Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 19 ans |
I love you too my Honey-Bonnie.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 SwineS : Cows "r" us EP
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Foo Fighters : the colour and the shape.
- #2 Minor Majority : Up for you and i
- #3 Division of Lauralee : Dasnot compute
- #4 Pedro the lion...
- #5 Snow Patrol : Final Straw
» Boom vous recommande :
![Jeff Buckley [Grace]](images/artistes/jeffbuckley/oeuvres/grace1071873440942433.gif)
![The (International) Noise Conspiracy [The First Conspiracy]](images/artistes/theinternationalnoiseconspiracy/oeuvres/thefirstconspiracy1071358611523963.gif)
![Neurosis [Live In Stockolm]](images/artistes/neurosis/oeuvres/liveinstockolm1065447415343760.gif)
![I Am Kloot [I Am Kloot]](images/artistes/iamkloot/oeuvres/iamkloot1066064889021499.gif)
![Crackout [This Is Really Neat]](images/artistes/crackout/oeuvres/thisisreallyneat1070056846676704.gif)

- EchoBrain [EchoBrain]
- Division Of Laura Lee [Das Not Compute]
- Jeff Buckley [Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk]
- The Flaming Lips [Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell]
- Samiam [Astray]
- The Shins [Chutes To Narrow]
- UNKLE [Psyence Fiction]
- Tue-Loup [La Bancale]
- Man Or Astroman ? [1000X]
- Dionysos [Haïku]
- The Get Up Kids [Eudora]
- Helmet [Betty]
- New Order [Get Ready]
- The Electric Soft Parade [Holes In The Wall]
- Blur [13]
- The Get Up Kids [Something To Write Home About]
- The Jazz Butcher [Condition Blue]
- Jeff Buckley [Grace]
- The Wannadies [Before And After]
- The (International) Noise Conspiracy [The First Conspiracy]
- Mogwai [Happy Songs For Happy People]
- Les Thugs [Radical Hystery]
- Mickey 3D [Tu Vas Pas Mourir De Rire]
- Crackout [This Is Really Neat]
- Blur [The Best Of]
- Grant Lee Buffalo [Jubilee]
- Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]
- Botnledja [Douglas Dakota]
- Swell [For All The Beautiful People]
- I Am Kloot [I Am Kloot]
- Mudhoney [Since We've Become Translucent]
- Grant Lee Buffalo [Mighty Joe Moon]
- Grant Lee Buffalo [Fuzzy]
- At The Drive-In [Relationship Of Command]
- Neurosis [Live In Stockolm]
- Silverchair [Diorama]
- Silverchair [Frogstomp]
- Silverchair [Neon Ballroom]
- The Presidents Of The United States Of America [The President Of The United States Of America]
- Sweatmaster [Sharp Cut]
- Garbage [Version 2.0]
En ligne
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