Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Inscrit depuis : le mercredi 28 avril 2004 |
» Ptitjoji vous recommande :
![Tool [Lateralus]](images/artistes/tool/oeuvres/lateralus1097690785802531.gif)
![Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]](images/artistes/sonicyouth/oeuvres/daydreamnation_1183394167245126.jpeg)
![Faith No More [Album Of The Year]](images/artistes/faithnomore/oeuvres/albumoftheyear_1166537082110715.jpeg)
![Filter [Title Of Record]](images/artistes/filter/oeuvres/titleofrecord1098099328231969.gif)
![Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]](images/artistes/queensofthestoneage/oeuvres/songsforthedeaf_1185557026417903.jpeg)

- Nine Black Alps [Everything Is]
- Fiona Apple [Tidal]
- Alkaline Trio [Crimson]
- The Subways [Young For Eternity]
- Hushpuppies [The Trap]
- Sonic Youth [Daydream Nation]
- Fugazi [13 Songs]
- Glassjaw [Worship And Tribute]
- Rage Against The Machine [Evil Empire]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]
- Serafin [No Push Collide]
- The Strokes [Is This It]
- Turbonegro [Party Animals]
- Bad Religion [Generator]
- The Arcade Fire [Funeral]
- Hell Is For Heroes [The Neon Handshake]
- The Datsuns [Outta Sight / Outta Mind]
- The Used [In Love And Death]
- Fugazi [The Argument]
- Tool [Aenima]
- Filter [Title Of Record]
- Faith No More [Album Of The Year]
- The Electric Soft Parade [Holes In The Wall]
- The Datsuns [The Datsuns]
- Syd Matters [A Whisper And A Sigh]
- Badly Drawn Boy [The Hour Of Bewilderbeast]
- Hot Hot Heat [Make Up The Breakdown]
- Yann Tiersen [Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain]
- Tool [Lateralus]
- Nirvana [Nevermind]
- Soulwax [Any Minute Now]
- Pixies [Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim]
- The Servant [The Servant]
- Pixies [Doolittle]
- The Used [The Used]
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