Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 23 ans |
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Driving south-The Stone Roses
- #2 She's like heroin to me- Gun CLub
- #3 Crackerman- Stone Temple Pilot
- #4 This ain't no Picnic- The Minutemen
- #5 Happiness-Elliott Smith
» Easton ellis vous recommande :
![The Replacements [Let It Be]](images/artistes/thereplacements/oeuvres/letitbe_1185552576391372.jpeg)
![Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]](images/artistes/aliceinchains/oeuvres/unplugged1089049431730451.gif)
![The Minutemen [Double Nickels On The Dime]](images/artistes/theminutemen/oeuvres/doublenickelsonthedime_1169657254207728.jpeg)
![Mad Season [Above]](images/artistes/madseason/oeuvres/above1094815572658388.gif)
![Stone Temple Pilots [Purple]](images/artistes/stonetemplepilots/oeuvres/purple_1373902138641153.jpeg)

- Curse Ov Dialect [Wooden Tongues]
- Lou Reed [Berlin]
- Iggy Pop [Zombie Birdhouse]
- Morphine [Cure For Pain]
- Dinosaur Jr [Where You Been]
- The God Machine [One Last Laugh In A Place Of Dying]
- Alice In Chains [MTV Unplugged]
- The Replacements [Let It Be]
- The God Machine [Scenes From The Second Storey]
- The Replacements [Tim]
- Mad Season [Above]
- Stone Temple Pilots [Purple]
- Astronautalis [Pomegranate]
- Stone Temple Pilots [Core]
- The Minutemen [Double Nickels On The Dime]
- Elliott Smith [Figure 8]
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