Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 27 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Peter Doherty, Grace/Wastelands - 2009
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Babyshambles, Shotter's Nation - 2007
- #2 Belle & Sebastian, Tigermilk - 1999
- #3 Nick Drake, Pink Moon - 1971
- #4 Alice in Chains, Unplugged - 1996
- #5 SOAD, Hypnotized - 2005
» Th0mas vous recommande :
![Nick Drake [Pink Moon]](images/artistes/nickdrake/oeuvres/pinkmoon1020117365258140.png)
![Nick Drake [Time Of No Reply]](images/artistes/nickdrake/oeuvres/timeofnoreply_1130678758252710.jpeg)
![Gotan Project [La Revancha Del Tango]](images/artistes/gotanproject/oeuvres/larevanchadeltango_1174033936447150.jpeg)
![Johnny Cash [At Folsom Prison]](images/artistes/johnnycash/oeuvres/atfolsomprison_1162551018390071.jpeg)
![Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]](images/artistes/aliceinchains/oeuvres/unplugged1089049431730451.gif)

- Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]
- Neil Young [Live At Massey Hall 1971]
- Kings Of Leon [Because Of The Times]
- Gotan Project [La Revancha Del Tango]
- Beck [The Information]
- Pulp [Different Class Deluxe Edition]
- Pearl Jam [Ten]
- Neil Young [Mirror Ball]
- Johnny Cash [At Folsom Prison]
- Grant Lee Buffalo [Fuzzy]
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ! [Some Loud Thunder]
- Neil Young [Greendale]
- Nico [Chelsea Girl]
- Nick Drake [Way To Blue : An Introduction To Nick Drake]
- Radiohead [OK Computer]
- Minor Majority [Reasons To Hang Around]
- Nick Drake [Bryter Layter]
- Nick Drake [Time Has Told Me]
- Neil Young [Life]
- Neil Young [Old Ways]
- Neil Young [Trans]
- Neil Young [American Stars'n' Bars]
- Neil Young [Time Fades Away]
- Devendra Banhart [Cripple Crow]
- Nick Drake [Made To Love Magic]
- Nick Drake [Time Of No Reply]
- Nick Drake [Five Leaves Left]
- Beck [Odelay]
- Radiohead [Amnesiac]
- Mercury Rev [All Is Dream]
- Franz Ferdinand [You Could Have It So Much Better... With Franz Ferdinand]
- Coco Rosie [La Maison De Mon Reve]
- Neil Young [On The Beach]
- Neil Young [Landing On Water]
- Neil Young [Prairie Wind]
- The White Stripes [White Blood Cells]
- Deltron 3030 [Deltron 3030]
- 22 Pistepirkko [Drops And Kicks]
- Portishead [Roseland NYC Live]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Cake [Pressure Chief]
- Cake [Comfort Eagle]
- Cake [Prolonging The Magic]
- Cake [Motorcade Of Generosity]
- Vetiver [Vetiver]
- The Raveonettes [Pretty In Black]
- Cake [Fashion Nugget]
- Coldplay [X&Y]
- Kings Of Leon [Aha Shake Heartbreak]
- Captain Beefheart [Trout Mask Replica]
- Captain Beefheart [Safe As Milk]
- The White Stripes [De Stijl]
- Devendra Banhart [Rejoicing In The Hands]
- Nick Drake [Pink Moon]

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