Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 54 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Jacques Higelin ( no man 's land)
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Scritti politti (songs to remember)
- #2 Leonard cohen (songs from a room)
- #3 The cure ( seventeen seconds)
- #4 The allman brothers ( live at fillmore)
- #5 Jose feliciano ( feliciano ! )
» Jimbo vous recommande :
![Serge Gainsbourg [Histoire De Melody Nelson]](images/artistes/sergegainsbourg/oeuvres/histoiredemelodynelson_1186158769329548.jpeg)
![Lou Reed [Rock N Roll Animal]](images/artistes/loureed/oeuvres/rocknrollanimal_1131019939800052.jpeg)
![Serge Gainsbourg [L'Homme A Tête De Chou]](images/artistes/sergegainsbourg/oeuvres/lhommeatetedechou1102794329475934.gif)
![Depeche Mode [Violator]](images/artistes/depechemode/oeuvres/violator1095705055506078.gif)
![The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]](images/artistes/thecure/oeuvres/seventeenseconds1042460280498275.gif)

- David Bowie [Outside]
- Gravenhurst [Fires In Distant Buildings]
- Depeche Mode [Violator]
- Blur [Think Tank]
- Lou Reed [Rock N Roll Animal]
- The Human League [Dare!]
- Talking Heads [Remain In Light]
- David Bowie [Aladdin Sane]
- New Order [Technique]
- The Kills [Keep On Your Mean Side]
- Massive Attack [Blue Lines]
- The Modern Lovers [The Modern Lovers]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Vu De L'Extérieur]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Rock Around The Bunker]
- The Smiths [There Is A Light That Never Goes Out EP]
- The Libertines [The Libertines]
- Kings Of Leon [Youth And Young Manhood]
- The Rapture [Echoes]
- Benjamin Biolay [A L'origine]
- The Cure [Seventeen Seconds]
- Bloc Party [Silent Alarm]
- The Stone Roses [The Stone Roses]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness]
- The Velvet Underground [The Velvet Underground]
- Serge Gainsbourg [Histoire De Melody Nelson]
- Serge Gainsbourg [L'Homme A Tête De Chou]
- Patti Smith [Easter]
- The Velvet Underground [White Light / White Heat]
- Kraftwerk [The Man-Machine]
- The Feelies [Crazy Rhythms]
- Nirvana [MTV Unplugged In New-York]
- The Stooges [The Stooges]
- Marianne Faithfull [Broken English]
- Suicide [Suicide]
- Nick Drake [Five Leaves Left]
- Patti Smith [Horses]
- The Velvet Underground [The Velvet Underground & Nico]
- Miossec [Boire]
- The Strokes [Is This It]
- The Smiths [The Queen Is Dead]
- Nirvana [Nevermind]
- Lou Reed [Transformer]
- Lou Reed [Berlin]
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