Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Inscrit depuis : le lundi 04 avril 2005 |
"J'aime bien mes goûts... J'ai de la chance, quand on y pense."
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 PEARL JAM - Back Spacer
- Playlist du moment
- #1 PHOENIX - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
- #3 JULIAN PLENTI - Is... Skyscraper
- #4 WARP - Blech 2: Blechsdöttir
- #5 NIN - The Fragile
» X_Bassetian vous recommande :
![The Charlatans [Between 10th And 11th]](images/artistes/thecharlatans/oeuvres/between10thand11th_1131144648954426.jpeg)
![Röyksopp [Melody A.M.]](images/artistes/ryksopp/oeuvres/melodyam1114541084976250.gif)
![Art Brut [Bang Bang Rock & Roll]](images/artistes/artbrut/oeuvres/bangbangrockroll_1123705177887244.jpeg)
![Jimi Tenor [Organism]](images/artistes/jimitenor/oeuvres/organism_1134674085982573.jpeg)
![LFO [Sheath]](images/artistes/lfo/oeuvres/sheath1113996161274369.gif)

- Gruff Rhys [Yr Atal Genhedlaeth]
- Gomez [How We Operate]
- Ratatat [Classics]
- Hot Chip [The Warning]
- Nightmares On Wax [In A Space Outta Sound]
- DJ Shadow [The Outsider]
- Soldout [Dead Tapes]
- Art Brut [Bang Bang Rock & Roll]
- David Bowie [Live EP At Fashion Rocks]
- The Arcade Fire [Live EP At Fashion Rocks]
- Jimi Tenor [Out Of Nowhere]
- Jimi Tenor [Organism]
- Simian [Chemistry Is What We Are]
- Flexa Lyndo [Slow Club]
- The Charlatans [Between 10th And 11th]
- Simian [We Are Your Friends]
- Soulwax [Nite Versions]
- Röyksopp [The Understanding]
- Calexico [Hot Rail]
- Tahiti 80 [Puzzle]
- Fischerspooner [Odyssey]
- Mogwai [Rock Action]
- The Thrills [So Much For The City]
- Coldplay [X&Y]
- Zoot Woman [Zoot Woman]
- Calc [Any Downs At All]
- Zoot Woman [Living In A Magazine]
- Broadcast [Haha Sound]
- Air [City Reading]
- Soulwax [Leave The Story Untold]
- Röyksopp [Melody A.M.]
- Tricky [Vulnerable]
- LFO [Sheath]
- Death In Vegas [Scorpio Rising]
- Rubin Steiner [Drum Major !]
- Boards Of Canada [Geogaddi]
- Plaid [Spokes]
- Sigur Rós [( )]
- Pizzicato Five [Playboy & Playgirl]
- Hollywood Porn Stars [Year Of The Tiger]
En ligne
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