Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 35 ans |
Je rentre bientôt de vacances, c'est promis !
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 SUPERFLY Curtis Mayfield
- Playlist du moment
- #1 THE BIG MACHINE émilie simon ( caca )
- #2 THE BITTER TEA Fiery Furnaces ( moins caca )
- #3 THE NAME OF THIS BAND IS TALKING HEADS ( pas caca du tout )
- #4 THE DREAMING Kate Bush ( antidote idéal au 1 )
» Oddie vous recommande :
![The Zephyrs [When The Sky Comes Down It Comes Down On Your Head]](images/artistes/thezephyrs/oeuvres/whentheskycomesdownitcomesdownonyourhead_1120665412807984.jpeg)
![Nits [Ting]](images/artistes/nits/oeuvres/ting_1142545996071789.jpeg)
![Iggy Pop [The Idiot]](images/artistes/iggypop/oeuvres/theidiot1118057815095678.gif)
![Talking Heads [Fear Of Music]](images/artistes/talkingheads/oeuvres/fearofmusic_1124461502423124.jpeg)
![Sonic Youth [Sister]](images/artistes/sonicyouth/oeuvres/sister1017443927879307.gif)

- The Birthday Party [Hee-Haw]
- Muse [Black Holes And Revelations]
- Nits [Omsk]
- Television [Adventure]
- Nits [Work]
- Nits [Ting]
- Nits [Tent]
- Nits [Giant Normal Dwarf]
- Blimey ! [Contradictory Nature & The Struggle Within]
- Talking Heads [Fear Of Music]
- Mineral [EndSerenading]
- The Hives [Veni Vidi Vicious]
- The Warlocks [Phoenix]
- Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]
- Saint Etienne [Good Humor]
- Morphine [Like Swimming]
- Talking Heads [Talking Heads: 77]
- The Zephyrs [When The Sky Comes Down It Comes Down On Your Head]
- The Bellrays [Let It Blast]
- Franz Ferdinand [Franz Ferdinand]
- The Modern Lovers [The Modern Lovers]
- The Kills [Keep On Your Mean Side]
- Iggy Pop [The Idiot]
- The Cure [Pornography]
- Sonic Youth [Sister]
- Madrugada [Industrial Silence]
- Iggy Pop [Lust For Life]
- Interpol [Antics]

- Soap And Skin [Paris 02/11/2009]
- Emily Loizeau [Paris 04/08/2006]
- Jack The Ripper [Paris 29/07/2006]
- Battles [Paris 23/07/2006]
- Art Brut [Paris 26/06/2006]
- Buzzcocks [Beauvais 13/05/2006]
- 54 Nude Honeys [Amiens 20/04/2006]
- Under Byen [Paris 18/04/2006]
- Nits [Paris 06/03/2006]
- The Polyphonic Spree [Saint-Malo 14/08/2005]
- Madrugada [Paris 16/05/2005]
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