Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Age : 38 ans |
» Haï vous recommande :
![Sixteen Horsepower [Sackcloth 'n' Ashes]](images/artistes/sixteenhorsepower/oeuvres/sackclothnashes1073336255205778.gif)
![Department Of Eagles [In Ear Park]](images/artistes/departmentofeagles/oeuvres/inearpark_1228822279183916.jpeg)
![Magma [Attahk]](images/artistes/magma/oeuvres/attahk_1171462727721138.jpeg)
![Radiohead [Kid A]](images/artistes/radiohead/oeuvres/kida1018302223988424.png)
![Dead Can Dance [Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun]](images/artistes/deadcandance/oeuvres/withintherealmofadyingsun1083100309004203.gif)

- Yann Tiersen [Dust Lane]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Alela Diane [To Be Still]
- Tindersticks [Falling Down A Mountain]
- The Xx [The XX]
- Sixteen Horsepower [Sackcloth 'n' Ashes]
- Department Of Eagles [In Ear Park]
- Captain Beefheart [Trout Mask Replica]
- The Blue Nile [Hats]
- Jack The Ripper [We Hear Voices! - The Fitzcarraldo Sessions]
- PJ Harvey [A Woman A Man Walked By]
- Grizzly Bear [Veckatimest]
- Graham Coxon [The Spinning Top]
- Matt Ward [Hold Time]
- Robert Wyatt [Old Rottenhat]
- Magma [Attahk]
- Patrick Watson [Close To Paradise]
- Dead Can Dance [Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun]
- Robert Wyatt [Rock Bottom]
- The Walkmen [You & Me]
- Black Mountain [In The Future]

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