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![Wilco [Summerteeth]](images/artistes/wilco/oeuvres/summerteeth_1132160530743978.jpeg)
![Primus [Sailing The Seas Of Cheese]](images/artistes/primus/oeuvres/sealingtheseasofcheese1100703077926727.gif)
![Rage Against The Machine [The Battle Of Los Angeles]](images/artistes/rageagainstthemachine/oeuvres/thebattleoflosangeles1108673232837784.gif)
![Rage Against The Machine [Evil Empire]](images/artistes/rageagainstthemachine/oeuvres/evilempire_1123246949822148.jpeg)
![Modest Mouse [Good News For People Who Love Bad News]](images/artistes/modestmouse/oeuvres/goodnewsforpeoplewholovebadnews1098876238167948.gif)

- Minus Story [No Rest For Ghosts]
- Wilco [Summerteeth]
- Primus [Brown Album]
- Rage Against The Machine [The Battle Of Los Angeles]
- Rage Against The Machine [Evil Empire]
- Rage Against The Machine [Rage Against The Machine]
- The Notwist [Neon Golden]
- Primus [Pork Soda]
- The White Stripes [Get Behind Me Satan]
- The Hives [Tyrannosaurus Hives]
- Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Yanqui U.X.O]
- Sigur Rós [( )]
- Primus [Sailing The Seas Of Cheese]
- Franz Ferdinand [Franz Ferdinand]
- Modest Mouse [Good News For People Who Love Bad News]
- Wilco [A Ghost Is Born]

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