Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 21 ans |
Bon, ben euh pfou...
Comment dire...
C'est que...
Merde, j'sais pû...
Aaaaah, c trop chiant de plus se rappeller...
Merde, c'était au sujet de... Non...
Aah... Grrrr... Hmmm...
Ah, tiens, si, je me souviens:
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Baïkonour [For The Lonely Hearts Of The Cosmos]
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Amon Tobin [Supermodified]
- #2 Don't Look Back [Brighter]
- #3 Kinski [Alpine Static]
- #4 Electrelane [Rock It To The Moon]
- #5 The Warlocks [Phoenix]
» Lupus vous recommande :
![Death In Vegas [The Contino Sessions]](images/artistes/deathinvegas/oeuvres/thecontinosessions1017857509198790.gif)
![The Dandy Warhols [...The Dandy Warhols Come Down]](images/artistes/thedandywarhols/oeuvres/thedandywarholscomedown1081960975983667.gif)
![Spiritualized [Let It Come Down]](images/artistes/spiritualized/oeuvres/letitcomedown_1128811468802192.jpeg)
![Doves [The Last Broadcast]](images/artistes/doves/oeuvres/thelastbroadcast1105983620478985.gif)
![The Dandy Warhols [Welcome To The Monkey House]](images/artistes/thedandyswarhols/oeuvres/welcometothemonkeyhouse1074726865514321.gif)

- Lars Horntveth [Pooka]
- Bathyscaphe [-11 034m]
- The Dandy Warhols [Odditorium Or Warlords Of Mars]
- Spiritualized [Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space]
- Spiritualized [Let It Come Down]
- Doves [Some Cities]
- Doves [The Last Broadcast]
- Doves [Lost Souls]
- Death In Vegas [Satan's Circus]
- Death In Vegas [Scorpio Rising]
- Death In Vegas [The Contino Sessions]
- Death In Vegas [Dead Elvis]
- Acid Mothers Temple [Mantra Of Love]
- The Dandy Warhols [Welcome To The Monkey House]
- The Dandy Warhols [Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia]
- The Dandy Warhols [...The Dandy Warhols Come Down]
- The Dandy Warhols [Dandys Rule OK ?]

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