Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 25 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Mad Season - Above
- Playlist du moment
- #1 NIN - The Downard Spiral
- #2 Pearl Jam - Dissident E.P.
- #3 Live - Secret Samadhi
- #4 Minotaur Shock - Amateur
- #5 The Beatles - Revolver
» Zorneye vous recommande :
![Coldplay [Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends]](images/artistes/coldplay/oeuvres/vivalavidaordeathandallhisfriends_1213616819853721.jpeg)
![Radiohead [In Rainbows]](images/artistes/radiohead/oeuvres/inrainbows_1192089318907296.jpeg)
![Arctic Monkeys [Humbug]](images/artistes/arcticmonkeys/oeuvres/humbug_1251959281656285.jpeg)
![The Guillemots [Red]](images/artistes/theguillemots/oeuvres/red_1207647857720086.jpeg)

- Arcane Roots [Left Fire]
- John Frusciante [PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone]
- John Frusciante [Letur-Lefr]
- Foo Fighters [Medium Rare]
- Foo Fighters [Wasting Light]
- Arctic Monkeys [Humbug]
- Marmaduke Duke [Duke Pandemonium]
- Little Joy [Little Joy]
- Panic! At The Disco [Pretty Odd]
- Coldplay [Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends]
- The Guillemots [Red]
- Radiohead [In Rainbows]
En ligne
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