Basement Tapes]
- Bob Dylan [Pat Garret And Billy The Kid]
- Bob Dylan [The Bootleg Series - Rare And Unreleased 1961 - 1991]
- Bob Dylan [New Morning]
- Bob Dylan [Blood On The Tracks]
- Bob Dylan [Self Portrait]
- Bob Dylan [The Times They Are A-Changin']
- Bob Dylan [Another Side Of Bob Dylan]
- Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan]
- Bob Dylan [The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan]
- Bob Dylan [Blonde On Blonde]
- Richard Hawley [Lowedges]
- Kings Of Convenience [Quiet Is The New Loud]
- Califone [Roots And Crowns]
- Crippled Black Phoenix [A Love Of Shared Disasters]
- Piano Magic [Part Monster]
- Tom Waits [Blue Valentine]
- Pillow [Explicit No Lyrics]
- Beastie Boys [Licensed To Ill]
- Logh [North]
- Ghinzu [Electronic Jacuzzi]
- Ghinzu [Blow]
- Portishead [Portishead]
- Morcheeba [Charango]
- Morcheeba [Big Calm]
- Portishead [Dummy]
- Girls In Hawaii [From Here To There]
- No One Is Innocent [Utopia]
- No One Is Innocent [Revolution.com]
- Overhead [Silent Witness]
- Tears In X-Ray Eyes [Half-Life]
- Cake [Fashion Nugget]
- Jet [Get Born]
- The Arcade Fire [Neon Bible]
- Muse [Showbiz]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Lift Your Skinny Fist Like Antennas To Heaven !]
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