Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Résidant à : Strasbourg |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 CHROMATICS // Closer to Grey
- Playlist du moment
- #1 NICK CAVE // Ghosteen
- #2 JEAN FELZINE // Hors l'Amour
- #4 DAVE // Psychodrama
- #5 LA FELINE // Vie Future
» Greg vous recommande :
![Modest Mouse [The Moon And Antartica]](images/artistes/modestmouse/oeuvres/themoonandantartica1104150574515669.gif)
![The Black Heart Procession [One]](images/artistes/theblackheartprocession/oeuvres/one_1130774542150648.jpeg)
![Piano Magic [Artists' Rifles]](images/artistes/pianomagic/oeuvres/artistsrifles1086354862818910.gif)
![The Black Heart Procession [The Black Heart Procession Solbakken - In The Fishtank]](images/artistes/theblackheartprocession/oeuvres/theblackheartprocessionsolbakkeninthefishtank111085405883475059.gif)
![Swell [Too Many Days Without Thinking]](images/artistes/swell/oeuvres/toomanydayswithoutthinking1020420931275209.png)

- Magyar Posse [We Will Carry You Over The Mountains]
- The Go-Betweens [Bellavista Terrace : The Best Of The Go-Betweens]
- Swell [Too Many Days Without Thinking]
- The Black Heart Procession [One]
- Current 93 [Soft Black Stars]
- Gravenhurst [Black Holes In The Sand EP]
- Three Mile Pilot [Songs From An Old Town We Once Knew]
- The Electric Fresco [Au Revoir]
- Slowdive [Souvlaki]
- Pinback [Some Voices EP]
- Systems Officer [Systems Officer EP]
- Chris Brokaw [Red Cities]
- Modest Mouse [The Moon And Antartica]
- Three Mile Pilot [Another Desert, Another Sea]
- Pinback [Summer In Abaddon]
- Bedhead [Transaction De Novo]
- Cocteau Twins [Milk And Kisses]
- Jean Louis Murat [A Bird On A Poire]
- The National [Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers]
- Pinback [Offcell EP]
- 90 Day Men [To Everybody]
- Thee More Shallows [A History Of Sport Fishing]
- Elliott Smith [Elliott Smith]
- Three Mile Pilot [The Chief Assassin To The Sinister]
- Bertrand Betsch [La Soupe À La Grimace]
- Piano Magic [Artists' Rifles]
- The Black Heart Procession [The Black Heart Procession Solbakken - In The Fishtank]
- Morrissey [Irish Blood, English Heart]
- The Auteurs [New Wave]
- Piano Magic [Popular Mechanics]
- Sparklehorse [Good Morning Spider]
- Cocteau Twins [Four-Calendar Café]
- Nick Drake [Bryter Layter]
- Rien [Requiem Pour Des Baroqueux]
- Savoy Grand [Dirty Pillows]
- Sparklehorse [Vivadixiesubmarine Transmissionplot]
- The Black Heart Procession [Three]
- Pinback [This Is A Pinback Cd]
- Jean Louis Murat [Lilith]
- Baader-Meinhof [Baader-Meinhof]
- Karate [Unsolved]

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