Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Age : 30 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 The Obsessed - Lunar Womb
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Corrosion of Conformity - in the Arms of God
- #2 Failure - Fantastic Planet
- #3 Suplecs - Powtin' on the outside Pawty on the inside
- #4 Neurosis - Enemy of the Sun
- #5 The Melvins - Houdini
» Chad vous recommande :
![Acrimony [Tumuli Shroomaroom]](images/artistes/acrimony/oeuvres/tumulishroomaroom_1285916893613228.jpeg)
![Saint Vitus [Born Too Late]](images/artistes/saintvitus/oeuvres/borntoolate_1285574224686467.jpeg)
![Mark Lanegan [Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood - Black Pudding]](images/artistes/marklanegan/oeuvres/marklanegandukegarwoodblackpudding_1374376860077520.jpeg)
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![Them Crooked Vultures [Them Crooked Vultures]](images/artistes/themcrookedvultures/oeuvres/themcrookedvultures_1262991392935333.jpeg)

- Monster Magnet [Last Patrol]
- Mark Lanegan [Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood - Black Pudding]
- Elder [Dead Roots Stirring]
- Saint Vitus [Thirsty And Miserable EP]
- Saint Vitus [Born Too Late]
- Acrimony [Tumuli Shroomaroom]
- Karma To Burn [Appalachian Incantations]
- Them Crooked Vultures [Them Crooked Vultures]
- Shrinebuilder [Shrinebuilder]
- Orange Goblin [The Big Black]
- Suplecs [Powtin' On The Outside, Pawty On The Inside]
- Electric Wizard [Come My Fanatics...]
- The Atomic Bitchwax [Tab 4]
- Spiritual Beggars [Another Way To Shine]
- Nebula [Heavy Psych]
- Electric Wizard [We Live]
- Electric Wizard [Let Us Prey]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Era Vulgaris]
- Electric Wizard [Dopethrone]
- Monster Magnet [Dopes To Infinity]
- Kyuss [Blues For The Red Sun]
En ligne
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